Subtext Secrets To Winning New Business For Consultants


Joel Alpert

Breakfast meetings can be a wake-up call when the attendees are experienced and masterful at their crafts. And when Jim Weber of ITB Partners presented his perspective on selling consulting services last week, even the most experienced among us sat up and took notice. (This post combines Jim Weber’s presentation, and with his approval, some framing with my own perspective.)

Anyone who is a good consultant wants to do a good job, and differentiate their services for their prospects and clients… that’s natural. Sometimes, however, we can miss the point — which is making the connection to our client, and understanding their world fully, through their eyes.

We sometimes miss the subtext of the conversation, which may be about the client’s unstated needs. So good consultants must be connected to their clients. They must value the client’s interests. And the context of selling consulting services must be reframed to focus on the client’s interests.

There’s also a bit of healthy schizophrenia involved — while you must understand the client’s need, you must also ensure that your own consultant’s assessment adds up.

Here are some takeaways:

Inside Your Prospects Head

At just about any company, the person hiring you will want to know two essential questions — “Do You Understand My Problem?” and “Will You Make Me Look Good?” If you can’t get past these questions, all the great work you might do… might not happen. Other key questions will likely include “Can You Work Within Our Culture?” While the culture may be cool, calm, and collected…or mad as a March hare, most clients expect No Drama.

You Are In Front of Viable Prospect

A key step in developing the plan is making sure there can be a plan. Is the prospect qualified? Are they just fishing around, or do they have a defined need? Are they looking to you to define this need?  Do they have a budget available to pay for the project?

To understand and frame your client’s expectations you can  ask: “What’s important around here?” This will help you determine if they are looking for a certain type of program response, or profitability, other KPIs or “soft” goals.


Sizing Up The Project And Expectations

Asking the right questions here may make the difference. You may ask “What have you done” in regard to the project, and this will offer insights into the client’s approach, plus success or failure at that endeavor.

And you will want to know “how” they executed the project — “How did you execute that?” will also tell a lot. The consultant can check out expectations by asking a question such as “If we found new ways of thinking through this issue, would you be open to that?”

Your Goal – Close The Deal!

When discerning the client’s needs, and their framing of it, you’ll want to  Validate The Client’s Diagnosis. This step is key for producing later success.

You’ll also want to understand the company culture, and how your work and style fits into it. Then, essentially, you will be validating your fit for the work.


The Presumptive Close

I presume there are all kinds of “presumptive close” styles, but part of the subtext of the selling conversation will be to continue building the relationship. You’ll want to demonstrate what it’s like to work with you, and your Closing Strategy conversations are the beginning of your work.


How To Scare Off Your Prospect

Sometimes we can scare off the prospect by identifying all their landmines. And we suggest solutions. I take this one personally, I do it often — my rationale, likely yours, too — is to help the client, direct the conversation, and to provide value even in that initial selling process.

While those insights might be correct, the client just wanted to solve a particular problem. Other times, in the spirit of being a hero and showing how much we know, we can come up with a premature diagnosis – which is not fully informed, and off-target. We can also be too surgical in our technical techniques and conversation — even if it’s right, it just doesn’t build rapport.


A Successful Sales Close

While a consultant needs to map the terrain and understand where the client is at if all the questions asked to serve the consultant… then you might as well hire yourself. Jim reports that some consultants were “dying” when they focused on the mechanics of their job. But-but-but when they switched to issues that were important to the prospect… they arose like Pegasus. That’s a way better end result!

Another interesting bit of perspective from the meeting and discussion, regarding agenda and expectations, was the insight to “assume the worst going in” to a meeting. That doesn’t mean being a pessimist, it means that we live in a fast-paced world, and everyone may not be prepared for the meeting, or you might not expect the unexpected — you may need to guide the agenda and set expectations.

Jim’s presentation had us focus on being connected. Valuing the prospect’s interests. Playing their role. Not just understanding what they say they want, and selling the value of your services… but absolutely ensuring we meet their interests. Sounds good to me!

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Would you like to see the narrated .ppt presentation? Here’s the link, as Jim Weber presents Selling Consulting Services:

Joel Alpert of MarketPower is a branding and marketing consultant who has developed branding, strategic thinking,  direct marketing and more, for Fortune 500… SMB… and one person consultancies, in just about every conceivable category of business.

