Your Bio – Why it’s Important!

I cannot begin to tell you how many of my apps want me to update my profile, especially the “about me” blocks.  This includes everything from LinkedIn and other social media accounts to email marketing services and meeting schedulers.  I am sure that you have had the same experience.  They believe a bio is important to attract followers and build one’s reputation.  And they are right!  Fortunately, as I am a big believer in the value of a good bio, these requests are simple ‘cut and paste’ activities.

I recommend that you have a complete and current bio.  It is a useful networking tool. As you know, networking is the key to building your career.  Whether you are in job search, trying to gain more customers, or building your brand, networking is how it’s done.  I recommend having a bio because it is more likely to be read than a resume.  Whereas resumes are scanned, at best, bios are read because they tell a story, especially if your story is interesting.  Throughout history and across cultures, storytelling has been a treasured, universal concept.  People like stories. We all like to read stories. A bio is perfectly suited to tell your story. It’s hard to argue with the concept. That is why I am an enthusiastic supporter.  I often speak to the importance of telling your story, whether networking or in job search.

You still need a resume; however, a bio is more likely to generate interest with a prospective employer. A bio is less threatening from a networking perspective.  Whereas handing someone your resume screams “I am looking for a job,” a bio is more subtle.  It says, “Hey, I want you to know about me in the event you learn of an opportunity that is appropriate for me.”  A bio is a better vehicle to help you build a relationship with the reader.

How to write an interesting bio:

    1. Begin with your overview – your positioning statement
    2. Write in the third person
    3. Make it personal – more than just about your career
    4. Talk about your accomplishments, training, and key learnings
    5. Keep it interesting – use active voice, mix up sentence structure, use short paragraphs
    6. Write it like a short story – what is the theme of your career?
    7. Two pages or less
    8. Include a photo.

Early in my career, I learned that the secret to an effective presentation is to tell them what you are going to tell them, tell them, and then tell them what you told them.  In other words, begin with an overview of the message, provide the message in detail, and then summarize the message.  So, begin your bio with an overview of your career.  My preference is a three-sentence personal positioning statement.  (Review last week’s blog post). The first is about what you do, who you do it for, and how do you do it.  Secondly, speak to the towering strength you bring to the table.  Finally, speak to your value system, leadership style, and the way you conduct your work.  This provides the reader with an inventory of attributes that formed the foundation for your career.

The body of a bio chronicles your work history starting at the beginning of your career then moving forward.  Some people have bios that begin before their formal career as their experiences while maturing created a foundation for their career.  This is always useful information if it is relevant.

The body of a bio provides an opportunity to talk about significant accomplishments, skills learned, and reasons for job changes.  It can also explain breaks in employment for personal or developmental reasons.  Be sure that every paragraph supports the first paragraph, your positioning statement.  The body of your bio provides depth and explains how you acquired your skills and experience.

The final paragraph can be entirely personal.  Lead with your education and awards, certifications, publications, etc.  Talk a little about your family, where you live, and any hobbies or interests that may be compelling.  If you are involved in community service or charitable work, include those interests as well.  Remember, use a conversational tone with an active voice. Alternate between short and compound sentences. Use short paragraphs.  Minimize the use of buzzwords and business jargon.  Above all, make it an interesting read.

The point of any career document is to be invited for an interview.   You want the reader to become interested enough to learn more about you.  A bio is an excellent tool to begin a discussion.  Create several versions, each emphasizing a different primary skill stack.

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Jim Weber – Managing Partner,  ITB Partners

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Position Yourself for Success!

In the past five days, I have had two conversations with job seekers.   Both are Gen Xers, currently under-employed. One is working for a not-for-profit, the other for a conservatively managed packaging company.  They have some job satisfaction, but their scope, salaries, and sense of accomplishment are below their expectations. Both seek positions that are more appropriate to their capabilities, experience, and aspirations.  They want to be fully engaged and productive.  Denise is frustrated as she has had several viable opportunities slip through her fingers. She doesn’t understand why but realizes that she may need professional help.   John is just getting started on his job search.  His career is still on the upswing, so he is looking for greater responsibility.  I agreed to look at their resumes and to offer my thoughts.

Many Baby Boomers and Gen Xers have difficulty reconnecting in this job market.  It is not just because we are recovering from a pandemic induced recession, which has created issues for many service sector companies.  These companies are coming back, albeit slowly.  They are reluctant to add full-time equivalents until they have confidence in their financial situation. Of course, many companies did not survive the lock-down.  Those jobs are gone.  It is a confusing time for healthy companies too.  They are adjusting their strategies, looking for better ways to be competitive and grow revenue. As the economy recovers, their strategy is to identify and pursue new opportunities.  This is exactly the mindset required for job seekers.

