Marketing Research is Simple… But Not Easy!

Marketing Research is Not Easy!

Figure 1Marketing Research is Simple…

As a marketing researcher for over 30 years, I would like to think that I’ve learned a few things.  So, I am going to dedicate my blogs to areas where I’ve had the benefit of experience, to share some of that experience with you.

For the first blog in the series, I thought I would write about a basic conundrum of the marketing research profession: what constitutes “good” marketing research.

First, what is the purpose of Marketing Research? The purpose can be summed up as gathering data and information from the marketplace, from consumers and/or customers about a problem or an issue facing an organization that provides insights to help make better decisions.

To accomplish this, you only need to do 3 things:

    • Ask the “Right” Questions…
    • Of the “Right” People…
    • At the “Right” Time.

Simple, right?

Well, perhaps simple, but not easy.

As my colleagues understand, meeting each of these three criteria can be a difficult challenge. Especially, in today’s high-tech, rapidly moving, “need-an-answer-now” environment, everyone is looking for shortcuts.  Many businesspeople believe marketing research is so easy that just about anyone can do it.  They believe that all you need is to:

    • Ask Questions…
    • Of People…
    • Whenever.

The keyword missing in the above shortcut scenario is “RIGHT”; meaning correct, relevant, valid, and effective.

Additionally, all three components must be present and work together, to result in effective research.  You cannot ask the “Right” questions of the “Wrong” people or ask the “Wrong” questions of the “Right” people and expect the get actionable insights to make better decisions.  And if the timing isn’t “Right”, if you are not able to provide the insights when they are needed, then your research is worthless.

Let’s take a simple hypothetical case.  Assume that your company provides a consumer service, and the company is experiencing a high degree of churn, i.e., customers dropping your service for the competition.  The “Right” questions would include measures such as overall satisfaction, satisfaction with key attributes, likelihood to renew a subscription, reasons for switching, etc.  However, if you ask these questions only of your current customers, you will only tell half of the story.  The “Right” people are your current customers AND the people who have recently become ex-customers.  Questioning only your current customers will provide a picture of those who are loyal and will not identify all the issues leading to churn.  Recently lost customers provide the contrasting information that will generate the actionable insights needed to address the problem.

Conversely, if you select a valid sample of current and recently churned customers, but ask irrelevant or biased questions, your results will lead to invalid conclusions.  For example, if all competitors require a service contract, asking questions about whether a service contract is a problem, is at least a waste of time and could lead to misinterpretations.  Also, if you ask biased questions, such as “How excellent was your experience with our customer service team”, your results can be positively skewed and could conceal real problems.

Finally, the timing must be “Right”.  With every day that goes by, your company’s churn problem continues.  If it takes three months to complete the research, it may be too late.   Though you don’t want to take shortcuts in your research, you must plan and execute as quickly and as efficiently as possible to provide the insights necessary to resolve their problems in a timely manner.

I’ll address each of these three components of “good” research in greater detail in future blogs, with examples and case studies.  For now, keep in mind that there are no shortcuts to “good” research; Ask the “Right” Questions, of the “Right” People, at the “Right” Time.


Carl Fusco

Carl Fusco is a Marketing Research and Consulting Executive skilled at directing the application of research techniques and insights to solve problems and support data-based business decisions. Over his 35-year career, Carl has built a reputation for quality, integrity, and creativity by establishing trust, credibility, and acceptance with clients and associates. He has built a proven track record of success in organizational management and leadership, research design and implementation, and analytic rigor and impact.

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Jim Weber, Managing Partner – ITB Partners

Jim Weber – Managing Partner,  ITB Partners

I hope you enjoyed our point of view and would like to receive regular posts directly to your email inbox.  Toward this end, put your contact information on my mailing list.

Your feedback helps me continue to publish articles that you want to read.  Your input is very important to me so; please leave a comment.


Reading – Stephen H. Dawson, DSL

“A capacity, and taste, for reading gives access to whatever has already been discovered by others.” Abraham Lincoln

Dr. Stephen H Dawson

I do not know why the Steven Spielberg film skipped over the assassination event of Abraham Lincoln. I am not a huge fan of Daniel Day-Lewis’s work, nor do I have anything against him. I believe Day-Lewis portrayed Lincoln with excellence. Lincoln shared in this film he studied the work of Euclid in his Elements writings. I think, but I do not know, that both Spielberg and Day-Lewis were attempting to make the point that understanding their work required the audience to do some supporting reading on their own to grasp the magnitude of the story presented in the film. This postulate of mine brings me to the topic for our time together this week. Specifically, making good on my commitment to you to discuss how diversity, inclusion, and what Chesterton talked about with the human species will help you get out of the circumstances hindering your strategic planning work.

I shared last week about the need to look should one want to see. I looked over some of Euclid’s Elements recently, remembering how they helped structure my thoughts years ago when I first studied mathematics. Mathematics helped me learn how to read. I needed the means to get through spelling, grammar, and punctuation learning obstacles to accomplish writing assignments of the materials I read. I was able to approach the skill of outlining what I read more effectively, as I had a formula for how to accomplish the outlining. It led me to help me read more effectively. The simplicity of logic apart from rhetoric found in mathematics helped me understand better how to form my messages to convince readers my points were valid, doing so with either reduced or no conflict. I enjoy conversing, but I enjoy writing more than public speaking. Both have proven to me I need to plan what I communicate by being sure of what I have read in my life.

I also shared last week realizing strategy work is not progressing as desired means either your people do not have the time to do the work, or they do not have the skills to do the work. This condition, at its root, is an organizational design problem. No credible leader will ever find they are in this position. A successful leader knows their people, their abilities, their conditions, and operates their organization accordingly. Spielberg’s success in his film work tells me he is a successful leader in film work. I view Lincoln as a successful leader of a nation. I am convinced without reservation that reading is a critical success factor for staying out of the mess I identified as the cause of strategy work not progressing as desired.


Reading can occur in many different forms, such as letters, numbers, symbols, colors, or hand and arm signals. Effective reading involves not only considering a text in the original language but also translations of the text. Euclid’s Elements is the second most published book in history. Consider reading this text in another language to see how it reads to you. Consider also the value of a translation that is not literal but paraphrased.