Connect with Joel:

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Jim Weber – Managing Partner, ITB Partners


Jim Weber – Managing Partner, ITB Partners

Jim Weber, Managing Partner


North Fulton Business RadioX Interview, September  26, 2019

Author of: Fighting Alligators, Job Search Strategy For The New Normal

Reciprocity and Business Development

The Events Registry

A lagniappe (/ˈlænjæp/ LAN-yap, /lænˈjæp/ lan-YAP) is “a small gift given to a customer by a merchant at the time of a purchase” (such as a 13th doughnut on purchase of a dozen), or more broadly, “something given or obtained gratuitously or by way of good measure.”[2]  The word entered English from the Louisiana French adapting a Quechua word brought in to New Orleans by the Spanish Creoles. From Wikipedia


Last week’s article mentioned the value of gift-giving to build relationships and generate new business.  This week I was on the receiving end of several offers that reinforced the value of gifting.  The most memorable situation occurred while talking with a prospective new consultant, Linda.  Linda recently left a corporate career to strike out on her own, as a licensee of a National Brand that markets productivity enhancing solutions.  We talked about her program’s benefits and I told her about our business model.  At the end of our conversation, she invited me to complete a complimentary on-line diagnostic to determine how I might benefit from her services. It was gift of a free service. I was intrigued and gladly completed her survey.  Her diagnostic is an excellent way to qualify new clients and since she captured my name and email address, she has what she needs to build a long-term relationship.  Naturally, I did the same.


Early in my career, I spent five years working for Hickory Farms of Ohio.  Hickory Farms built its business by offering gifts of free samples.  Employees would greet shoppers passing in front of their store with the offer of a free slice of Beefstick Summer Sausage.  While the shopper was enjoying their sample, the employee would tell them about the product and ask if they liked the taste of the item.  A positive response from the shopper (commitment) began a conversation often leading to a sale.  Today, sampling is a common practice used in restaurants and grocery stores.


Gift giving is a practice deeply embedded human culture. We know that throughout history, especially in the political realm, it was customary for visitors to present their host with a gift. The more important the host, the greater the gift.  Gift giving is still a common practice, especially between people with established relationships. However, most larger companies have established rules for accepting gifts to ensure ethical behavior. In my experience these rules usually govern the acceptable value of the gift and full disclosure.  Giving gifts is an excellent way to say thank you and to demonstrate appreciation, however, gifts can also be an effective way to establish a relationship.


Reasons for offering a gift:

  • To build and reinforce relationships/loyalty
  • To show love, devotion, and respect
  • Symbolic communication
  • To help others (altruism)
  • To find a mate


There is an entire industry segment (Promotional Products) devoted to gift-giving as a marketing tactic. I am confident that you have received items from companies that want your business. Typically, these are small items with a low monetary cost, but high utility value, which includes the giver’s logo, a tagline, and even a telephone number or email address.  Items like coffee mugs, writing utensils, and key fobs come to mind. Every time you use the item you recognize the logo and think of the gift giver.


Linda’s technique is a classic way to generate new clients.  Other similar offers include White Papers, Research Reports, Directories, and Training, among others.  These offers are seldom 100% current or complete so they provide limited value but are useful ways to whet one’s appetite for more.  Another effective technique is to offer a limited engagement at a modest price that adds value at minimum risk.  I am not a fan of conducting this work for free as doing so tends to diminish one’s brand value. These entry-level projects are typically diagnostics that help the client validate the nature and scope of a perceived problem.  It is a useful way to solidify a working relationship with a goal to stimulate further engagements.


If building relationships is an optimal way to generate new business, giving gifts is an effective way to establish a relationship.  Offering gifts is aligned with established cultural norms that convey respect and appreciation.  Giving a gift invokes the concept of reciprocity, another cultural norm which creates a perceived obligation for the recipient to respond in kind.  Hopefully, the recipient will feel obligated to give you a fair opportunity to pitch your business, if not actually contracting your services.  Whereas gifts of intellectual property may provide immediate value, smaller physical items with your company logo and contact information will serve as a constant reminder to the prospect.  Limited engagements at a lower cost, while not necessarily considered a gift, is an effective way to solidify a relationship.  These engagements can serve as a foundation for larger, more profitable contracts.  In conclusion, while you are attempting to establish a relationship consider the viability of tangible and intangible gifts to facilitate the process.

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Your feedback helps me continue to publish articles that you want to read.  Your input is very important to me so; please leave a comment.