Because some job seekers lack a clear sense of direction, they come to me for help.  From my perspective, they do not appreciate the opportunities being created in this economy.  They have difficulty prioritizing the value of their skills.  They don’t understand their Unique Selling Proposition.  They have difficulty creating positioning strategies of interest to employers. They do not have an effective elevator pitch.   And, they have difficulty connecting with younger professionals.  Savvy professionals, they are struggling through “the fog of war.”

The other side of the equation reflects the needs of prospective employers.  Most employment opportunities are with Small to Mid-Cap and emerging Companies.  Many of these are owned by Private Equity Groups.  They need employees who can help them grow.  They need leaders, project managers, program managers, and portfolio managers.  They need employees who can innovate and help them identify new lines of business.

Job Seekers need to think strategically to conduct a successful search.  They need to begin with the fundamentals, analysis.  A viable strategy begins with a SWOT Analysis.  SWOT is the acronym for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats underlying the planning process.  If you understand this process, you can determine where your strengths align with opportunities in the market. You will understand how to nullify your weaknesses and mitigate threats.  How you deploy your efforts and resources to capitalize on opportunities is your strategy.    Putting these components together to realize your goal is your plan.  If you don’t have the skills to do a strategic analysis of your situation, seek professional help.

When your strategy is established you must craft a clear, concise way to communicate your objective, your positioning statement.  A positioning statement answers three questions.  Who are you?  What do you do?  And how do you conduct your work?  More recently a fourth question has been added; why?  This last question gets to the heart of your value system.

Your Positioning Statement is also known as your Elevator Pitch.  You will use this in person, while networking, and in your written correspondence.  It should be the lead on your LinkedIn Profile, resume, and bio.  It is your Brand Message.  Your Unique Selling Proposition is the “how,” of what you do.  This statement must be easily understood, unique, and memorable.

Baby boomers and Gen Xers have a vast amount of experience managing teams, projects, and programs.  This is a huge advantage that many fail to recognize.  They know how to get things done because they have solid interpersonal skills.  Their leadership abilities set them apart from younger employees.  They need to take stock of their strengths, skills, and experience to understand how and where they are needed by the market.

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Jim Weber – Managing Partner,  ITB Partners

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The DDC Systematic Approach – Part 4 – Succession Planning

All organizations can benefit from a robust Succession Planning process.  Larger organizations often use sophisticated software solutions to administer the process which is often way too much for smaller businesses.  Think SalesForce which I have found in several smaller organizations as their CRM and are not used due to their complexity.  Like CRM’s, there are technology solutions for Succession Planning that fit the size of your company and have a much higher engagement level of use.  While the administrative part of Succession Planning is important, identifying the desired “outcomes and impact” on the organization with Succession Planning needs to be clearly established along with a high commitment level from the ELT (Executive Leadership Team).  Taking this step is a critical part of the equation.

Let us look at an example of a desired “outcome” of this process.  An effective Succession Planning process should identify current and future gaps in organizational staffing and depth.  Please remember from my previous Blogs, the D & I (Diversity and Inclusion) strategic approach is to bring an effective D & I lens to every aspect of the organization.  Unfortunately, I often witness Succession Planning processes where desired outcomes and impact are not clearly defined and absolutely zero discussion on the demographic make-up of each business unit’s staffing levels.  At best, company-wide demographic statistics may be available at the entire company level, but there is little to no understanding of how each business unit is doing.  It becomes very easy to say: “We’ve improved representation of some under-represented groups“ and leave the session feeling progress (the Outcome) has been made.

As mentioned, a proactive and robust discussion on desired “Outcomes and Impact” will set the tone for ELT (Executive Leadership Team) preparation, expectations, and execution of the Succession Planning process.  Often, it takes time for the ELT to get this critical process right, but a strong partnership of your HR and D & I leads should help you optimized this process.  I recommend that your HR lead drive the Succession Planning approach with your CDO (Chief Diversity Officer) bringing the D & I lens to the process.

Now that we’ve examined one example of the desired outcome of the organization’s Succession Planning process, what’s the potential “impact.”  Once gaps are established by business units and by position, the ELT member and their HR support have a much clearer understanding of the tactical step(s) to take to remedy the issue(s).  Effective and focused action plans can be established i.e. targeted recruiting approaches (External) along with an improved focus on Mentorship and Sponsorship programs (Internal).

My next blog will explore the difference between Mentors and Sponsors and how they can become a strategic differentiator for the company.  But for now, building a diverse pipeline of talent will enhance the future success of the organization.  However, leadership, commitment, and execution by the ELT will provide the ultimate impact by creating a diverse and inclusive organization.  Optimized results will follow.

David Daniels, Daniels Consulting

David Daniels, Daniels Consulting

Dave Daniels is an accomplished Senior Business and Human Resource executive with a proven track record of developing, implementing, and delivering upon both short and long-term results.  He has held management and executive-level positions with companies large and small throughout the United States. Dave has managed his career in a way that provides him with an exceptional breadth of experience and capacity to contribute to improving brand and financial results for his employer in every capacity he has served.


