How I Became a Marketing Researcher (and Loved It)

If you asked a group of Kindergarteners what they wanted to be when they grow up, you’ll get a lot of answers like Doctor or Firefighter or Teacher or Athlete, but I would wager that no little boy or girl would say, “I want to be a marketing researcher”.  Even if you asked a group of High School students, I don’t think a single one would state that their ambition was to become a marketing research professional.  So, how do people wind up as researchers?  Well, for most, it’s a combination of fate and opportunity, and the path is rarely straight.

When I was a little boy, obsessed with dinosaurs, I wanted to be an Archeologist.  By the time I got to High School, growing up with the space program and watching men land on the moon, I thought I wanted to be an Aerospace Engineer.  Taking Physics in High School made me realize that I didn’t really want to be an Aerospace Engineer.  So, instead of going to an Engineering School, I enrolled at Oneonta (NY) State and selected Statistics as my major. So, how did I wind up as a marketing research professional?   Basically, I can attribute the beginnings to two Professors at Oneonta (NY) State College.

Dr. Esmat Nouri, the Head of the Statistics Department at Oneonta and my academic advisor was the first major influence on my chosen profession.  Dr. Nouri was a brilliant statistician and excellent teacher (though because of his thick Egyptian accent he had difficulty pronouncing the word “statistics”). He was laid-back, easy to talk to, and he really cared about his students. At the beginning of my Junior year, it was about time that I started to think about what kind of career I could expect when I graduated with a BS in Statistics, and I set up a meeting with Dr. Nouri. During the meeting, Dr. Nouri told me that most Statistics graduates entered the field of actuarial sciences. He explained in detail the type of work that Actuaries did, the series of exams that they needed to pass, the good earnings potential, and the stability of the career path.

Let me state emphatically that I have a tremendous amount of respect for the men and women who work in the actuarial profession, and I understand that it is an excellent, important, and lucrative career. But, at the time, my 20-year-old brain could not fathom a more boring thing to do for the rest of my professional life. I left the meeting depressed and anxious. Did I need to change majors? Would it delay my graduation?  Is my life ruined? (Yes, I could be very dramatic back then.)

Enter, the second person to influence my career at this early stage.  I had picked up an Intro to Marketing course as an elective in my Junior year taught by George H. Webster. Mr. Webster was energetic, enthusiastic, and smart.  His teaching style made Marketing fun and interesting. During one lecture, soon after my depressing meeting with Dr. Nouri, the topic of marketing research was discussed. Wow! A light bulb lit up. There was the answer. Combining the rigor and logic of statistics with the excitement and creativity of marketing was the answer to my problem. I now had a goal. Share on X

Well, I graduated with my degree in Statistics and took enough business courses to earn a minor in Business Economics.

I took a year to figure things out. Then, I returned to academia and pursued an MBA in Marketing at SUNY Albany.  Upon graduation from Albany, while most of my classmates were getting jobs in New York City, I decided to move to Atlanta. Although Atlanta was then a growing city, it was not a hotbed for marketing research and my degrees from Albany and Oneonta did not impress any potential employers in the South.

Through a stroke in fate, my father saw a job posting in the Wall Street Journal for Lecturer positions at my alma mater, Oneonta State. He encouraged me to apply, even though I had no interest in teaching nor felt that I had the experience or academic qualifications for the job. But, to please my father, I went ahead and applied, not believing that I had a shot.

To my surprise, I got the job and joined the faculty at Oneonta State. I enjoyed three years teaching Accounting, Intro to Business, and Marketing and, finally, in Year 3, I got to teach a course in Marketing Research. But in the back of my mind, I still had that goal of becoming a professional marketing researcher.

While teaching at Oneonta, I got a flyer in the mail from the University of Georgia promoting a new academic program leading to a Masters in Marketing Research (MMR). As a member of the business faculty, I was supposed to talk to my students about the program and encourage applications. Not only did I share the information with my students, but I decided to apply for the program myself, was accepted and enrolled.

After completing my MMR, I finally had the marketing research credentials to combine with my Statistics degree and Marketing MBA to reach my goal and I landed my first professional marketing research job in Atlanta.

So, my path wasn’t direct, but I eventually found my way. My career has had its up and downs and twists and turns, but I have worked in the marketing research profession now for more than 35 years!

I’ve got Dr. Nouri to thank for being forthright and honest with me about what careers to expect with an undergraduate degree in statistics, highlighting what I didn’t want to do. Unfortunately, Dr. Nouri passed away in 2003 and I never got the chance to thank him for his influence. I am appreciative of George H. Webster for sparking my interest in Marketing with his enthusiasm and expertise for the subject, helping me to discover what I did want to do.  I don’t know what has happened to Mr. Webster, but if he’s out there and reading this… Thanks!

How about you? What was your professional path? Was it full of twists and turns? Who were the people who helped put you on the right road? What’s your story?  I’d love to hear about it.

Carl Fusco

Carl Fusco is an accomplished Marketing Research Consultant who helps businesses more effectively solve problems by applying research techniques and data-based insights.  For more information, email him at or call him at 770-364-7160 .



Thank you for visiting our Blog!

Jim Weber – Managing Partner,  ITB Partners

Jim Weber – Managing Partner, ITB Partners

I hope you enjoyed our point of view and would like to receive regular posts directly to your email inbox.  Toward this end, put your contact information on my mailing list.

Your feedback helps me continue to publish articles that you want to read.  Your input is very important to me so; please leave a comment.

July 13 Meeting of Great Careers/The BENG Atlanta Chapter – What’s Your Shtick? Branding Yourself Workshop

What’s Your Shtick? Branding Yourself Workshop 

In your pursuit to build your brand, you have to separate yourself in a competitive environment. You have to put yourself out there, elevate your game, and stand-out.


This presentation is all about YOU.

• Learn how to determine your keywords for your resume and LinkedIn

• Learn tips and best practices for business & networking cards

• Learn the difference between taglines vs. slogans

• Explore the six-word memoir

• Perform a LinkedIn SWOT analysis of your profile

• Develop personal branding on LinkedIn

• Reflect on your online and offline reputation

• Create your action plan


BIO Lynne Williams

Lynne Williams

Lynne M. Williams, Ed.D. Candidate, is the Executive Director of the Great Careers Group & BENG a volunteer-run 501(c)3 nonprofit organization that provides career education and networking connections for: 1) jobseekers in career transition, including veterans and 2) employed and self-employed for career management.

