
“A house divided against itself, cannot stand.” Candidate Abraham Lincoln

Dr. Stephen H Dawson

I first stood at the Lincoln Memorial the day of Live Aid. It was my first trip to Washington, D.C. I almost kept going to Philadelphia to stand outside the concert event and hear the music. I decided to stay in D.C. and watch the concert from a new technology called jumbotrons staged on the National Mall. I realized I was experiencing history and that it was best I stop and take in the events.

I shared previously about Lincoln. I wondered what would be the outcome of the Live Aid effort that day in D.C. I wondered if Abraham Lincoln realized in 1858 when he explained how a divided house could not stand he would be dead in less than seven years by assassination. I stood at his memorial in 1985 and wondered why he was not buried in D.C. I concluded it did not matter where he is buried. Death is death. The best that can be done going forward is to honor the memories, the actions, and the contributions of the dead.

You, as the leader of your organization, have selected job applicants to be candidates for each role you need to be filled in your organization. You do not need to spend any more time considering the end of the tenure for those you need to move out of your organization. You have stepped through assessing each applicant’s application package, identified what seems to be a match between their application package and your role opportunity, had the screening call conducted by way of your direction, read the call outcomes, and have decided to speak with a candidate yourself. You now must decide how much freedom you will give your candidate to accomplish their work in your organization through the role they serve. You are considering death and life simultaneously as you move to care for the organization. This decision is similar to a shepherd and the flock they supervise.

A sheep has no fangs or claws. They are dependent on the shepherd to protect them by leading, guiding, and directing them. They lead by being out front of them. They guide by being beside them. They direct by being behind them. The shepherd leads them to grass to eat. The shepherd does not mandate which tuft of grass a sheep must eat. Each sheep has some degree of freedom in its relationship with its shepherd.

You are convinced bringing an antibody into your organization is a bad move. You are convinced it is bad because you do not have organization antibodies in your organization now and do not want to have your proverbial house divided by an organization antibody causing such harm. You are hoping to find out during your assessment process if you have a candidate that matches your worldview and the worldview held by your organization but not eradicate diversity from your organization. Share on XThis combination is a tall order for anyone to fulfill.

Let’s look at a formula I have studied for years to help me evaluate the possibility someone would want to purchase something from me as a means to guide your interview conversations. A buyer may want to purchase a product I am selling or my labor in the form of services. The formula has three parts to it. Each part must have enough value in the eye of the buyer to purchase whatever it is I am selling. You also need these three parts to have enough value in both your eyes and in the eyes of the candidate to proceed through your evaluation process.


You are selling a job by way of a compensation package. There may be fame as an outcome of the job, but no one can guarantee fame. The exchange of money in your labor budget for the total services delivered from a worker is the deal. Is this deal interesting to you as the service buyer? Is this deal interesting to the candidate as the service seller?

Now, the candidate has the same thoughts in mind but is reserved in their perspective. They see you are selling your compensation package, and they are the buyer through their services currency. How do I know this is true? Because they would be talking to a better deal for their services currency than talking to you about your compensation package. You have the best offer that has come to them. They most likely are always looking for a better deal. You most likely are always looking for a better deal. A better offer could come at any time. So, the offer from you has a boundary to it called time.

Here are some clear indications of interest on both your part and on the part of the candidate. Are they looking you in your eyes to listen to what you are telling them? Are you looking into their eyes? Are they taking notes during your discussion with them? Are you taking notes about their discussion performance? Are they able to repeat back to you any of the statements or points you make to them? Are you able to repeat back to them anything they shared during the conversation that is new to you? Are they able to provide a meaningful answer to a question you ask them about the information you have shared with them? Are you able to provide a meaningful answer to a question they ask you about the information you have shared with them? Are they involved with social networking during your conversation with them? Are you multitasking during the conversation with them?

Interest Level


A buyer may want what is sold, but they do not trust the seller. If a buyer does not trust what is being sold, then they have no interest in what is being sold. Trust is the connector of evidence and faith. Evidence is clear proof. An example of evidence is the paycheck arriving to the worker every pay cycle. Faith is the assurance the evidence will arrive. An example of faith is the time between paydays. An example of trust is the inability to prove the paycheck will be delivered to the worker on payday but convinced the paycheck will come as agreed.

You, as the interviewer, may conclude the candidate has the skills, but you do not trust they will deliver those skills to you for the compensation you deliver to them. You also may conclude they are interested in doing the work you want them to do for you, but they also have an interest to go and fix parts of your organization they believe need fixing beyond the work you want them to do.

They, as the candidate, may realize you are not a person they want to walk with now. You can protect, lead, guide, and direct them, but they do not want to eat the grass you have provided for them. They may have a worldview that does not overlap suitably with yours or the organization.