Take the daily newspaper and look at any topic from different writers. The reporting on the same topic will often vary widely. Take some time and read how the Wall Street Journal article and the Financial Times article regarding the McKinsey leader’s recent dismissal differ. Think about bias and diversity as you read these articles. How did each writer look to help their reader understand what has happened with McKinsey’s performance as of late? Does either of these articles help you want to change your staffing choices? My point is you will see quickly how learning can continue on any topic and how miscommunications can occur from what seemed to be a clear and understood text.


Kate Northrup wrote about the viability of planning when the future is unclear. She gets into the topic of strategy. She implied reading is required to accomplish her recommendations. I am of the position that reading should be perpetual. There is no shortage today of material to read. There is a distinct decline in the credibility, meaningfulness, and associated value in most of the material available to read today.

I did an Internet search for images of reading. All of the images I found involved only people looking at physical books. Looking at a computer screen is called viewing. So, there is a belief growing in our society that reading can only occur in books. I disagree with this claim. The definition I provided of reading did not include reading expressions on a person’s face. I can view an expression, but I do not know for certain there is a message attached to an expression. Hence, it is best to keep reading to letters, numbers, symbols, and colors that can be referenced later when you need to come back to them. I equate reading a book with viewing letters, numbers, symbols, and colors on a computer screen. The answer to how much reading you need to do is this: whenever you have enough proof to know you have the facts to do what you need to do.

I have shopped exclusively at Men’s Wearhouse for suits, shirts, and ties since 1999. They impress me with their overall experience. The people both in the stores and on their telephones who have helped me over the years sometimes have my skin color and gender; other times they do not. I care about getting the suits, shirts, and ties that I need and want more than I care about a particular skin color or gender helping me. Their industry has suffered from the cutback on social outings and workplace gatherings last year. They went into bankruptcy in 2020 and are emerging through restructuring. They have an idea to help increase their sales by doing measurements of a customer’s body dimensions by scanning, matching these measurements with inventory, and deciding how to serve their customers best. It is an impressive undertaking. Imagine how much reading they had to accomplish to come up with this system. Then, imagine how much they have invested in this system. They, as a company, are at the point of either growing much more or dying. I cannot imagine their debtors would have approved their restructuring plan to include this new system without sufficient credible belief the plan will return a suitable profit. The Men’s Wearhouse story is an example of how much reading is necessary to run your organization effectively.


I believe, based on the espoused morality of my worldview found in my ethics, there is never a valid reason to be either rude or disrespectful. Seattle Mariners chief executive Kevin Mather resigned recently due to disparaging remarks he made about player English skills. His career-ending event could also mean Mather is finished as a leader. I have two good friends, both in their thirties, who are illiterate. One is a carpenter, the other a welder. They struggle to have enough income. They are both happy, each with a small family. They both want to learn to read. You are looking to now restructure your organization with those who have the skills you need to do the work you need to accomplish. Do you want to have a literate person who you have to terminate or an illiterate person who does a great job for you? I am of the position you need literate members in your organization, and you do not need problems. How can you differentiate when a literate person will make an unpreferred choice such as Mather did, or that an illiterate person can make preferred choices?

I do not have the skills to operate heavy equipment. Do you want me to come near your house operating either a bulldozer or an excavator until I gain such skills? Do you want me to sit atop the running equipment and read the owner’s manual as I figure out how to use the heavy equipment near your house?

Heavy Equipment


Your acting on your realization you need to alter your organization members who have neither the time nor the skill to do their assigned work is too late to accomplish this repair with discretion. You must take corrective action in public light to achieve the necessary changes. The terms diversity and inclusion, terms I have yet to define to you, are what you look to address to alter your organization effectively. The only way and I mean the o-n-l-y way, to go through this process effectively is first to understand the topic of evil. I also need to define the term evil to you from my understanding of it. Succeeding in making these people change is not about removing or adding more of skin color or gender. Do you want anyone who does evil as a part of your organization? Do you care about their skin color or gender if they have the skills you need to do the work you need to be accomplished? Do you have the means to measure the skills your people claim to possess? Are you, in the espoused morality of your worldview found in your ethics, able to prove you both need and want your people to have the skills they need to do the work you need to accomplish more than you desire for skin color or gender headcounts in your organization?

Deriving Definitions

Next week, we will begin to tear apart the fabric comprising the terms diversityinclusion, and evil as an exercise in research. This week, I encourage you to spend time contemplating how much you care about skin color and gender in comparison to relevant skills you need your people to have to do the work you need to be accomplished.

So, I ask you: where do you want to go? I hope your answer is to develop the plans necessary to accomplish the strategy you know you need to achieve to arrive at your desired destination. If this is the case, then let’s get to work. If not, then I wish you the best of everything.

I hope we will see each other here next week. Email me if you need to talk before then.

Dr. Stephen H. Dawson, DSL

Executive Strategy Consultant

Stephen Dawson, DSL

Stephen Dawson is an executive consultant of technology and business strategy, serving significant international organizations by providing leadership consulting, strategic planning, and executive communications. He has more than thirty years of service and consulting experience in delivering successful international business development and program management outcomes in the US and SE Asia. His weekly column, “Where Do You Want To Go?,” appears on Thursdays.

Dr. Dawson has served in the technology, banking, and hospitality industries. He is a noted strategic planning visionary. His pursuit of music has been matched with his efforts to lead by service to followers. He holds the clear understanding a leader without followers is a person taking a long walk alone.

Stephen has lived his life in the eastern United States, visiting most of the United States and several countries. He is a graduate of the Regent University School of Business & Leadership. Contact him at

Thank you for visiting our blog.


Jim Weber, Managing Partner – ITB Partners

Jim Weber – Managing Partner,  ITB Partners

I hope you enjoyed our point of view and would like to receive regular posts directly to your email inbox.  Toward this end, put your contact information on my mailing list.

Your feedback helps me continue to publish articles that you want to read.  Your input is very important to me so; please leave a comment.