In addition, Lynne is also the owner of Around the Clock Executive Helper, a writer of resumes and LinkedIn profiles. Lynne presents unique research-based workshops on LinkedIn, resumes, the Applicant Tracking System, the Art of Networking In-Person & Online, and other career-related, social media, and technology topics. She is currently working on writing her doctoral dissertation and is a contributing author to Find Your Fit: A Practical Guide to Landing the Job You Love along with the late Dick Bolles, the author of What Color is Your Parachute?.

She writes a weekly career column in Vista.Today Montco.Today Delco.Today Bucksco.Today and other publications with LinkedIn tips and more. Read our SCORE Success Story! The nonprofit was listed as #1 on the Philadelphia Business Journal’s Business Networking Associations in Dec 2020.  Upcoming speaking topics: 


James Weber is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Great Careers/The BENG Atlanta Chapter July Meeting
Time: Jul 13, 2021 07:30 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 814 7951 3871
Passcode: 532561


The Stuff

“We cannot become what we need to be by remaining what we are.” Max De Pree

Stephen H Dawson, DSL

There is only one person who matters when defining what must be done in any situation. That person is our self. The reality of our impact both now and tomorrow is the challenge of living what we believe by doing what we believe. This impact is the linear connection of worldview, ethics, morality, and virtue.

We are working to resolve your delay in accomplishing your strategic planning work by swapping out some folks in your organization. You have decided to become what you need to be by not remaining what you are now. You are completing your materials summary, your Love Action Items list, and scheduling the first meeting with your boss based on the plan we covered recently. Today, let’s cover what I, in both a dignified and proper manner, call…the stuff. The stuff is the linear combination of worldview, ethics, morality, and virtue. Think of them as indispensable blocks to build your life, your organization, your society, your country, and our world.

I held off discussing the stuff with you earlier, as I did not want to overwhelm you with too much to process at one time. You are growing as a healthy leader by going through the process we are working out together. We are not late discussing the stuff, as you are now working on completing your materials summary and your Love Action Items list. Now is the time to discuss the stuff, to help round out your writing and prepare it for your first stop: your boss reviewing your written forthcoming leadership plan.

I will not bore you with the background of the Greek philosophers who became famous from their perspectives on worldview, ethics, morality, and virtue. They did not invent the terms, they do not own the terms, but they did much to help people understand the terms. I appreciate their help in my learning these terms. Yet, we do not answer to them. We answer to reasoning that can withstand scrutiny.

Here is how I see the stuff: No one cares about what I care about in life unless they are willing to pay me for what I care about in life. Their payment to me can come through countless options. I urge you to adopt a similar perspective. I will now teach you all there is to learn about the stuff in less than five minutes, holding our shared understanding that it takes a lifetime for everyone to do the stuff to prove to our self’s we know our stuff.


What a person believes. It is a singular term. It is the list of items a person believes. The listed items do not need to be defined clearly to the person believing them. There is no mandate to one’s self to prove what that person does by self-debate. Worldview defines the subset of truth to the person but does not define truth entirely. Share on XOne does only need to believe something for it to be a part of their worldview. Worldview is nothing more than what a person believes.

Worldview is what we believe.


What a person does. It is a plural term. It is the list of items a person does. The listed items do need to be defined clearly to the person doing them. Each ethic is performed both consciously and purposely. There is a mandate to one’s self to prove what that person does by self-debate. Ethics are nothing more than what a person does.

Ethics are what we do.


What a person must do based only on their worldview. Morality defines right and good. It is a plural term. It is the list of items a person must do as the subset of what they could do to fulfill their worldview. The listed items do need to be defined clearly to the person doing them. Each moral is performed both consciously and purposely. There is a mandate to one’s self to prove what that person does by self-debate. Morals are nothing more than what a person believes they must do.

Morals are what we believe we should do.


The items at the top of a person’s morality list. It is a plural term. It is the list of items a person must do as the prioritized subset of what they could do to fulfill their worldview. The listed items do need to be defined clearly to the person doing them. Each virtue is performed both consciously and purposely. There is a mandate to one’s self to prove what that person does by self-debate. Virtues are nothing more than what a person believes they must do before doing anything else.

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Congratulations. You just mastered understanding the terms worldviewethicmorality, and virtue. I hold the worldview more folks in this world should master what you just learned.

Please understand it is not my intent to trivialize these terms. It is my intent to keep them from causing you harm. You have been doing the stuff since the moment you took your first breath. You will continue to do the stuff until the moment you take your last breath. It is best, as with all doing, one knows what they are doing after a suitable period of learning occurs. We talked about this consideration when I asked if you wanted me to use heavy equipment before I learned how to operate the heavy equipment.

A common phrase in social and political circles today is moral responsibility. I struggle to find a meaningful definition of this phrase as a term, so I do not identify this phrase as a term. A moral can only be held between two people when they perform similar ethics based on their similar worldviews. What the verbal assailant is doing with this phrase is attacking your virtues, not your morality. It is a form of intellectual cowardice, as they refuse to learn the terminology they use in their statements.

I encourage you to remember the linear relationship between worldview, ethics, morality, and virtue the next time someone tries to push you around with their demand that you supply them your morality as they see fit. Think back to our discussion on power when you hear them place such a demand on you.


I know we covered some heavy topics this week. Fear not, for indisputable facts help strengthen your leadership ability. Take the stuff for what it is: your stuff. Remember, there is only one person who matters when defining what must be done in any situation. That person is our self.

I encourage you to spend time this week completing your materials summary, your Love Action Items list and schedule the first meeting with your boss based on the plan we covered recently. Also, consider how your followers speak and act in light of what you have now learned about the stuff. Finally, consider how much of an overlap there is between each follower’s worldview and your worldview by considering what they do…their ethics. We will look at their morality and their virtues during future discussions.

So, I ask you: where do you want to go? I hope your answer is to develop the plans necessary to accomplish the strategy you know you need to achieve to arrive at your desired destination. If this is the case, then let’s get to work. If not, then I wish you the best of everything.

I hope we will see each other here next week. Email me if you need to talk before then.


Dr. Stephen H. Dawson, DSL

Executive Strategy Consultant

Stephen Dawson is an executive consultant of technology and business strategy, serving significant international organizations by providing leadership consulting, strategic planning, and executive communications. He has more than thirty years of service and consulting experience in delivering successful international business development and program management outcomes in the US and SE Asia. His weekly column, “Where Do You Want To Go?,” appears on Thursdays.

Dr. Dawson has served in the technology, banking, and hospitality industries. He is a noted strategic planning visionary. His pursuit of music has been matched with his efforts to lead by service to followers. He holds the clear understanding a leader without followers is a person taking a long walk alone.

Stephen has lived his life in the eastern United States, visiting most of the United States and several countries. He is a graduate of the Regent University School of Business & Leadership. Contact him at

Thank you for visiting our Blog!