Jim Weber – Managing Partner, ITB Partners

Jim Weber, Managing Partner


North Fulton Business RadioX Interview, September  26, 2019

Author of: Fighting Alligators, Job Search Strategy For The New Normal


3 Reasons Why Your Firm Needs a Podcast – Profit from the Power of Podcasting

Written by Artie Ruderman, CEO, InnovativeGrowthSolutions


1 Age of Content: Be Heard & Establish Your Brand

Do You Have a Growing Problem?

Most businesses depend on new business from existing clients and need to acquire additional clients to thrive.  Aggressive marketing along with advances in technology and innovation has enabled competition to encroach upon your company’s product and service offerings making developing new business more challenging.



Value-Based Selling

Best practices for developing business has evolved; 82% of shoppers conduct online research before buying.1  Unlike the two traditional sales methodologies, ‘Selling’, where a salesperson tries to push prospects to make a purchase or ‘Marketing’ which tries to pull prospects to make a purchase, ‘Value-Based Selling’ attracts purchasers by imbuing the reasons your company’s products and services are valuable to them.


Podcasting Establishes Your Business has Value

A podcast with compelling content triggers three purchaser qualifiers: ‘Know – Like – Trust’.  A podcast that offers solutions to a prospect’s business issues or enhances their lives connects your company to its target market, increases brand recognition, develops a relationship and establishes your brand as an industry authority.



Interesting Facts

  • Podcasting started in the 1980s and was known then as ‘audio blogging’
  •  In 2004, the term ‘Podcasting’ started as a blend of iPod and broadcasting
  •  Sale of pro microphones will grow 50% by 2021 (Futuresource Consulting report: 11/22/17)



2 Podcasting Levels the Competitive Playing Field

Podcasting is Easy and Economical

Recording a podcast is less complicated and less expensive than producing a video.  You can simply talk into a smartphone and upload it to YouTube.  If you would like to have a professional production, consider recording at a podcast studio that can enhance the sound quality and provide studio services such as editing – voice-overs – jingles and more.


Be Heard & Increase SEO

In addition to posting your podcasts on your website, LinkedIn company profile, and social media, expand your connections by linking your podcasts on popular listening networks like Stitcher – iTunes – Spotify & Google Podcast.  To increase opportunities to be heard, ask a podcast studio if they can distribute your podcasts on syndicated channels like IHeartRadio.


A Primer for Producing Your Own Podcast

  • Craft Content of interest to your target market
  • Your Podcast is your firm’s Digital Voice – Imbue it with your company’s personality
  • It can be formal or folksy like Southwest Airlines

Tips for Professional Production:

  • Editing & individual microphone sound enhancement
  • Voice overs / intros – outros / jingles
  • Have a show host & guests who are clients, prospects, industry executives & authorities…
  • Distribute to networks to be heard by prospects outside your connections


3 Podcasting is the Media of Choice Today 

The Age of Content

Anywhere you are out and about, the chances are you will see people interacting with their smartphones.  Just as you are reading this article to leverage what you can learn about podcasting; they are also seeking content to learn or be entertained.

 You Can Listen to a Podcast

There are a plethora of marketing options on the internet: email blasts / blogging / videos / vlogging, however, they all demand your visual attention.  Podcasting’s popularity can be attributed to the fact that you can listen to a podcast anytime and anywhere; in a coffee shop or performing a multitude of pursuits; driving, running, walking the dog, mowing the lawn…



Statistics Worth Knowing*

  • 62 million people listen to podcasts weekly, a 17% increase in 2018 over 2017*
  • Facebook had 15 million fewer users in 2018 than in 2017
  • 45% of monthly podcast listeners have a household income of over $75K
  • 27% of US podcast listeners have a 4-year college degree vs 19% for US population


*2019 Podcast Stats & Facts posted by Podcast Insight with credit to Updated stats: Edison Research                  

                 Infinite Dial 2019 released March 6, 2019.  Q1 2018 report from Nielsen, March 20, 2018.




1: As reported in Forbes: New Research Shows Growing Impact of Online Research on In-Store Purchases, by John

Ellett, Feb 8, 2018 credits report from The ROBO Economy (Research Online Buy Offline).


A Podcast based on this article can be heard at

To learn more about podcasting or booking a studio visit:


Artie Ruderman is the CEO of  InnovativeGrowthSolutions, a fractional corporate & business development company and Business Director at Pro Business Channel, an internet broadcast network & parent company of Global Podcast Studios



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Your feedback helps me continue to publish articles that you want to read.  Your input is very important to me so; please leave a comment.