Why own this IT Services franchise? Find out…

Businesses and consumers cannot be without their technology systems and devices working properly. If you are interested in having your own business in a high-demand industry then join me…

Wednesday, March 10th, at 12:00 pm EST, I’m hosting a 20-minute, online presentation about a compelling IT Services franchise opportunity – click here to save your spot.

Why is this IT Services franchise opportunity special?

    • The parent franchise company is one of the strongest organizations in franchising today. The marketing and lead generation department alone houses 30 professionals dedicated to driving brand recognition and customer growth.
    • No IT Background is necessary – franchise owners execute the marketing plan, focus on scale, and oversee the P&L – they do not work in the field.
    • Executive model – franchise owner oversees a small, professional staff.
    • Multiple commercial service offerings.
    • Multiple consumer/home technology offerings.
    • Automated back office/admin in place.
    • Modest upfront investment and overhead.
    • Recurring revenue model.

Can’t make the live event? No worries! It’s going to be recorded. To receive the replay – sign up here.

You might be thinking… ”I don’t have an IT background, so how could I possibly own an IT services business?” This is often surprising…less than 25% of successful franchise owners have a background in the industry of their new business. Franchising is designed for new business owners to thrive in a new industry with less risk.

Want to chat with me now? Please use my scheduling link to choose a time to take my call:

To your success,

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Leslie Kuban, CFE
Mobile: 404.236.9115
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Learn how I help my clients – watch here


Men differ LITTLE on what things they will call EVIL. They differ GREATLY on what evil they will call EXCUSABLE.” G. K. Chesterton

Stephen Dawson, DSL

We only see if we look. We only look by choice. We may glance at or skim through what we read, but neither of these actions results in seeing.

G. K. Chesterton made a point about humanity in his observation of men and how they differ. I understand that Chesterton uses the term man in his statement as mankind, the human species. I interpret one of his unstated points as this: a little evil brings great inexcusability. I wonder what a lot of evil would bring. I choose not to look for more evil. Chesterton did not make it clear what evil is and is not. I wonder how many people today care to look into what he meant.

I got new eyeglasses last year, the kind that reminds me I am not a kid who did not need eyeglasses. They look good on me. I see better with them. I do not like to wear them. I only wear them when necessary. Additionally, I am unable to discern evil with them.

I shared last week about being scared. I used this condition in the context of you being unsure of the strategy you propose to plan. We were going to talk next time about making people changes to your strategy work. Let’s have this talk now.

Making changes to the work assigned to your followers, your people means one of two things. Either they do not have the time to do the work, or they do not have the skills to do the work. If they are not interested in the work of their role, then that is another matter. It is part of my work to help my customers discern between these conditions. We look at the facts, then we call it for what it is. Many of my customers are afraid they will be calling their people evil when their people do not get their assigned work completed. A common term used today is optics. It is a subjective term. It is a horrible term, from what I see. Facts are facts. They are absolute. Nothing absolute needs perspective to understand the fact. We need to understand the repercussions of facts to know their value, and those repercussions require various perspectives to comprehend the complexities of their collective impact. Facts are not subjective. Hence, the difficulty in assessing the people productivity part of strategy work.


Looking at anything displeasing can be difficult. Looking at evil, for me, is displeasing. I cannot say a person is evil, as I do not believe it is possible. I can say their actions are or are not evil. I make this determination based on the espoused morality of my worldview found in my ethics. Meaning, my definition of evil is not necessarily the same as anyone else’s. I do not consider evil when I look at the research. I look for facts. Helping my customers do the same involves many prior discussions to learn their abilities, perspectives, and positions to comprehend their research abilities. It is not a quick look, a glance, or a skim of the research we accomplish to evaluate either the facts of their strategy or the work of their people to plan their strategy. It is a series of discussions.

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Seeing an opinion unsupported by facts, to me, is a form of evil. I am allowing the person to share their opinions with me to convince me without relevant supporting evidence. Sure, there are times when this scenario is necessary for my best interests. HEY STEPHEN, GET DOWN! I confess that hearing these words, regardless of vocal tone, would at least put my head down. I would, once I am sure it is safe to raise up again, either thank them or ask them why they told me to get down. This simple example is to help you see how much time you could be wasting looking at work accomplished by your people but not seeing enough value from it. The intentional circular effort I shared about last week is what I am describing here. If you do not see value in your people’s work, then you either have a communication problem or a worker skills problem. I set aside the possibility of a worker not having time to do their assigned work because you already took care of that problem earlier…didn’t you? I cannot imagine you would have miscommunicated with your workers, as you have a written plan to accomplish work assignments…don’t you? Did you talk with them, or did you send them an emoji hoping they understood what you intended to say to them?

What is your intended message?


If your people have the time and skills to do their assigned work, then the work will be accomplished as planned. If your strategy work is not progressing as communicated in your plan, then you have a people problem. It is not a technology problem. If it were, then you are executing the wrong plan. It is not a workplace problem. If it were, then you are executing the wrong plan. I could go on presenting examples here, but Pilita Clark explains it pretty well.

So, we have a people problem. Is it their fault they do not have the technology they need? Is it their fault they do not have the workplace they need? No, these are your problems as their leader. Perhaps they do not have the skills to use the technology. Perhaps they cannot get to the workplace. These are their problems. They will have to solve them to remain employed with you. It is not a matter of evil versus good, fair versus unfair, or happy versus sad. They are the facts you face while attempting to complete your strategy work. If the work must be accomplished, and your workers cannot complete the work as planned, then you must get other workers assigned to the strategy you need to have planned.

I tell you, from the position of both a professor and as a management consultant, the problem I just described to you is widespread today. We have not prepared today’s students with enough skills to do the work in many roles involving strategy development. We have provided them pieces of education in the form of shorter degree program course durations with the expectation they will assemble these skills effectively into pertinent credentials. An outcome of these conditions over the past three decades is a student’s inability to absorb the lesson material deep enough to achieve the transformational experience of education. This change occurred about the time microcomputers showed up in commonality. There is a direct connection between increased access to learning and learning deficiency caused by information overload. It is a realization of analysis paralysis. Meaning, many degree programs in the past few decades do not have enough analysis instruction contained within them. Those who experienced high achievement did so outside of a single degree path. See if the article by Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic and Becky Frankiewicz rings a bell with you for how you look at your workers’ circumstances. I recommend you get to the point of interpreting it.