Jim Weber – Managing Partner,  ITB Partners

Jim Weber – Managing Partner, ITB Partners

I hope you enjoyed our point of view and would like to receive regular posts directly to your email inbox.  Toward this end, put your contact information on my mailing list.

Your feedback helps me continue to publish articles that you want to read.  Your input is very important to me so; please leave a comment.

“What’s Your Plan B?” Are You Cut Out for Self-Employment?

Join me and the “What’s Your Plan B?” Executive Development networking group for this informative, interactive online discussion.

Am I Cut Out for Self-Employment?
Thursday, June 24th
8:00 am ET (45 min + Q&A)
FREE event (join at 7:45 am for networking)
RSVP – click here

While the autonomy and flexibility of self-employment are appealing, how can you know if it’s for you? Can you achieve your desired success as your own boss? What are the risks and rewards? What are your available options? If you are considering self-employment, or find yourself at a career crossroads, this session will answer:

  • Common traits of successful, happy self-employed professionals.
  • Pros and Cons of Acquisition, Consulting, Franchising, and Start-ups.
  • Affordable funding options.
  • Free resources for new business owners.
  • The COVID-19 impact for considering starting a small business (benefits and challenges) will be discussed.

Want to chat with me now? Please use my scheduling link to choose a time to take my call:
To your success,

Leslie Kuban
Franchise Consultant | Franchise Owner | Best Selling Author | Speaker

Leslie Kuban, CFE
Market President
Mobile: 404.236.9115
Office: 770.579.3726


Five Things to Learn from Marketing Research

 Large consumer companies like Coca-Cola, Proctor & Gamble, and Frito-Lay spend millions of dollars each year on marketing research to gain an edge in a competitive market. They have a large staff of people with PhDs, MMRs, and MBAs creating and managing complex research studies to provide data and insights to support business decisions.

But what about smaller or medium-sized businesses? Are the insights leveraged by big companies beyond their scope because of a lack of resources and personnel? Should they depend on guesswork and intuition to drive marketing decisions? The answer is NO.

Attaining insights to drive your business is within the reach of any business. The scope and scale may differ, but the focus should be on five key learnings.

    1. Know Your Company
    2. Know Your Customers
    3. Know Your Prospects
    4. Know Your Competitors
    5. Know Your Communications

A good starting point to addressing all of these is an Awareness, Attitude, and Usage (AAU) study. A comprehensive AAU study provides the necessary component measures to understand and define your place in the marketplace and how you are perceived by consumers and prospects. The study can be scaled to fit the needs of the organization based on the size of the market, the number of competitors, and the extent of your budget.

Awareness (the percentage of the target population who are aware of your brand vs. other brands) helps marketers understand their position in the marketplace and the success of their marketing communications programs. Awareness is measured in three components:

    • Top-of-mind awareness- the percentage of people who mention a brand as the first one that comes to mind.
    • Unaided awareness- the percentage of mentions of brands that people recall beyond top-of-mind without any prompting.
    • Aided awareness-the percentage of mentions after providing a list of brand names from which to choose.

Attitude measures provide insights about the reputation of your brand and competing brands in the mind of consumers, leading to the development of your brand positioning. Attitude is usually measured using a series of statements about brand attributes that respondents rate on how well those attributes fit with or describe the relevant brand.

The final part of AAU, Usage, is directly linked with sales and provides insights into the number, frequency, and timing of purchasing combined with the consumer’s behavior and thought process while purchasing the product.

A well-constructed AAU should also include psychographics, lifestyle, and demographic questions that can be used to categorize and segment consumers in the marketplace. Here is how an AAU can provide insights to the five questions:

Know Your Company

Organizations of all sizes must develop detailed strategic plans that describe their mission, goals, and objectives and define key strengths and weaknesses. Through the AAU study, you will develop a greater understanding of the marketplace dynamics and consumers to identify your unique selling proposition and better target your organizations’ goals and objectives to the needs and characteristics of the marketplace.

Know Your Customers

Beyond understanding how consumers perceive your products and services, the AAU study can help you further understand the needs and wants of your customers and characteristics about their lifestyle, media consumption, and demographics that you can leverage to better meet those needs and wan

 Know Your Prospects

 Like a shark that must swim forward to stay alive, a business organization must grow to survive. Marketing Research is necessary to learn about the differentiating characteristics of your non-customers, your prospects. Deploy the AAU study among prospective customers to measure their attitudes and usage of your and competitor brands as differentiated from your customers.  Additionally, the data can be used to identify prospects in homogenous groups or segments that can be differentially targeted with specific marketing programs to gain their adoption of your products or services.

Know Your Competitors

Having insights about your competitors can identify gaps in their delivery of consumer needs and wants to exploit in your tactical marketing. Of course, the AAU will provide a relative measure of brand awareness for your company and that of your competitors. The AAU should also include interviews with customers of your competitors to measure their attitudes and to understand competitive brand positionings. Ultimately, your analysis should “map” or compare your brands’ strengths and position versus those of your competitors.

 Know Your Communication

In a world overrun with messaging, how do you get your messages to stand out? The AAU will provide information about how successful your marketing campaigns are in building awareness and supporting your brand positioning. The attitudinal information will also help guide the development and structure of your advertising and promotional messaging to effectively break through the clutter, clearly communicate, and support the positioning and unique selling proposition of your products and services.

Don’t avoid conducting marketing research because you feel that it is out of reach due to cost, complexity, or relevancy. Share on XYou need to know Your Company, your customers, your prospects, your competition, and your communication to be successful. AAU marketing research can provide you with those answers.

For more on this and other Marketing Research topics, follow me on LinkedIn or reach out to me at if I can help you in any way.


Carl Fusco

Carl Fusco is an accomplished Marketing Research Consultant who helps businesses more effectively solve problems by applying research techniques and data-based insights.





Thank you for visiting our Blog!

Jim Weber – Managing Partner,  ITB Partners

Jim Weber – Managing Partner, ITB Partners

I hope you enjoyed our point of view and would like to receive regular posts directly to your email inbox.  Toward this end, put your contact information on my mailing list.

Your feedback helps me continue to publish articles that you want to read.  Your input is very important to me so; please leave a comment.


“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that.” Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., PhD

Stephen H Dawson, DSL

Standing in the spotlight can be a scary experience. The focus is on the person or persons in the spotlight, while many others view using some form of judgment. Many people in the world today are prepared to attack anyone in any spotlight. It is becoming more and more popular to be nameless and faceless while seeking fame. This combination results from group thinking, not individual thinking, leading to group identity serving as individual identity. This combination is not only silly, but it is also impossible.