Jim Weber, Managing Partner


Author of: Fighting Alligators, Job Search Strategy For The New Normal



June Atlanta BENG Chapter Meeting featuring Michael Q. Parker

Join Us for the June Atlanta BENG Chapter Meeting featuring Michael Q. Parker who will speak on the topic:

“How To Look When You’re Looking”

About Michael Q. Parker 

Michael Q Parker

Before serving as President of Dressed To Deal, Michael held executive marketing and general management positions at leading global companies including Cox Enterprises, General Mills, and Laureate Education.

Michael is a frequent speaker at several local job networking ministries including Roswell United Methodist Church’s job networking program. In addition, Michael presents to clients of global outplacement companies including Right Management and Lee Hecht Harrison.

His workshop, “How To Look When You’re Looking” is consistently 5-star rated by participants. Here’s a quote from one of his past workshop participants… “I took away some great tips which I have previously overlooked or never thought of as a big deal. I will be sure to work on all my rough edges with regards to my visual presentation going forward.”

Michael’s talk is part workshop and part motivational speech with something for every job seeker. You’ll leave with actionable tips to improve your interview presence and increase your chances of getting the offer.

Trust us, you don’t want to miss this! Linkedin

Register Today!


Join us…

Tuesday, June 11th
7:30 a.m. – 9:30 a.m.

Fee: $10 (Includes Breakfast – menu below)

Bella’s Kitchen
6600 Peachtree Dunwoody
350 Embassy Row
Atlanta, GA 30328

Breakfast buffet includes:

Scrambled Eggs
Home Fries
Bacon and Sausage
Fresh Fruit
Coffee and Juices
Assorted Pastries (Croissant and Bagels with Cream Cheese and Jelly)

Register Today!

The Atlanta – Business Executives Networking Group (BENG) is a non-profit networking organization for mid to senior level professionals with over 10 years of business experience. BENG provides its members with:

  • A supportive atmosphere of high-value, face-to-face networking opportunities.
  • Relevant professional contacts for the unemployed, employed and self-employed.
  • An emotionally supportive environment for those in career transition.
  • Education and assistance for those members desiring to build, maintain or expand their professional network.

Click here to learn more about becoming a member and joining BENG.

Register Today!


Note: Meetings are held the second Tuesday of each month.For more information about BENG or to RSVP,
Please visit or contact
Jim Weber at


Pan Asian-Pacific American Heritage Month

A week ago, Saturday, my wife and I attended an event hosted by the Pan Asian Pacific American Council of Georgia, celebrating Asia-Pacific American unity. We were invited by a client of Laotian descent who is very active in the Gwinnett County, Georgia community.  I enjoy experiencing different cultures, although it’s usually by sampling their food. However, I lived in Hawaii for three and one-half years, during junior high and high school, so I have some experience with the Asian community.  I knew this event would be fun.


Pan Asian Opening Ceremony-2 5-18-2019

The evening was a celebration of their successful blending into the American mosaic.  It began with a flag ceremony; the American flag leading the way, followed by women in traditional costumes, carrying the flags of their native lands. Everyone stood for the Pledge of Allegiance, followed by a solo rendition of the national anthem.


The atmosphere was a mixture of pride for their heritage and old fashion American patriotism. The event featured traditional music, songs, dance, and wardrobes.  The drummers were awesome!  Naturally, events like this are a magnet for politicians, so the agenda featured speeches by local representatives.  Thankfully, they were brief and unremarkable.  The last event of the evening, just before my wife and I had to leave, was the scholarship presentation to new high school graduates. It was symbolic of the community’s progress.


May is set aside to honor Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders. During this month, we celebrate their culture, traditions, and history.  May was chosen for this recognition as events significant to the Asian Community occurred this month.  The first Japanese immigrants to the United States arrived on May 7, 1843, and the completion of the transcontinental railroad was May 10, 1869.   Many of the workers who laid those tracks were Chinese immigrants. On October 5, 1978, President Carter signed legislation recognizing Asian American Heritage Week. In 1990, President George H. W. Bush signed a law to expand this recognition period to a month. At that time May was officially designated as Asia-Pacific American Heritage Month.