Next week, we will begin to talk about how diversity, inclusion, and what Chesterton talked about with the human species will help you get out of the circumstances hindering your strategic planning work. Specifically, how to go about staffing your organization to do the work you need to be accomplished. We will approach the balance of emotion and logic by considerations of needs and wants.

So, I ask you: where do you want to go? I hope your answer is to develop the plans necessary to accomplish the strategy you know you need to achieve to arrive at your desired destination. If this is the case, then let’s get to work. If not, then I wish you the best of everything.

I hope we will see each other here next week. Email me if you need to talk before then.

Dr. Stephen H. Dawson, DSL

Executive Strategy Consultant

Stephen Dawson is an executive consultant of technology and business strategy, serving significant international organizations by providing leadership consulting, strategic planning, and executive communications. He has more than thirty years of service and consulting experience in delivering successful international business development and program management outcomes in the US and SE Asia. His weekly column, “Where Do You Want To Go?,” appears on Thursdays.

Dr. Dawson has served in the technology, banking, and hospitality industries. He is a noted strategic planning visionary. His pursuit of music has been matched with his efforts to lead by service to followers. He holds the clear understanding a leader without followers is a person taking a long walk alone.

Stephen has lived his life in the eastern United States, visiting most of the United States and several countries. He is a graduate of the Regent University School of Business & Leadership. Contact him at

Thank you for visiting our blog.


Jim Weber, Managing Partner – ITB Partners

Jim Weber – Managing Partner,  ITB Partners

I hope you enjoyed our point of view and would like to receive regular posts directly to your email inbox.  Toward this end, put your contact information on my mailing list.

Your feedback helps me continue to publish articles that you want to read.  Your input is very important to me so; please leave a comment.


Scared – A New Post on Strategic Planning from Stephen H. Dawson, DSL

Fear is nothing more than an acronym: False-Evidence-Appearing-Real.” Unknown

A friend of mine passed a week ago. He worked himself to death, literally. He worked 80 to 90 hour weeks intermittently for the past 15 years. He was quite good at what he did, but he overdid it to the point of costing him his life. His passing helped me remember to not work so hard but to work smarter each day so I can work less overall.

I shared last week about the concept of spending time to gain the required perspective to go about the necessary work you have at hand. I thought more over the past few days about the fear I saw in 2020 held by many folks both near and far and how it often played out into anger by acting as a defense mechanism. I put down fear decades ago by learning from the wisdom held by one of my first mentors. “Fear is nothing more than an acronym: False-Evidence-Appearing-Real.” Fear occurs during a state of confusion about facts. Fear is not scared, nor is it anxiety. Anxiety can cause confusion, but scared alone is not anxiety. Scared is known by the paralysis it causes in someone who is scared. Anxiety is a slow wear on the whole person. Meaning, scared is a present tense term.


I saw an episode in a situation comedy television show years ago that grips me to this day. Frankly, it scared me stiff. It scared me because I saw how accomplishing all of the work conceivable to be wise does not assure success. My friend who died recently was one of my mentors. He helped guide me through my graduate and postgraduate years. He was a wise man. A coach is not a mentor. Suffice it to say, one has to succeed in receiving mentoring first to succeed in receiving coaching. I prefer mentoring over coaching, for many reasons. We can cover the differences between coaching and mentoring in a future column.

I received comments regarding the column last week that matched the next healthy step in the strategic planning work. The step we are at now is knowing the defined strategy that needs to be planned. There is an intentional circular effort in strategy where an idea is formed and research occurs to support developing the idea. The strategy is then refined, perhaps redefined, then planned, then perhaps refined and redefined again, to its final planning, and then executed by way of strategy process realization. This circular effort is not unique to strategy. There is a research condition known as analysis paralysis. Essentially, too much analysis is occurring to the point the research is stalled by figurative paralysis. There is much work occurring to accomplish the strategy effort, perhaps with good intentions. However, the collective work effort is not advancing by realizing clear and healthy organizational growth. Things are stuck. This research condition is not unique to strategy. The best action to resolve analysis paralysis is to stop the research work. Take inventory of where the work stands, determine the clear facts held, and assess if the work is worth continuing at the time with the people assigned to the work.

We realized earlier we were going to an unknown destination, deciding we did not like that address. We took some time and breathed, gaining the necessary focus to begin the planning work. You wonder if the idea outlining your proposed strategy has merit. What exactly is the strategy we are to plan out for others to follow? You now do not know the defined strategy that needs to be planned. You cannot proceed to the intentional circular effort in strategy. We have come to the realization you are now scared, as you are unsure of your idea forming your strategy. Hence, fear pushes this person to be scared. How do I know you are scared? I know because you do not have the research to support planning your strategy. If you did, then you would not be reading this column.

I view there are three options available to resolve this matter.


The act of quitting can be called regrouping. I call this equivalence a falsehood. Quitting is quitting, and regrouping is regrouping. If one does not want to develop a strategy, then say it. The decision to quit is not about some type of size or power. It is about being unwilling to look at the problem and resolve it productively. Move on, do something else. If shame or embarrassment go with quitting, then that is part of the package. Jimmy Dugan in A League of Their Own said it well. “It’s supposed to be hard…The hard is what makes it great.”


The thought of not having a strategy to fulfill a goal is an excellent means to have followers walk away from their leader. These followers do not know what work they should be accomplishing, how they will benefit from whatever work they do, guess what they should do next, believe their leader has a plan, and wonder why their leader cannot communicate the unknown plan being executed. They deny the reality their leader is not leading by believing they are executing a plan they have not been given to follow. This condition is where the credibility loss for the leader occurs and ends their time in leadership.