Leadership is achieved by people who lead. Group leadership is a flawed concept resulting in a toxic leadership style. It is flawed because the leader-follower relationship involves specific people following a specific person serving as their leader. Team leadership is a viable means to build an organization, either small or large. The definition of team leadership is not the same as the definition of group leadership. Furthermore, both the team and group leadership constructs eradicate the power of signing paychecks. The power is lost because people work for a mysterious team or group definition, not a boss in whatever form a boss exists in the organization structure even though wages are paid every pay cycle. Neither the team nor the group leadership condition forms the employer-employee relationship. Leadership is only successful when a productive leader-follower relationship is present.

We have been working on resolving the impediments suffering the accomplishment of your strategic planning. We concluded you have a people problem, not a worker skills or workspace problem. We have covered many topics preparing for the action item necessary to resolve your most significant impediment: your need to get different people assigned to the work. We talked about the definitions of love. We considered a concept for how to harness the energy supplied to you by love so you can combine the topics we have discussed to help you form a plan to evaluate the candidates you have as you consider offering them a role in your organization where they will help complete your strategic planning work. We acted last week to capture your action items for how you will deliver love to your followers in a table called the Love Action Items list. Today, we will review your work from last week and further prepare it to be understood by those who will report to you in the operation of your organization’s future structure.


Your Love Action Items list requires the support of your boss to be enacted successfully. You require their support and approval for the following reasons. First, you report to them. They must know what you are doing to run your organization. Second, if you hold a similar worldview as the rest of the world that values reason, then you would do well to honor your boss by coming to them for their input, support, and approval of your efforts to run your organization. Third, their role can help provide you access to more resources to develop further your Love Action Items list than the resources you had access to when you built the list you hold in your hand now. Finally, they may shut down your entire effort to run your organization by way of your Love Action Items list.

It is probable your boss will ask how each HOW item matches the organization’s objectives to accomplish the organization’s goals in pursuit of its mission statement. Have a direct match connecting each HOW item to your organization’s objectives presentable in a flow diagram. The diagram can be as simple as boxes with connecting lines and arrowheads showing flow directions. A picture states a thousand words, so use your flow diagrams to your benefit.

It is doubtful your boss will be willing to step through the detail of the materials we have covered up to this point. You will need to summarize in writing the materials we have covered for them to understand better what you are bringing to them. They will most likely need to take some time to step through your materials summary and your Love Action Items list. The best-case scenario is they meet with you a few times to cover your materials summary and your Love Action Items list.

Talking with your boss


Take your Love Action Items list and run it by some people who are not in your organization. Take it to people who will not share the Love Action Items list with anyone in your organization at this point. This anonymity empowers both you and them to be as transparent as possible in your discussions with them. I am not saying they must agree 100% with everything you have contained in your Love Action Items list. I am saying listen to their reasoning and modify your Love Action Items list by further development as appropriate.

If your Love Action Items list does not contain wording sufficient to satisfy all cognitive levels present in your organization, then you must wordsmith your Love Action Items list to the point all members of your organization can understand clearly the message of each HOW item, understand how each HOW item matches a specific love definition, and why they will benefit by doing the items on your Love Action Items list. The items are your words stating your leadership plan. This Love Action Items list is work you must accomplish without outside writing assistance. It is understood you will use outside editorial assistance to refine your Love Action Items list after you have written it as a draft.

Talking with your friends

You testing your Love Action Items list also involves discussing your list with your organization’s general counsel and then with your organization’s human resources after you complete discussions with your general counsel. This strategy assurances all codified requirements match the construct of your Love Action Items list by those who are qualified to make this interpretation. Then, your time with human resources assures their support both to you and to any follower of your leadership who feels they are not being treated fairly by the HOW items in your Love Action Items list.

My strategic partner David Daniels shared with me his input on dealing with the people problems at this point in the process. “Every organization has an IN group and an OUT group. NO company avoids this dynamic. Diverse input, can be sidetracked by those that are perceived to be in control. Share on XOften, when this attitude prevails, many employees feel isolated and not included. The result: you get the prevailing wisdom from those who already maintain the dominant position in your organization. This critical part in the strategic process gets derailed and the CEO loses the ability to surface great ideas that could move the company forward.” David went on to say, “Engaging the GC & HR lead is important, but they may be part of the IN group and will resist giving up their power and influence. The CEO needs an extremely competent Chief Diversity Officer who reports directly to the CEO. This person can identify the IN group to guide them to a much better place demonstrating how to include all relevant voices. Please remember, Diversity is far more than race, gender, sexual preference, etc.”

David and I agree on the central point of your role in your organization. You run your organization. You are seeking the input of the general counsel and human resources. You, after gaining their input, then must make the decision to run your organization.


You are now ready to take your Love Action Items list and write the job announcements for each role replacement you need to be filled to help accomplish your strategic planning work. Your efforts to this point will connect all of the materials we have covered with the focus of using love to energize the light to shine on these job announcements. Plan to post the job announcements in as many ways possible that are suitable for your organization’s privacy requirements.

Announcing your job openings

It is then time to accomplish communications with your organization’s members of the changes you have decided to make. The communications must include you teaching your people the four definitions of love. It is best you do not accomplish these communications before posting the job announcements. You are the leader of the organization. You are acting appropriately to resolve some people problems in your organization that impair the accomplishment of your organization’s strategic planning. There is nothing about your people replacement decision needing the approval of your followers at this point.

The best-case scenario is anyone who does not want to follow your leadership by way of your Love Action Items list will complain about you as a person, not your leadership. This complaint is a misdirection effort to hide the fact they do not want to act in accordance with the items you have listed in your Love Action Items list. The good news here is you are now able to see clearly who no longer wants to follow your leadership, you see perhaps a bit more of why your strategic planning work is not progressing as you prefer, and you have the opportunity to discuss with the complainers why your Love Action Items list is written as it is for you to lead your organization.

If this discussion, not discussions, is not successful for the complainer to understand fully the future of the organization you lead, then the complaining follower will need to leave your organization. Your single discussion, combined with the well-written contents of your Love Action Items list and associated communication materials, serves as more than enough for any adult worker to understand how your organization will now operate. The time you spent with your boss, your general counsel, and human resources sharing the material we have covered and your work to develop your Love Action Items list will pay off for you immensely. You may be a bit rattled by either the person or persons who complain, but there is no place for either you or them to stand on the same ground anymore. You made the decision for how you both need and want to run your organization. It is now time for you to fulfill your leadership decision.

This review effort may take some time to accomplish. Do not be discouraged at the time and effort necessary to accomplish the review effort. We have other actions we need to accomplish before you start interviewing applicants, so we will be working in parallel with your review effort to achieve these actions as you wait for your reviewers to step through your materials summary, your Love Action Items list, and meet with you.