Thank you for visiting our blog!

Jim Weber – Managing Partner,  ITB Partners

Jim Weber – Managing Partner, ITB Partners

I hope you enjoyed our point of view and would like to receive regular posts directly to your email inbox.  Toward this end, put your contact information on my mailing list.

Your feedback helps me continue to publish articles that you want to read.  Your input is very important to me so; please leave a comment.


ITB Partners December 18 Meeting via ZOOM, Featuring Mark Fonseca

Mark Fonseca Will Present Uncovering Revenue Risk

Pragmetirx Group
Mark Fonseca

Mark Fonseca has over 20 years of experience in consultative sales, sales management, and client relations. As a top producer at Lanier Business Products, he sold document management solutions to a range of businesses and was prolific at establishing long term relationships.
Mark consults one on one with the most successful CEOs and Executives in Atlanta and has interviewed thousands of Executives and Business Professionals. He has experience in Sales, Sales Management, and Sales Training Best Practices. Currently, Mark is the owner of his own private men’s custom clothing and executive image consulting business. He has developed strong business relationships with heads of state, CEOs, top-level executives, and successful entrepreneurs, through one-to-one consulting and exceptional customer service.

As a Partner in Pragmetrix, Mark is responsible for Client Relations, Business Development, and conducting interviews within the Pragmetrix Customer Loyalty Assessment process.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 988 485 706

Passcode: 002770

Great Careers – The BENG Atlanta Chapter December ZOOM Meeting

Jim Weber will present:

Improve Your Writing Skills; Shorten Your Job Search!

Jim Weber – Managing Partner, ITB Partners

Jim Weber will show you how to avoid writing mistakes that sabotage your job search.  Learn how to craft a resume that makes an impact, write a cover letter that positions you as a savvy professional, and create an interesting bio people will read.  Additionally, Jim will discuss how blogging shortens your search time.

Prior to forming New Century Dynamics Executive Search in 1999, Jim Weber spent 22 years with Fortune 500 companies in the Food Retailing Industry where he developed a broad-based portfolio of “hands-on” line and staff experience in growth and turnaround situations. A proven executive with exceptional leadership skills, Jim has a strong financial background and heavy operations experience in specialty retail stores, quick-service restaurants, manufacturing, and distribution.



The Atlanta chapter of Great Careers – The Business Executives Networking Group (BENG) is a multidiscipline, independent group of job seekers, those currently employed and business networkers, who are willing to help others. Current membership includes mid to senior-level executives with over ten (10) years of business experience. Past attendees have come from financial management, information technology, legal, manufacturing, engineering, transportation, logistics, distribution, and general management industries. We actively seek new members from all disciplines.

Email to reserve your place!

Is Your Job Search Strategy Working?

Without a doubt, 2020 will be unforgettable.  To say, “it was the year that everything changed,” maybe an overstatement, but not by much.  However, it is safe to say the pace of change accelerated in 2020.  You know exactly what I am talking about.  There is no need to recap experiences that are still fresh in your mind.

One unfortunate effect of the Covid-19 Pandemic mitigation efforts has been an increase in unemployment, especially for Senior Executives.  My clients and the people I work with.  Even as the economy recovers, many industry segments struggle to find and maintain a defensible niche.  This has led to terminations as employers adjust to remain profitable.

ITB Partners has not been spared by the events of 2020.  The lock-down resulted in a loss of business for many of our consultants.   Demand for Executive Search has plummeted, although my coaching business is up.  One consulting client has kept me particularly busy.  More recently, the demand for our services has increased, often in unexpected ways.  Our consultants recognize the need, to maintain contact with their clients and prospects, to stay connected.  Overall, the membership at ITB Partners has remained stable.  People still need our services.

My work is focused on helping senior executives, mostly Baby-boomers.  They need help in finding their next job or a new career path.  They seek counsel to understand their options in the 21st Century, the New Normal.  For these people, the next situation will be entrepreneurial; with emerging companies and established mid-caps.  Likely, their next employer will be a portfolio company owned by a Private Equity Group.  Some have a better grasp on the situation than others, but most have difficulty understanding the digital economy and working with Millennials.  They want to be relevant and contribute. They have the skills to be successful in this environment but do not know it.  The irony is their greatest strength is lacking most in the culture, interpersonal skills.  They need professional help to navigate this environment.

A Career Coach can quickly assess and validate their clients.   The process of validating a candidate is designed to determine if their experiences and skills are supportive of an employer’s company life cycle position, their product line or services, and their company culture. It is a skill I learned in Industry, then honed over 22 years conducting searches.  Leadership is the fundamental skill set employers seek in a Senior Executive.  It is the starting point of the evaluation process.