The following Tuesday, I was scheduled to meet my client at her office in Lawrenceville, the Gwinnett County Seat.  We planned to meet at 1:00 p.m. to review a draft report of the initial assessment phase of my work.  My client saw an opportunity to add a free lunch to our agenda. She invited me to join her for the Pan Asian Pacific Islands American Appreciation Day at the Gwinnett County Courthouse.  According to the U.S. Census Department, the July 1, 2018 estimate for the population of Gwinnett County was approximately 927,781 citizens. Americans of Asian and Pacific Island heritage count for 12.3% of the total population, making them a very significant constituent group.


We were surprised to learn, however, that what she thought would be a quick lunch and proclamation, turned into a 2 1/2-hour affair that included speeches from County Commissioners, a panel discussion, and then a recognition ceremony at the beginning of a meeting of the County Commission. It’s safe to say that whenever politicians get involved in an event, the time commitment will increase.  As I had set aside the entire afternoon for my client, I wasn’t fazed a bit.  In fact, I enjoyed it.


The event began with a welcome from a County Commissioner, as we enjoyed our lunch, followed by a few words from an Asian American Commissioner.  A Panel Discussion was the next item on the agenda.  The Panel included a Muslim American, two Vietnamese Americans of different generations, a Chinese American, and an Indian American. All are first-or-second-generation Americans, many coming to the United States as a result of the Vietnam War. The gist of the discussion was about aligning around common interests and challenges to move the community forward. I found some very interesting parallels to those of a business start-up trying to establish itself in the marketplace. They spoke to the same points I had made in an earlier post on networking; the key to success is to interact, participate, and to engage.


I was impressed by the pride these Asian-Americans have for their heritage and appreciation for their American Citizenship.  Clearly, their assimilation hasn’t been easy, but they are thriving and optimistic.  My takeaway is that one’s success in life requires a commitment to a goal.  To achieve that goal, one must interact, participate, and engage.  This recipe holds for building a business, assimilation into the community, and for gaining political power.

Thank you for visiting our blog.

I hope you enjoyed our point of view and would like to receive regular posts directly to your email inbox.  Toward this end, put your contact information on my mailing list.

Your feedback helps me continue to publish articles that you want to read.  Your input is very important to me so; please leave a comment.

Jim Weber, Managing Partner


Author of: Fighting Alligators, Job Search Strategy For The New Normal


Communicate Like a Fortune 500 – 6 Lessons For Start-Ups

By Sebastian van der Vegt, Untold Communications

Thanks to a booming economy, the start-up scene is thriving.  Co-working places everywhere are full of entrepreneurs with innovative new ideas, taking advantage of a digital economy that is providing unparalleled opportunities, the likes of which the world has never seen before.

Yet, statistics remind us of a sobering number.  Among start-ups that manage to attract outside funding, around 70% never make a profit.  Over half of all companies don’t even make it past their 5th year.

So how do you beat these miserable odds?

The answer is that it’s not simple.  You need thick skin, a strong mind, a lot of determination and not just a little bit of luck.  But you can greatly increase your odds by creating an awesome communications strategy and narrative.

By strategy, I simply mean the purposeful use of communication to fulfill your mission – the right message/content, to the right target audience, at the right time using the correct medium/messenger.     Done right, it will inform investment decisions, win over potential clients and investors, and position a company for long-term growth.

Sounds like a no-brainer, but it’s not.  Most start-ups have a business plan, a financial plan and even a basic marketing plan to establish an online presence. Very few have a sound communications strategy mapped out.  In fact, among the start-ups that I’ve come across, I’ve yet to find one that had thought about this.

Some start-ups do decide they need good ‘PR’, usually after about six months to a year into their existence, but they often do it for the wrong reasons, or with little or no strategy.

Just last week, a prospective client asked me if I knew any journalists. “Of course, I do” I answered, “I know plenty,” but explained to him that it’s really the wrong question – see point 5 below.

Initially, most small companies also rely on communications and marketing themselves.  After all, they can write, sell and know their product better than anyone.  Thanks to a wide variety of new digital tools, everyone also has access to inexpensive solutions that help you build a website, post blogs, send mass emails, or do basic marketing.

Being an entrepreneur naturally means they should take advantage of these new tools. But there is a reason that large, successful companies spend millions on communications and marketing, and smaller companies would do well to adopt some of these same lessons.

So here are 6 of my favorite lessons that I learned while working at a fortune 500 company, that could benefit any start-up:

  1. Starting with why is not enough

Most start-ups will have been advised to start with why (thanks to Simon Sinek).  It’s a good start, and better than only talking about what you do, but it’s not enough.