If bravery is doing what is necessary when afraid, then strategy work is an act of bravery. I have not known a successful leader either first-hand or by distance who has not been afraid at some point in their leadership work. Afraid is not fear. Afraid is a healthy response to danger. A crucial success factor for the strategist I defined as successful was their not letting fear be a part of their work. False-Evidence-Appearing-Real. Those leaders worked to gain facts by eliminating opinions not supported by facts. If a tree is known by its fruit, then a tree is a good example of work productivity. Be the proverbial tree you were meant to be by putting down roots and taking the time to do the work needed to grow your harvest.

It is probable a person or organization new to strategic planning needs help with their work. I encourage you not to be either fearful or afraid of this need. I recommend you gain the help of a qualified strategist. Review their credentials, interview the credentials they provide to confirm their work, and select a strategist to help you.

What to buy, what to sell, what to change, are the easy parts of a strategy. They are easy because the accomplished research used to define your strategy reveals what to buy, sell, and change. The hard part of the strategy is knowing you know, for certain, what strategy first to form and then to execute. I say it is hard because of False-Evidence-Appearing-Real getting in the way of going about the strategy work. Looking back, you will be amazed at how simple your strategy is once it is defined. It is a matter of setting aside fear with each action you take.

I intentionally did not state the obvious point that many people are involved in any strategy formation shy of a person who lives alone. I set aside those living in solitude for the final point I bring to you for consideration this week. It is probable your analysis paralysis means you have someone, perhaps several people, working on your strategy effort who do not hold the required qualifications to do the collective work you need to accomplish. Does this scare you? It should. It means you are not willing to stay paralyzed. Scared is known by the paralysis it causes in someone who is scared. Meaning, scared is a present tense term. We will talk next week about making people changes to your strategy work. Forget the realities of male versus female, older versus young, and skin color. Look at people from the perspective of the skills they hold to help accomplish their part of your strategy effort. Try to work through the thoughts of what it will take for you as their leader to separate the unproductive people assigned to your strategy work from the work you need to accomplish. There is no need to be fearful.

So, I ask you: where do you want to go? I hope your answer is to develop the plans necessary to accomplish the strategy you know you need to achieve to arrive at your desired destination. If this is the case, then let’s get to work. If not, then I wish you the best of everything.

I hope we will see each other here next week. Email me if you need to talk before then.

Dr. Stephen H. Dawson, DSL

Executive Strategy Consultant

Dr. Stephen H Dawson

Stephen Dawson is an executive consultant of technology and business strategy, serving significant international organizations by providing leadership consulting, strategic planning, and executive communications. He has more than thirty years of service and consulting experience in delivering successful international business development and program management outcomes in the US and SE Asia. His weekly column, “Where Do You Want To Go?,” appears on Thursdays.

Dr. Dawson has served in the technology, banking, and hospitality industries. He is a noted strategic planning visionary. His pursuit of music has been matched with his efforts to lead by service to followers. He holds the clear understanding a leader without followers is a person taking a long walk alone.

Stephen has lived his life in the eastern United States, visiting most of the United States and several countries. He is a graduate of the Regent University School of Business & Leadership. Contact him at

Thank you for visiting our blog.


Jim Weber, Managing Partner – ITB Partners

Jim Weber – Managing Partner,  ITB Partners

I hope you enjoyed our point of view and would like to receive regular posts directly to your email inbox.  Toward this end, put your contact information on my mailing list.

Your feedback helps me continue to publish articles that you want to read.  Your input is very important to me so; please leave a comment.


Great Careers – The BENG Atlanta Chapter March 9 Meeting Via ZOOM – Featuring Kelly Trim

Great Careers – The BENG provides mid-to senior-level professionals with a platform to enhance their networking activities and skills.

 Members in-transition benefit from tools to accelerate their job search (including opportunities for networking), targeted employment information, and emotional support.

 Employed and self-employed members benefit from a platform to network and cultivate relationships with community leaders and professionals interested in expanding business.

We rely upon the generosity and cooperation of our members – whether in-transition, employed or self-employed – to accomplish the mission of “Members Helping Members.”

For more information about Great Careers – The BENG, Click Here!

Our Featured Speaker is Kelly Trim who will present:

Strengthen your Personal Brand Through LinkedIn Publishing


Kelly Trim

Kelly Trim is Vice President of Franchise Development at Premium Service Brands, the leader in home services franchise opportunities. Kelly is a long-time BENG member, frequent guest speaker, Crossroads Career Network volunteer, and Certified Social Marketer. When she’s not helping entrepreneurial hopefuls diversify through successful franchise ownership in the home services sector, Kelly enjoys helping independent consultants and small business owners build their digital brand through the LinkedIn Publishing platform.

Reach out to Kelly to learn more about franchise opportunities with the Premium Service Brands including Maid Right, 360 Painting, ProLift Garage Doors, Handman Pro, Kitchen Wise and Renew Crew.

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The Sky Above

“He who angers you controls you.” Unknown

Stephen Dawson, DSL

I am a planner, a work-the-plan, a get-it-done kind of guy. I’m not particularly eager to live without a purpose helping to guide me to a predetermined destination. I modify the plan when it is suitable. However, I adjust the plan with justification for the change. I work on the concept of mapping out where I want to go in comparison to where I am from a figurative standpoint. It works for me and for the customers I have served over my years of caring for them.

2020 had me in the company of what seemed like the majority of the human population. I had more people coming to me for my advice on what they should do amid global health, economic, and political upheavals than I have experienced in years. It became clear to me the pattern resident in these inquires was an espoused anger hiding their genuine fear of the unknown. These people had an unquestionable problem. The answer to this problem was clear: help them with the strategic planning of their circumstances.

I considered at length the anger I witnessed. The Latin adage si vis pacem, para bellum is translated as “if you want peace, prepare for war”. I also heard the angry people tell me they were fighting this and that. They were fighting against COVID-19, fighting for a political agenda, fighting to stay in business, fighting to either have or prevent this or that. It was not clear to me who they were fighting, how they were fighting, and often why they were fighting. I found the deeper I went to understanding their fighting, the more I could see their fears. They were trying to get back to peace by fighting in some type of hostility. I understood this condition, as I struggled with it myself for years.