Begin with the Fundamentals

    • Straightforward concise communications
    • Strategic problem-solving skills, ability to prioritize at a high-level.
    • Leadership skills: vision, alignment, motivation, and accountability
    • Appreciation for culture, values, norms, tradition
    • Situation awareness: matching strategy with life cycle position
    • Integrity: models ethical behavior – their strength of character

My good friend and ITB Partners co-founder, Stan Stout uses a five-point model he calls The Five Cs.

Stan’s 5-C Model

    • Competency
    • Character
    • Culture
    • Changeability (adaptability)
    • Cultivator
    • Communications.

Using these criteria, candidates are probed for the experience that demonstrates competency as a leader in their field.

Understand Your Relevant Skills

Secondly, career coaches identify the candidate’s unique selling proposition, (USP).  The USP are the skills and attributes that make one ‘stand out’ among the competition.  They identify the theme of the person’s career story and determine how to present it most effectively. It provides focus and direction for one’s search.  It is the candidate’s job search strategy.

Effective Communication is Required

Finally, career professionals help their clients communicate their relevance through the various media in play, resume, biography, intro letters, LinkedIn profile, etc. Their clients have good overall communication skills but find it difficult to present themselves. I was surprised to learn that this is common even among the best sales and marketing professionals.  They can sell another’s product but not themselves.  A career professional will help them craft and communicate an effective message.

The result of this approach is the clients find the best situation in the least amount of time.

It is said that a man who represents himself as his own attorney in a court of law has a fool for a client.  I must agree!  There are times when we need the expertise of others.  We cannot possess all the skills necessary to handle every situation.  A different perspective can be valuable.  Hiring a professional career coach can be a good investment, especially in this uncertain environment.


Thank you for visiting our blog.


Jim Weber – Managing Partner,  ITB Partners

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Holiday Networking Tips

It is Prime Time! The end of 2022 is upon us, and the celebration is beginning. You may be attending a lot of parties and networking events. In keeping with the season, it makes sense to offer some advice and guidance to ensure you have a productive month.

The Holiday Season is all about bringing people together. It is a time of celebration, reflection, and anticipation for the New Year. It’s a time for networking groups to schedule events to close the year. This month, you can meet people you want to add to your business network or social circle. These events are target-rich environments to identify and connect with influencers. Although each event will have a specific focus, you can exercise some leverage. In other words, social events can generate proper job-search connections, while professional networking events may result in social opportunities.

As you contemplate your calendar for December, begin with a plan. Determine what you want to accomplish this month. If you are between situations or looking to move, you may be looking for people to help you locate your next job. In this case, you should try to attend as many events as possible. Of course, you will necessarily want to prioritize your time for friends and family. Religious activities are an essential consideration. If there is a conflict, all things being equal, opt for the event that best supports your objectives for the month. In some cases, you may be able to attend multiple events, dividing your time between them on the same day.

Set a goal for each party! Begin with the guest list. Who do you want to meet? Plan to meet specific people who may be helpful. Learn who will attend each event and determine who you want to meet. Researching guests is a lot easier today, as more and more event planners are using online applications to manage attendance. Those applications will notify you as others accept the invitation, so you will know who plans to attend. Then, you can cross-reference individuals to their LinkedIn profiles.

Time is short. Be strategic! The objective is to meet influential people, gain their interest, and schedule a follow-on meeting. Make a good impression, so they will want to help you. Leverage your friends, family, and acquaintances to help identify these influencers. Ensure your elevator pitch and appropriate variations are well-honed and committed to memory. Bring business cards to distribute. Make notes on the back of each card you receive to send a personalized message. Remember, ask to schedule a meeting. Additionally, become connected to these folks on LinkedIn. Everyone is a potential lead to a job, so introduce yourself to someone new.

Stay focused on your objective. Your approach will differ depending on whether the event is business-related networking or more of a social event. If the event is for business networking, stay focused on business. If the event is a social gathering, be sociable. As you get to know the other party, there is nothing wrong with learning about their occupation, whether in a social setting or their interests, if at a networking event. Begin with casual conversation. Ask questions, including advice. Listen with interest. Stay away from religion, politics, or other potentially sensitive issues, unless you are talking with like-minded friends or associates

Here are some parting thoughts. Maintain a friendly, positive attitude and smile. You will attract more interesting people. Dress appropriately. You don’t want to stand out negatively. Eventually, most people will migrate in your direction. Don’t overindulge in food or alcohol. Remember to thank the host before leaving, and later, send a thank you note. Enjoy yourself; the Holiday Season can be a lot of fun!

Thank you for visiting my blog.  I hope you enjoyed my point of view and would like to receive regular posts directly to your email inbox. Toward this end, put your contact information on my mailing list.

Your feedback helps me continue to publish articles that you want to read. Your input is important to me, so; please leave a comment.

Jim Weber, Managing Partner