So, I ask you: where do you want to go? I hope your answer is to develop the plans necessary to accomplish the strategy you know you need to achieve to arrive at your desired destination. If this is the case, then let’s get to work. If not, then I wish you the best of everything.

I hope we will see each other here next week. Email me if you need to talk before then.


Dr. Stephen H. Dawson, DSL

Executive Strategy Consultant

Dr. Stephen H Dawson

Stephen Dawson is an executive consultant of technology and business strategy, serving significant international organizations by providing leadership consulting, strategic planning, and executive communications. He has more than thirty years of service and consulting experience in delivering successful international business development and program management outcomes in the US and SE Asia. His weekly column, “Where Do You Want To Go?,” appears on Thursdays.

Dr. Dawson has served in the technology, banking, and hospitality industries. He is a noted strategic planning visionary. His pursuit of music has been matched with his efforts to lead by service to followers. He holds the clear understanding a leader without followers is a person taking a long walk alone.

Stephen has lived his life in the eastern United States, visiting most of the United States and several countries. He is a graduate of the Regent University School of Business & Leadership. Contact him at

Thank you for visiting our blog.


Jim Weber, Managing Partner – ITB Partners

Jim Weber – Managing Partner,  ITB Partners

I hope you enjoyed our point of view and would like to receive regular posts directly to your email inbox.  Toward this end, put your contact information on my mailing list.

Your feedback helps me continue to publish articles that you want to read.  Your input is very important to me so; please leave a comment.



Marketing Research is Simple… Asking at the “Right” Time

In my previous articles, I illustrated that to conduct “good” Marketing Research, you must Ask the “Right” Questions, of the “Right” People.  In this final installment in the series, I explore Asking at the “Right” Time.

Timing research correctly should be obvious.  Determine when you need the information to make a decision, how long the research will take, and count back on the calendar to determine when you need to start. But, as with asking the “Right” questions of the “Right” people, it is not always that simple. There are five questions to consider relative to timing when planning research:

  1. Is there enough time to conduct the research? Sometimes you just don’t have the time you need to conduct the research that is necessary.  Early in my career, a product manager asked me to provide a proposal to research a new product innovation that was under development. It was the end of March. I was excited by the chance to build a comprehensive research program to assess the feasibility of a product, not only new to the company but a true innovation in the industry.  I wrote a proposal that included secondary research, qualitative research, and a number of step-wise quantitative studies, all culminating in an estimate of demand for the new product.  The whole program would take 12-15 months, which I felt was pretty efficient considering the scope.  But the product manager rejected my plan, not because of the expense, but because of the timing.  You see, the product under development was already scheduled to be launched on November 2 of that same year.  The launch was on a published schedule at a major industry conference and the company CEO was already slated to make the announcement.  So, there was no time to execute any research to support the development and launch of the product.
  1. Are you blessed with too much time? I once rushed a research project into the field at the end of the year to make sure that we used up the money that was in our budget. It was a prudent thing to do from a budgetary standpoint, but it wasn’t effective for the business.  I presented the results of the research in January of the following year, only to find that the insights were no longer relevant because the entire marketing program upon which the research was predicated was to be radically changed in the next month.
  1. Do you need to have measurements before and after an event or campaign?  If you are conducting a Pre-Post study, you must be sure that the Pre phase of the research is completed before the event that you want to measure in the Post phase begins. If you are measuring the effectiveness of an advertising campaign, the Pre phase must be completed before the ad campaign is launched.  Sometimes, it’s impossible to conduct a Pre phase.  For example, last April, I was asked if we could compare attitudes of people about healthcare before the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic.  At the time, without a 1985 DeLorean equipped with a Flux Capacitor, it was impossible to conduct a Pre COVID-19 survey.
  1. Can your timing be interrupted by external forces? I was managing a packaging test for a brand of fruit juices utilizing personal interviews in three cities.  We had a tight timeline to finish the research to provide input to the manufacturer to coincide with the completion of the packaging production facility.  Everything was right on schedule until the interviewing facility outside of Los Angeles had to evacuate due to out-of-control wildfires.  Fortunately, no one was hurt, but external forces beyond our control delayed our project by a full week.
  1. Is this a good time to be conducting any research? There may not be a “Right” time to conduct a research project and perhaps the best decision is to delay or not do any research.  For example, you shouldn’t be testing a new technology before you have a working prototype. I once tried to test a new smartphone concept in focus groups when we only had a wooden model to show respondents.  They could not understand the concept at all.  Delaying the research until we could better demonstrate the product led to more useful insights.

Timing is a critical component of any research program.  By asking these five questions as part of your research planning, you can avoid making errors and wasting resources.

For more on this and other Marketing Research topics, follow me on LinkedIn or reach out to me at if I can help you in any way.

Carl Fusco

Carl Fusco is an accomplished Marketing Research Consultant who helps businesses more effectively solve problems by applying research techniques and data-based insights.


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Jim Weber, Managing Partner – ITB Partners

Jim Weber – Managing Partner,  ITB Partners

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“Only a life lived in the service to others is worth living.” Albert Einstein

Stephen Dawson, DSL

I met Melissa in the summer of 1983 at a teenager retreat. We spent a lot of time together with the other teenagers and alone with each other during the retreat. We became quite fond of one another. We lived several hundred miles from one another. We ended our time together, wanting more of a relationship. Melissa wrote me a letter a month later she had decided there is no future for our relationship. She planned to spend some of her college years in both the United States and France. She did not see a way we could grow our relationship with distance.

I cried for an hour after I read the letter. I knew she was 100% correct. She had much more intelligence than me, much more class than me, and her family was much more wealthy than mine. There were no viable means to grow our relationship. I ran into her several months later, unexpectedly. Our conversation was awkward. We wanted to continue our relationship, but the spark was gone. I have not talked with her or seen her since that day.

Melissa served both me and us with her leadership demonstrated in her letter. She considered the facts, made a choice, and communicated herself well. Her efforts form the basis for a successful leadership strategy.

Consider the attributes of this story. Then, consider how your people, the followers of your leadership, are wondering how to grow a relationship with you. Who makes the first move? Who makes the next move? How will these moves be made? Oh, and there is accomplishing the work they are being paid to do.

I shared in-depth recently about love. I also shared leading by serving is a formal leadership style. I shared over the past several weeks how leaders I identified have demonstrated love to their followers, along with those outside of their organization. If things went well for you this past week, then you are wondering now how to deliver love to your followers. If things did not go well for you last week, then you are wondering now if loving your followers is worth the hassle. Let’s talk about the second item first, and then we will cover the first item.