There are many clear reasons before us today as to why anger has advanced to fighting. A 2020 report from the Corruption Perceptions Index published annually by Berlin-based Transparency International ranked global regions where corruption occurs. A summary review of these regions also found strong economic growth where there is little corruption. The Wall Street Journal reported this week McKinsey is in settlement talks with states over how they advised Purdue Pharma to boost their OxyContin sales. I will spare us both the heartache of addressing the drama trauma of the 2020 US election events. Suffice it to say, there is quite a bit of undeniable defiant aggressiveness by those we are to be trusting for leading us to cause their followers to be upset with their performance, upset to the point of angry, and angry to the point of undertaking some type of fight with them.


I both read and hear from those around me, and abroad, they feel burned. Burned, in terms of being misled by their leadership. Misled, to the point of metaphorically having their hand burned by being told to trust touching the pot that is quite hot. Misled, in terms of not having income anymore from employment that is no more. Misled, from not being sure what political topic we are working on now as there are so many topics, and a good leader would have the decency to tell their constituents what topic to work on for the moment. Being burned, as it were, is no justifiable reason not to have a plan to carry out the strategy you need to accomplish for your life and for your followers, for you to realize success. I get mad when I burn my hand. I release adrenaline to deal with the pain. It is a form of controlled anger. It is an act of survival, as I am not sure how badly I hurt myself from the burn. I have not cut my hand off as of yet to respond to any burning, any pain, or perhaps the shame of having burned my hand. It took me years to learn being burned, as it were, by an unhealthy relationship is not a justifiable reason to not continue to relate to people. The example I present here is both literal and figurative. They both hurt, and they both changed my behavior. The point is to use the pain of your being burned, perhaps by yourself from not having a plan to accomplish your strategy, to change your behavior now for the betterment of you.


The most direct form of counsel I can provide anyone undertaking strategic planning is to calm down, eliminate anger, and move to a reasoned position. “He who angers you controls you.” I make this statement because those who have no plan to determine and accomplish their strategy have come to me in a state of calamity. I have no reason to believe this combination will change based on what I know of human behavior. I cannot overstate the value of a calm approach to accomplishing strategic planning. I have seen people achieve this counsel somewhere between a matter of seconds and a matter of years. Sure, some parts of strategic planning can be accomplished from an upset, angered, and even unreasonable position. However, I am talking about getting out of the mess you find yourself in sooner than later. It is not my place to judge how anyone arrived at their lot in life. It is my place to help them move to a better place should they want my help. Better, what is better? We all follow someone, one way or the other. Defining betterment is a question only a follower can answer. Only the follower can answer it because they decide with each step they take to continue following their leader once they have determined their leader is leading them to a place more preferable than where they stand now.


I lived near the ocean for many years. I would spend time daily looking at the beauty of the clouds. The ocean always seemed to have more clouds than land areas. The sky above us, the unknown. I have flown in planes and jumped out of them by parachute. Looking at the sky helps me have a more refined view of the circumstances I face, to help me put things into a more healthy perspective. The sky over the ocean is so much different from the sky over land, such as Tennessee’s mountains. A recent morning had frost in the backyard, reminding me both warm and cold days have colors to alter my perspective of the moment. A significant difference is the amount of heat coming off the continent to the ocean’s vast openness. Get the heat off of you by putting aside anger, deciding to stop traveling to an unknown destination, and begin the work of determining where you want to go. Sure, read the thermodynamics laws as the starting point for your strategic planning if this will help you. However, please do not decide you need to master them before undertaking your strategic planning efforts. The key here is to take action now with your first step. Putting aside anger to meet the fears you face of not having a well-prepared strategic plan now to live this thing called life is a huge step. Take a moment and give yourself the credit you deserve for taking this step.

My journey with music had me performing as an instrumentalist for several decades. I learned so many crucial lessons about enabling followers, those attending my concerts, to appreciate my work by understanding the material I performed with greater depth. They understood it more when I spoke for a minute or two about the song I was to play, either before or after playing each song. It was not me bragging about my greatness or diminishing the listeners who did not know all of the finer points of a tune I would play for them. It was bringing new insight to them about what they were hearing. It matched a story to the song, perhaps a current event, along with what I knew of the audience in that moment, which helped form my spoken words to them. It was augmenting their ability to listen to what they were there by their choice to hear.

It saddens me when someone comes to me and tells me they need strategic planning, want strategic planning, are unsure what they will do without strategic planning, but are afraid they will not do strategic planning well. A music producer I worked with would go and sit with his daughter at her house, who had given up her career as a stockbroker to be a stay-at-home mother. The producer’s grandchildren invariably had other children around. He would attempt to make a point to the toddlers about something he had on his mind. He concluded that if he can get his point across to toddlers, then he has succeeded in his messaging efforts. He used his powerful messaging ability to help me understand how to record better some of what I called pretty good music. If you, at your lot in life, can understand strategic planning as a series of plans involving simple communications, then you have the necessary understanding to undertake your strategic planning efforts. Note, I did not say you have the understanding of a child. What I am saying is you have the innocence of a child. This innocence is a critical success factor in accomplishing effective strategic planning.

The planning of your strategy most likely involves more people than just yourself. It is reasonable to hold a bit of fear that you will harm them by planning poorly. I encourage you not to become angry at them as you find a way to tell them you did not yet prepare the strategy you need to accomplish. Such anger will only harm the relationship you have with them. How many press conferences have you watched in the past few months where either the speaker or an interviewer was angry? How many excuses have you read in the recent business news where low earnings are not the business leadership’s fault? How many times have you seen children trying to learn virtually their school work from home and decide schooling is not worth the pain? There are more than enough examples around us today to understand the gains from having strategic planning more than justifies the pain of getting your first planned strategy written down and executed. Think about you living out 2021 without accomplishing strategic planning. How do you think you will enter 2022 with two concurrent years of little to no strategic planning accomplishments?

So, I ask you: where do you want to go? I hope your answer is to develop the plans necessary to accomplish the strategy you know you need to achieve to arrive at your desired destination. If this is the case, then let’s get to work. If not, then I wish you the best of everything.