The why is only part of the ‘context’ – which should include why you exist, what problem you are solving for your customers, what gives you the authority, and, implicitly, ‘who’ you are targeting.

Tell the story of how and why you were founded.  If you can, try to make an emotional connection in the delivery, it will make for an audience that is a lot more engaged.   Extra bonus point for telling the story of how you are helping your customers achieve success.

  1. Explain what you do in a few words

Any idea worth its time should be told in a natural way, in plain English, in less than 15 seconds.  It’s more difficult than you think.  For most, this will mean forgetting all the technical language they are accustomed to.  It also means forgetting that 100 other companies make similar claims.

Too many start-ups try to differentiate themselves unnecessarily through complex wording or technical capabilities to prove that they are special.  My advice: differentiate yourself through the way you fulfill a need and address a problem for a segment of the market, in a way that a prospective customer would easily understand.

  1. Include strategic communications in your business plan

A great business plan will benefit enormously from a great communications strategy.

That means that if you need to find software engineers to power your start-up, you need a strategy to boost your brand with the local university.  Go give a lecture, a seminar, or sponsor a hack-a-thon.

It means that if you’re trying to get teachers to use your product in the classroom, you need the right language, the right content and the right medium to reach them.   Partner with a teaching website or school district to give your company message.

It means that if you’re taking on a dominant competitor, be provocative – you don’t use ‘safe’ language that a multinational would use.  Stand out by differentiation, and by not being afraid to ruffle some feathers.

I could go on, but you get the point.

  1. Fit the message to your audience.

While a company ‘boilerplate’ with standard messaging is a great tool to have, you’ll need to adjust your messaging depending on the audience.  One size does not fit all.

Building on point 3, identify your top 5 stakeholder groups that are critical to your growth and write down the key message points and language you would use to communicate and win over each audience.  Once you’ve done that, you can identify the channels/materials in which you can best reach these groups.

This again sounds like a no-brainer, but the discipline of this exercise will help everyone stay on message.

  1. Own your space.

Many start-ups will look for a silver PR bullet.  A write-up in a newspaper, a listing on a top 100 of hot start-ups, a mention on TV.  Great – this may work for you if your story is there and you have something new or interesting.

For most start-ups, their story is not (yet) of interest to receive what we call ‘earned’ media, and they are much better off building their brand in the ‘owned’ space.  This means writing blogs in a medium that you own; it means building a kick-ass website and content across different social channels; it means writing a regular newsletter and industry content for trade magazines.

Often overlooked is physical space – most companies own assets.   You can also consider ‘shared’ media; using your content in partner owned channels can be a win-win.

Point is, start-ups have many options other than selling their story to journalists or buying advertising.

  1. Be authentic & address your purpose

Audiences smell bull-sX#! from a mile away.   In a world where we are bombarded with information and polished content, presenting the real, authentic you is a competitive advantage.  Make sure you tell your story in a way that is compelling, with proof points that are real and relatable.  Also, remember to include a vision that is purposeful and that has meaning.

The company vision is where communications strategy and company strategy really meet.  Why does your company exist? What’s the ultimate goal?

The most obvious and easy answer is, of course, to sell more products & services, but try to dig one level deeper to think in terms of benefits to society. It will not only help focus your company, but it will help motivate your employees, attract investors and ultimately help improve your sales.


After spending years working with some of the biggest brands in the world, I love helping smaller companies achieve their goals and vision. It’s one of most rewarding aspects of my new role after leaving the corporate world behind.

That’s not to say they don’t have their own set of challenges; many don’t have revenue yet, lack good time management, have strong opinions, operate on limited budgets, and present solutions in search of a problem.

Yet, despite all of this they’re still my favorite clients (with apologies to my corporate clients).  Quite simply, having a great communications strategy for start-ups can make the difference between failure or success – it’s that critical.

On my next blog, I’ll focus on the basic difference between good and great marketing.  Until then, I look forward to your feedback.

Sebastian Van Der Vegt is the Managing Director of Untold Communications in Atlanta A native of the Netherlands, van der Vegt has lived in Canada, Brazil, Switzerland, and Turkey before settling down in the U.S. He has a degree in Psychology and has taught strategic communications at leading business schools. For more information, please contact him at

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Your feedback helps me continue to publish articles that you want to read.  Your input is very important to me so; please leave a comment.

Jim Weber, Managing Partner


Author of: Fighting Alligators, Job Search Strategy For The New Normal