I see there are three options when it comes to relating to people. The first option is to love them. The second option is to hate them. The final option is to care less about them. This final option may be considered to be a form of hate, but I identify it as a form of ambivalence. It is not a form of apathy.

If I know my leader hates me, then there is no point in my trying to follow them. I may be forced to follow them, but I will not perform at my best potential to deliver my work. It seems to me this combination is an inescapable attribute of humanity.

If I know my leader is unsure of either their love or hatred for me, then I am thinking the day will come when they chose to either love or hate me. I will wonder which option they will choose with more and more thought devoted to this wondering until the day comes when they make their choice. I will not focus entirely on my work, as I will have part of my attention direct elsewhere. It seems to me this combination is an inescapable attribute of humanity.

If I know neither hatred nor ambivalence empowers my followers to work fully to accomplish their work, then it makes sense to be the only viable option is to love them. I know of no credible evidence where I should conserve love. Conserve, in the form of holding back at some point. I may be too tired to give love, but this condition is a call to rest instead of a call not to give love. If I want the best return for my investment of time, money, and perhaps even a bit of social status, then it makes sense to me to maximize my investment of love into my followers so they will have the best potential to deliver to me the work I ask them, and perhaps am even paying them, to accomplish.


A relationship involves two or more people. If I have thousands of people in my organization, then it is impossible to spend individual time with each other. I must work with my direct reports to accomplish loving all followers of my leadership. I must instruct, model, and require my direct reports to love their direct reports, all the way to the lowest level of the organization. This step is what I call a mandate.

Next, I must know my direct reports are doing what I mandate of them. I must go to those at different levels in my organization and ask them individually to tell me their understanding of the mandate to understand what I required in my mandate is being accomplished. Talking in person is better. Talking by video is better than only audio. However, audio talking is better than not talking. It is more effective to go to the middle of the organization first, then the bottom when having these talks. This approach gives me accurate first-hand findings quite quickly. This step is what I call a measurement.

Talking together

Next, I take any corrective action necessary to match what I mandated with what I measured to eliminate any variance. This action occurs speedily over a day or so. This step is what I call a demand.

If any of my direct reports disagree with my leadership, then it is best either I change my leadership, or they cease reporting to me. I am willing to discuss how I accomplish my work. I am not willing to discuss what I mandate. A mandate is derived by what I know must happen to preserve the organization, to grow it, and perhaps even turn it over to another leader at some future date. I know a mandate by the intersection of my worldview, my ethics, and my morals.

So, how about the followers? There must be enough of an intersection between leader and follower in their worldview, ethics, and morality for them to be able to accomplish the work in their hand. The best practices of both diversity and inclusion tell me I have a better chance of success with as much input as I can receive. Yes, there is a condition known as analysis paralysis. This condition is when a person cannot act on their work because they are taking in too many considerations. We covered this condition when we discussed being scared. The inputs never stop. So, it is best to have as diverse a follower set as I can have in my organization to ensure I have the most inputs possible. Furthermore, I had better love each of them if I expect each of them to be included in my organization by their choosing to do the work I have put into their hand.

Talking again with someone


It is my considered position my loving anyone is a choice I must make daily. I must choose to make myself indebted to love. I do not force anyone to love me. It is impossible to achieve this action, so there is no reason to try and do it.

The idea here is to have a continuous conversation that matters. Matters, in the form of contributing productively to the desired outcome. It is spending the time talking about what organization members are supposed to be talking about: their work. Then, the purposeful conversations occur at all levels of the organization.

A continuous conversation


Now, it is time to write out your action plan to know with certainty how you are going to lead your followers by means of love. Review the material we covered in our discussion on the topic of love. Then, write out a table with the following structure:

Column One, HOW. Write a sentence of how you will deliver love to your followers.

Column Two, STORGE. This column is populated with entries of YES or NO based on HOW you deliver love.

Column Three, PHILIA. This column is populated with entries of YES or NO based on HOW you deliver love.

Column Four, EROS. This column is populated with entries of YES or NO based on HOW you deliver love.

Column Five, AGAPE. This column is populated with entries of YES or NO based on HOW you deliver love.

Love Action Items List

This table now contains your Love Action Items list.

You should be able to write out twenty sentences of HOW you will deliver love without expending much effort. I encourage you to keep each sentence as short as possible while maintaining your clarity. Write out the HOW entries first, then come back and identify which love definition each HOW item matches. The result is each row in your table telling a specific action, matched with one or more specific love definitions, for anyone impacted by your leadership to understand your leadership style better. If you need some help with the HOW part, then read some of the work accomplished by Gary Chapman. Chapman realized there are five common love communication mechanisms.

My strategic partner David Daniels shared with me his thoughts on forming the Love Action Items list. “I have always welcomed different points of view, as long as they came from a positioning of the organization’s values and mission. However, once a decision was made, I fully expected my team to embrace and support the direction. I have watched so many situations where leadership gave the appearance of support to the leader and then went out and trashed the direction or lent unenthusiastic support of it.” I agree with David’s viewpoint. It is best to write your Love Action Items list from the position your people changes may involve changing some of your people who report to you directly, whether or not they serve as leaders.

Your analysis of your table containing your Love Action Items list will help you plan to deliver love to your followers. The best news is your followers will know how you are planning to act, know instantly how your actions match your plan and are empowered to contribute to your table by adding rows as you approve. The key here is your HOW items need to be received by your followers, and your followers HOW items need to be received by you.

Now, some good news. The four types of love expressed through five different options work out to be 465 different combination options. Clearly, there is no shortage of options available to anyone desiring to love anyone. Do some reading on permutations and combinatorics to learn more about combinations. Remember, the leader-follower relationship must work in harmony and not be forced to be effective. We will discuss the work you accomplished with your Love Action Items list next week.

So, I ask you: where do you want to go? I hope your answer is to develop the plans necessary to accomplish the strategy you know you need to achieve to arrive at your desired destination. If this is the case, then let’s get to work. If not, then I wish you the best of everything.

I hope we will see each other here next week. Email me if you need to talk before then.

Dr. Stephen H. Dawson, DSL

Executive Strategy Consultant

Dr. Stephen H Dawson

Stephen Dawson is an executive consultant of technology and business strategy, serving significant international organizations by providing leadership consulting, strategic planning, and executive communications. He has more than thirty years of service and consulting experience in delivering successful international business development and program management outcomes in the US and SE Asia. His weekly column, “Where Do You Want To Go?,” appears on Thursdays.

Dr. Dawson has served in the technology, banking, and hospitality industries. He is a noted strategic planning visionary. His pursuit of music has been matched with his efforts to lead by service to followers. He holds the clear understanding a leader without followers is a person taking a long walk alone.