I hope we will see each other here next week. Email me if you need to talk before then.


Dr. Stephen H. Dawson, DSL

Executive Strategy Consultant

Dr. Stephen H Dawson

Stephen Dawson is an executive consultant of technology and business strategy, serving significant international organizations by providing leadership consulting, strategic planning, and executive communications. He has more than thirty years of service and consulting experience in delivering successful international business development and program management outcomes in the US and SE Asia. His weekly column, “Where Do You Want To Go?,” appears on Thursdays.

Dr. Dawson has served in the technology, banking, and hospitality industries. He is a noted strategic planning visionary. His pursuit of music has been matched with his efforts to lead by service to followers. He holds the clear understanding a leader without followers is a person taking a long walk alone.

Stephen has lived his life in the eastern United States, visiting most of the United States and several countries. He is a graduate of the Regent University School of Business & Leadership. Contact him at

Stephen Dawson, DSL

Vice President Strategic Planning or Business Development
by Dr. Stephen H. Dawson, DSL
February 4, 2021

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Jim Weber, Managing Partner – ITB Partners

Jim Weber – Managing Partner,  ITB Partners

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Your feedback helps me continue to publish articles that you want to read.  Your input is very important to me so; please leave a comment.


Key Items I’m Watching This Year Market Commentary – January 17, 2021

Now that we are a few weeks into the new year, I wanted to look forward a bit and briefly discuss some of the things I’m questioning and watching this year. I like to go through this process each year to force a review of my thinking and the strategies that come from those thoughts that I pass along to you.

Will stock concentration continue?
Five stocks represent a quarter of the S&P 500, which is the largest weighting for five stocks since the early 1970s. It’s hard seeing this continue, but it’s harder to come up with a reason why it won’t.

Will value come back?
Over the last 5 years, the Russell 1000 Value Index has grown by 9% a year. Not bad, except when you compare it to its growth counterpart, which has grown at 21% a year. Maybe we should be talking less about value being dead and more about growth being impossible to keep up with.

One of the reasons for the discrepancy in returns has to do with the difference in sector weights. Value has 29% fewer technology stocks and 26% more financials, industrials, and energy. The spread between value and growth on fundamental factors is as wide as it has been since 1999, and on some metrics, it’s even wider. But is it different this time? You cannot rule it out.

Will the stocks that benefited the most from Covid continue to outperform?
The world looks different today than it did a year ago. People are working from home, and they are wearing masks in the street. Some parts of our lives and some parts of the economy are changed forever. The question is, has the market already discounted all the change and then some?

Zoom, Peloton, Docusign, Teladoc, Shopify, and Wayfair gained an additional $300 billion in market cap this year. For comparison, that’s twice as much as the combined value of Delta, Las Vegas Sands, Marriott, Royal Caribbean, and Simon Property.

Again, the Covid beneficiaries added twice as much in market cap this year as the combined value of the badly hurt names by the virus. Did the market get this right? Does the gap narrow this year, or does it continue to widen?

Irrational Behavior
Investors went a little crazy this year. And I don’t mean in the way that Zoom gained $100 billion in market cap. That might be justified. But what investors did after Apple and Tesla announced that they were splitting their stocks was absolutely insane.

Apple announced a stock split on July 30th. On July 31st, the stock gained 10.5%. That was its second-best performing day of the last decade. $172 billion in additional market cap was added one day because investors were getting four shares for every 1 they had previously, with the price of their shares getting cut by 75%. In theory, this shouldn’t impact the value of a company. In reality, it really it did!

Will investors continue to ignore things like common sense? Investor behavior is impossible to predict, but I’m really looking forward to seeing whether or not 2021 is a continuation of what feels like irrational behavior because often such behavior ends badly.

Where does the Dollar Go? 
Maybe all that money printing is finally catching up with us. For the first time in a long time, the mighty dollar is starting to show signs of weakness. This has implications for the global economy and implications for U.S. investors.

A weaker dollar is good for gold and good for non-hedged foreign stocks. Gold quietly made an all-time high earlier in the year, and international stocks are showing signs of life, after doing a whole lot of nothing over the last decade.
International developed stocks (EFA), think Japan, United Kingdom, have only outperformed U.S. stocks once in the last 8 years. This is another one of those things that shouldn’t continue forever, but it’s hard to make the case why it wouldn’t.

Will we see more institutional adoption of Bitcoin/Cryptocurrencies?
Speaking of dollars, it has been a wild year for Bitcoin. Until recently, Grayscale’s Bitcoin was the only way for U.S. investors to access bitcoin in a listed fund. But recently, competition is showing up, providing investors more options.

Until now, Bitcoin/cryptocurrencies have been mostly a fringe asset and has not had a place in the portfolio of 99% of investors. What happens if institutional investors start to get involved?

Will the yield curve continue to steepen?
The yield curve, historically one of the most predictive economic indicators, went negative in 2019. That got a ton of attention at the time. Once again, it preceded a recession, albeit one that had nothing to do with the underlying economy. Be that as it may, right now it is at a 3-year high and I see few people talking about it.

A steeper yield curve, again, in theory, is good for economic growth and rising inflation expectations. With the Fed committed to keeping short-term rates low for the next few years, this may continue to widen, and maybe longer-term bonds start to outpace inflation.

And What About SPACs?
What Is a Special Purpose Acquisition Company (SPAC)? It is a company with no commercial operations that are formed strictly to raise capital through an initial public offering (IPO) for the purpose of acquiring an existing company.

Also known as “blank check companies,” SPACs have been around for decades. In recent years, they’ve become more popular, attracting big-name underwriters and investors and raising a record amount of IPO money in 2019. In 2020 SPACs raised $64 billion. And they’re just getting started.

According to Goldman Sachs, $61 billion in SPAC IPO proceeds are currently searching for acquisition targets. I cannot wait to see this. There are going to be some spectacularly bad deals come through.

It’s always hard to see things changing. And then along comes a year like 2020. Nobody had any of this on their list at the end of 2019. 2021 is sure to deliver some surprises, and unlike the last dreadful year, hopefully, those surprises will be for the better.

Content in this material is for general information only and not intended to provide specific advice or recommendations for any individual. All performance referenced is historical and is no guarantee of future results. All indices are unmanaged and may not be invested into directly. The economic forecasts set forth in this material may not develop as predicted and no strategy assures success or protects against loss. Investing involves risk including loss of principal.


Integrated Financial Group

Kevin Garrett – Integrated Financial Group

My firm specializes in working with people that experience what we call “Sudden Income.” Typically the income came from one of these events:

1) Accessing and Managing Retirement Assets

2) A Performance Contract (Typically a Sports or Entertainment Contract)

3) Divorce Settlement

4) Inheritance or Insurance Payout

5) Sale of a Business or Stock Options

6) A Personal Injury Settlement

I believe the unique nature of these events requires specialized professional experience, empathy, and communication to deal with both the financial changes and the life changes that inevitably come with them.

My clients value my ability to simplify complex strategies into an actionable plan. They also appreciate that I am open, non-judging, and easy to talk to about their dreams and fears. Each client defines financial success differently and my goal is to guide them from where they are now to where they want to be. As my client’s advisor, my goal is to provide them with a lifetime income stream, improving returns, protecting their funds, and managing taxes.

Firm Specialties:

    • Retirement Planning For Business Owners & Executives
    • Woman’s Unique Financial Planning Needs
    • Professional Athletes
    • Investment/Asset Allocation Advice
    • Estate Planning
    • Risk Management
    • Strategic Planning

Kevin was listed in The Wall Street Journal as “One of the Financial Advisors In The Southeast That You Need To Know”

Kevin was listed in Forbes Magazine’s Annual Financial Edition as a Five Star Financial Advisor

Kevin has been awarded the Five Star Professional Wealth Manager in Atlanta Magazine in 2012, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017,2018, and 2019.

Award based on 10 objective criteria associated with providing quality services to clients such as credentials, experience, and assets under management among other factors. Wealth managers do not pay a fee to be considered or placed on the final list of Five Star Wealth Managers.


Integrated Financial Group

200 Ashford Center North, Ste. 400 | Atlanta, GA 30338

Phone | 770.353.6311

Email |

Website |


Announcing a New Search Assignment Under Contract – New Century Dynamics Executive Search

Announcing a New Search!

New Century Dynamics Lands a Region Manager Search for a Midwestern Based Casual Dining Brand.

The client is a growing casual dining restaurant group.  They seek someone who has had foundation experience with big brands and has made a successful transition to entrepreneurial situations.

The Region Manager is responsible for all restaurant operations, optimal profit, and delivering guest experience and satisfaction levels consistent with the goals set for the brand. The Regional Manager is responsible for the execution of policies, procedures, and financial strategies that align with the strategic direction of the company. The Region Manager must be a team player, working cross-functionally with all departments to ensure the proper implementation of all systems and strategic alignment throughout the chain. A comprehensive annual operating plan to support successful growth and alignment with the strategic plan is essential.


The successful candidate has had approximately three to five years of high volume single-unit or multi-unit management experience in the restaurant industry.  A bachelor’s degree in business or Hotel and Restaurant Management or equivalent experience is a requirement; as is a   proficient knowledge of restaurant P&Ls, budgets, inventory systems, financial statements, and the ability to read and interpret business reports.  Experience achieving and maintaining high levels of customer service in a hospitality environment is required.  The ideal candidate will also have a strong working knowledge of restaurant systems, equipment, and design.



We are seeking a dynamic, results-oriented individual who can plan for and implement the changes envisioned for the company’s brands.  The person we hire will be committed to helping the company structure around standards, systems, processes, and procedures to ensure brand integrity.  A positive, persistent attitude toward problem solving and conflict management is a must.


The successful candidate is well-organized, with an eye for detail; a hands-on hard-working contributor who leads by example; a team player who can help this organization achieve “best in class” status while maintaining high levels of morale and customer service.  Solid written and oral communications, problem-solving, and decision-making skills are required, as well as the highest degree of ethical behavior.

The ideal candidate will possess a passion for selecting talent, building teams, and developing future managers.


Base salary range $70K to $85K

    • Quarterly Bonuses
    • Equity Incentive Profit-Sharing Plan
    • PTO
    • Employer-Sponsored Medical Insurance
    • 401K with Employer Match
    • Dental/Vision/Life Insurance
    • Dining Discount
    • Phone Allowance
    • Mileage Reimbursement
    • Flex Yoga Family Discount
    • Relocation Assistance



This document is presented to you in confidence.  All communication, whether written, oral or electronic should be addressed to:


James E. Weber, President
Tel.  770-649-7051
Cell  770-354-2817


Jim Weber – Managing Partner, ITB Partners

Prior to forming New Century Dynamics Executive Search in 1999, Jim Weber spent 22 years with Fortune 500 companies in the Food Retailing Industry where he developed a broad-based portfolio of “hands-on” line and staff experience in growth and turnaround situations. A proven executive with exceptional leadership skills, Jim has a strong financial background and heavy operations experience in specialty retail stores, quick-service restaurants, manufacturing, and distribution.

ITB Partners February 19 Monthly ZOOM Meeting

ITB Partners Logo

Jim Weber is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting Featuring David Shavzin.

David will present:  What Has COVID Done to Value, Timing, Exit and Business Sales? Helping Business Owners Adjust.


David Shavzin

David Shavzin, CMC, is a Certified Management Consultant, and a passionate and experienced exit and succession planning, expert. He created The Value Track to help business owners improve profitability, build value, and maximize their business transactions.   A frequent speaker on these topics, David is President and a co-founder of Exit Planning Exchange Atlanta and past president of the Institute of Management Consultants – Georgia Chapter. David has over a dozen years of experience in senior corporate roles followed by nearly 20 years of consulting to privately held businesses. His industry experience includes manufacturing, distribution, healthcare, and professional services firms: law, accounting, architecture, engineering, and design.


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Meeting ID: 845 1610 9138
Passcode: 393716