Stephen has lived his life in the eastern United States, visiting most of the United States and several countries. He is a graduate of the Regent University School of Business & Leadership.

Contact Stephen Dawson at

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Jim Weber, Managing Partner – ITB Partners

Jim Weber – Managing Partner,  ITB Partners

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New Century Dynamics Executive Search Places Strategic Marketing Consultant

New Century Dynamics Executive Search places a Strategic Marketing Consultant to support a rapidly growing direct-to-consumer subscription meal delivery company.

Jim Weber, President of New Century Dynamics Executive Search, and Managing Partner of ITB Partners, reports that he has helped a client find a Strategic Marketing Consultant to assist them in charting their future.

Working with the senior leadership team, this Consultant will drive the development and plan the execution of a comprehensive growth strategy to achieve the company’s objectives. This Consultant will evaluate the organization’s branding, digital & traditional marketing, partnerships, event planning, public relations, community outreach programs, and customer experience group.

About New Century Dynamics Executive Search

New Century Dynamics Executive Search is focused on providing Executive Search and Management Consulting to the Service Industry.

Jim Weber – Managing Partner, ITB Partners

We specialize in Food Service Distribution, Restaurant and Hospitality, and Franchising.

We are specialists in executing the Confidential Search,  placing C-Level Finance, Marketing, Operations, and Business Development, professionals.
Many of our clients are Private Equity Groups and their Portfolio Companies.


I want you to want me.” Cheap Trick

I was 16 years old, living in Knoxville, TN, when the 1982 Worlds Fair occurred. The theme of the fair was energy. Energy, in all senses of the term. Thermodynamics was only a part of the fair’s concept. The idea was to gather as many nations as possible to demonstrate their concepts of how they plan to use all types of energy in the future. The fair was a success by almost all measurements. The fair showed me several options for how I could become more than who I was at the time. It helped to transform me to become a better person.

Knoxville committed to host the fair based on the agreement to develop Knoxville to host guest headcounts greater than anything Knoxville had ever experienced. All city infrastructure had to be upgraded, the roadways had to be redesigned and upgraded, the fair site established, and all other associated planning accomplished and executed in less than a decade. The milestone transformed the city and surrounding area from rural to metropolitan. The people of the region changed mindsets from local to global. There were not enough restaurants or hotels available during the fair to serve the millions of attendees.

A centerpiece of the fair was to be a tower called the Sunsphere. The initial concept for the tower was for it to be taller than the Eiffel Tower. The initial planning revealed there was neither enough time nor money to accomplish the tower at such a height. The ultimate outcome also required lowering the tower height during construction due to cumulative fair site work delays.

We talked about the topic of love last week. If love has any assurance to it, then it is people want to be loved. I remember during the summer of 1982 how much I wanted to be loved, as a part of transiting from boy to man. I wanted to be a meaningful part of the world, to help the world be a better place for everyone. You have heard from me you need to love your followers to succeed in any leadership role. I affirm this statement to you now. You will not, repeat…will not…succeed in your strategic planning efforts without the energy supplied by love.

We are going to cover now a concept for how you would do well to use energy to address the people problems you have with your strategic planning work not being accomplished as you prefer. We will leverage past discussions, learn more about the 1982 fair I attended, and combine things where you can form a plan to evaluate the candidates you have as you consider offering them a role in your organization where they will help complete your strategic planning work.


You have a tangible goal: derive a well-planned strategy. Knoxville had a tangible goal: be ready to go on May 1, 1982. I had a tangible goal: have a fantastic time as a teenager in 1982 while learning how I can be a part of the world that has come to my front door. Fear of failure is often a great motivator for change. We talked about fear during our past discussions. You, Knoxville, and I (the three of us) experienced time running out of our schedules to accomplish our respective goals. It became clear to me in 1981 that I needed help understanding the largeness of what I would experience at the fair. I purchased an unlimited access pass to the fair, and I attended the fair many times. Thankfully, there was a map available to help my young mind navigate the complex fair landscape. I was able to calm my excitement and be more effective during my visits to the pavilions, demonstration events, concerts, and other fair site activities. The key here for the three of us is the need to leverage the energy supplied by those trying to deliver love to us without us becoming overwhelmed in the size of the experience, the wonderfulness of the love, or immersing in a piece of the picture that will slow our forward progress.

1982 Worlds Fair Park Map


You have a budget to accomplish your strategic planning work. You are spending too much on your work because you are not getting the results you either need or want to accomplish the scope of your work. Knoxville had money and workers to develop the city and the fair site, but the complexity of the work often caused the planning of work packages to be less than optimal, pushing expenditures higher than budgeted. No worker can work effectively without specific tasking from specific planning. I was running out of time as a kid for free housing and food. I needed to find a means to get more work graduating high school in 1984 than my existing part-time job at a fast-food restaurant. I wanted to spend much more time at the fair than I had available to me, as I needed to work at my job. The key here for the three of us is having enough money goes with having a clear plan in hand. They both help contribute to having enough time to do what we need to do, to get where we need to go.


You need to place some new faces in some of the roles in your organization to help complete your strategic planning work. OK, maybe it is only one face, but I think it is more than a single face. Either changing roles for existing organization members or removing them from your organization is a huge impact for work that is behind schedule and over budget, as blame often flows easily during work delays. You are, effectively, going into organization design mode with the people changes you must accomplish.

Knoxville had to take their city that was not designed well by layout and derive a new roadway system, upgrade all utilities significantly, and help the lodging and hospitality industries be ready to serve what turned out to be millions of guests. This effort involved reworking the intersection of Interstates 75 and 40, which met in downtown Knoxville. The prior interchange was a horrible roadway design that would never function effectively with the addition of millions expected to attend the fair.

I was becoming more upset the more I attended the fair. I was humbled by the wonderful pavilion hostesses. They were lovely, professional, and quite intelligent. They each were between 24 to 28 years old, each selected by their countries after a rigorous selection progress established by each country. They melted my teenage heart. I was sad that they would leave and I would not see them again. I realized it was best I ask them as many questions as I could to understand not only their concepts of how they plan to use energy in the future are structured, but also about their country’s culture. Yes, to answer the question in your mind, I asked a few of them out on a date. They all turned me down. I trust it was due only to the age difference.

David Daniels shared with me his view on inclusion during the team selection step. “The concept of inclusion works best when you have identified your biases and understand how they might manifest themselves with your decisions as a leader. Your diverse team needs to be comprised of employees who share your values and buy into the mission of your organization. Your leaders need to ensure that every employee understands where they and their department fit into the big picture. Then, and only then, will you achieve the levels of engagement by the team that, in turn, optimizes this critical resource set who is unleashed to exceed expectations.” Effective team formation is not a bolt-on action. It is an inner-mixing action fed to a combustion chamber of the work the team is to accomplish. The day may come when battery-powered airplanes and cargo ships cross oceans. Until then, it is the combustion engine that moves both people and merchandise between continents. We must deliver our output each day, for yesterday is gone, and tomorrow is where we deliver our work outcomes. The concept of the combustion engine is relevant to the workplace of both today and the foreseeable future.

The key here for the three of us is knowing where we fit into the big picture. We each have a scope, a budget, and a schedule. We are each time-bound to accomplish our work. We cannot spend decades doing work that does not require decades. Now, don’t get me wrong. I agree time must be spent as appropriate. It is the appropriateness part that each leader must consider. I remember Dr. Beverly Crusher helped me learn this lesson. She helped me learn to measure with caution each time I must make this appropriateness decision. See if her worlds help you understand the appropriate aspect of how we spend our efforts.


Your investors have charged you with the responsibility to accomplished the planning of the strategy they require you to achieve. Knoxville made a deal by their free choice with the Bureau International des Expositions to host the fair. I had life calling me to grow into adulthood, along with food and housing running out in a few years. The messages were each well-formed and delivered with clarity. Now, it is time for you to take the energy of those circumstances calling you and use it to your benefit.

You must form a message to an intended audience stating you have a work opportunity you want to be filled with a new face from a person either inside or outside of your organization for each role you need to be filled. This action is not merely a job posting from the personnel department, hoping a suitable candidate is supplied to you. The role opportunity is to accomplish specific work in an environment operated by…love. It will operate by love because you are leading the organization. You are convinced you must demonstrate love to your followers, you must serve them through this yet-to-be-defined leadership style called servant leadership, and you are certain the planning of your organization’s strategy must be accomplished with excellence. This combination is what Knoxville did, it is what I do now, and what I know you must do to realize success as a leader trying to accomplish your organization’s strategic planning. Perhaps you can reassign all of your people assigned to the work to new roles in the work. I doubt this option will work, but it is possible.

Knoxville took on more than they could accomplish with the 1982 fair. They needed help many times from many external organizations to both plan and do the preparation work. It was not clear things would be ready for opening day. I remember the Sunsphere was not finished until two days before opening day. Your strategic planning work not being accomplished as you prefer means you are about to be in the same mess as Knoxville was in the late 1970s. I remember the leaders of Knoxville becoming quite humble to ask for the help they needed. You may need to be more humble than you are now to identify those who you need to be a part of your organization to complete your strategic planning work. I see gaining more humility as a good thing. It is a good aspect of love, as love shares the loving experience and does not dominate those they love.


The Sunsphere still stands today. It is a good memory for those who were in Knoxville before the fair and afterward to see what happened, recall how it happened, and know things changed for the better.

I grew up, though having to walk many bumpy roads to get there. I see my summer of 1982 as a valuable contributor to not perishing along the way to get to our conversation now. I have thought of that summer often over the years.

You are looking to grow as a leader by gaining more effectiveness in your organization by adding some new folks to help with some of your organization’s work. I encourage you to take note of the experiences Knoxville and I went through. Finding the people you are hoping will join your organization needs not only help from those outside of your organization, but you also need healthy joy to get them to join your organization. It is not a matter of joining to do the work of an already accomplished plan. It is the condition where an organization cannot work because they do not have a plan that candidates must consider. Who wants to join an organization that has no work plan? Today, people revel in fame from things like social networking, politics, and many communal forms. A dysfunctional organization does not have fame, but perhaps they have shame. Use the energy of positive change potential you have in your hand now to your benefit. It will take more humility on your part to get the energy focused, placed, and communicated.

Now is not the time to assign blame for how things became as they are for your people. Now is the time for taking inventory of where you stand, counting the costs to get to where you want to go, and deciding if you want to pay the price to get there. If so, then it is now time to talk with those you consider offering to join your organization. Talk to them, but do not offer them a position. You are researching as of this point. If you are not ready to take the step to go and speak with those candidates, then we need to come up with another plan for you.


Remember, strategic planning work is perpetual. It never ends. The tangible of a plan to accomplish a strategy is not a piece of paper generated by executive leadership at an annual meeting. It is the collection of plans from the entire organization unified into a single plan. Concisely, one cannot lead if one cannot plan strategy. Execution of a strategy is much easier than deriving a strategy. Ease, in the form of knowing the right things to do. We talked about right and evil during past discussions. I know we need to talk about these terms more than what we have so far. Today, understand that healthy love, love supplied to people that helps builds them to become more humble, helps lead us to what is right, and helps keep us away from evil. I keep coming back to this thing called humble for a reason. It is because pride is a horrible means to lead anyone to do anything. Being proud is not a form of pride, but we can cover these terms another day. If I need to define the term humble, then please tell me.

Summarizing, you want people to be a part of your organization. Those people must want to be a part of your organization. You want them to want you. They want you to want to give them a job. This combination is more than a catchy lyric in a successful rock tune. It is a viable means to find the people you need to help you with your strategic planning work. Yes, I just said want must intersect with need in your staffing choices. You will find this collective wanting is what you need because you are convinced you must demonstrate love to your followers, you must serve them through this yet-to-be-defined leadership style called servant leadership, and you are certain the planning of your organization’s strategy must be accomplished with excellence.

So, I ask you: where do you want to go? I hope your answer is to develop the plans necessary to accomplish the strategy you know you need to achieve to arrive at your desired destination. If this is the case, then let’s get to work. If not, then I wish you the best of everything.

I hope we will see each other here next week. Email me if you need to talk before then.

Dr. Stephen H. Dawson, DSL

Executive Strategy Consultant

Dr. Stephen H Dawson

Stephen Dawson is an executive consultant of technology and business strategy, serving significant international organizations by providing leadership consulting, strategic planning, and executive communications. He has more than thirty years of service and consulting experience in delivering successful international business development and program management outcomes in the US and SE Asia. His weekly column, “Where Do You Want To Go?,” appears on Thursdays.

Dr. Dawson has served in the technology, banking, and hospitality industries. He is a noted strategic planning visionary. His pursuit of music has been matched with his efforts to lead by service to followers. He holds the clear understanding a leader without followers is a person taking a long walk alone.

Stephen has lived his life in the eastern United States, visiting most of the United States and several countries. He is a graduate of the Regent University School of Business & Leadership. Contact him at

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Jim Weber, Managing Partner – ITB Partners

Jim Weber – Managing Partner,  ITB Partners

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