Any of these reasons and more cause the candidate to stop being a candidate. You are unable to provide them the trust necessary to do their role in a manner they prefer that is also acceptable to you. Their candidacy is dead. Move on without remorse. Do not be concerned with what may occur with them tomorrow as a future applicant to another role you need to be filled.

Trust is the connector of evidence and faith


You have what you define as a great job opening. You do not have enough money to pay someone to do the work. Stop what you are doing. You do not need to interview anyone. You need to find a budget to spend.

Asking anyone to work for less than what the work is worth demonstrates poor judgment. Your trust as a leader would be damaged by such a choice, perhaps beyond repair. It is not worth the hassles of asking anyone to take work that is not funded fairly.

Now, what is fair? That answer is between you and the service supplier. If you are convinced you have a fair compensation package, then this is all you need to know for fairness. If your candidate does not agree that what comprises your compensation package is fair to them, then you are still at a stopping point with their candidacy.

What you are seeing at this point in your evaluation process is the concept of equal pay for equal work in terms of economic equity. You do not have a pay gap, as the candidate is not being paid because they are not a member of your organization. Your best and final offer is what it is. I am not talking about job promotions, pay raises, or any other role modification. I am only discussing bringing a new person into your organization. What happens to them after they are brought into your organization is an altogether different thought construct based on the linear connection of your worldview, ethics, morality, and virtue. My hope for you is you walk out the linear connection of worldview, ethics, morality, and virtue with those you lead in a fair and clear manner. I hold this hope as I prefer you to be a credible leader.

Fair Pay


I recommend you take time this week to practice your interview methodology and cadence. Go so far as to prepare the meal menu you will eat before the interview to have all parts of yourself ready to hold the discussion.

I also recommend you do not multitask during the interview discussion. There is nothing good that comes from multitasking during a crucial discussion. All that is demonstrated by multitasking during a crucial discussion is chaos is present in your organization. If you need to communicate to the candidate you have chaos in your organization, then you can do so effectively by way of a single sentence, either verbally or in writing. Then, stop multitasking and focus on having a productive conversation.

Finally, gain a commitment from the candidate during the conversation. See how interested they are in joining your organization by putting actions to their words. Ask them to write something and email it to you. Write, in the form of a researched-based effort. This action is a great way to learn quickly how interested a candidate is in joining your organization based on all they have learned to this point about you, the role, and the organization.

So, I ask you: where do you want to go? I hope your answer is to develop the plans necessary to accomplish the strategy you know you need to achieve to arrive at your desired destination. If this is the case, then let’s get to work. If not, then I wish you the best of everything.

I hope we will see each other here next week. Email me if you need to talk before then.


Dr. Stephen H. Dawson, DSL

Executive Strategy Consultant

Stephen H Dawson, DSL

Stephen Dawson is an executive consultant of technology and business strategy, serving significant international organizations by providing leadership consulting, strategic planning, and executive communications. He has more than thirty years of service and consulting experience in delivering successful international business development and program management outcomes in the US and SE Asia. His weekly column, “Where Do You Want To Go?,” appears on Thursdays.

Dr. Dawson has served in the technology, banking, and hospitality industries. He is a noted strategic planning visionary. His pursuit of music has been matched with his efforts to lead by service to followers. He holds the clear understanding a leader without followers is a person taking a long walk alone.

Stephen has lived his life in the eastern United States, visiting most of the United States and several countries. He is a graduate of the Regent University School of Business & Leadership. Contact him at

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Jim Weber – Managing Partner,  ITB Partners

Jim Weber – Managing Partner, ITB Partners

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“But pattern-matching doesn’t equal comprehension.” Peter Watts

Stephen H Dawson, DSL

The thought of finding a perfect job applicant to fill any role in any organization seems impossible. It seems impossible because it is impossible. It is impossible because people are imperfect. They are imperfect as they tend to change over time.

We are working on developing your leadership skills by working on the need you have to swap out some people in your organization. The need is formed by your strategic planning work being behind schedule where you identify it is neither a workspace nor worker skills problem. We discussed last week how to approach the assessment work of job applicant credential packages. We discussed a few weeks ago the linear relationship between worldview, ethics, morality, and virtue. Today, let's talk a bit about determining if a suitable match exists between a job applicant you have and each role you need to be filled in your organization. Share on X

The matching work at hand involves much more than only considering a suitable match between the job applicant and each role you have to fill. It also involves considering the match between the job applicant and the organization. Remember, your organization includes any matrix-supplied folks involved in doing work with your people, your customers, your strategic partners, and your supply chain network. The job analysis we discussed last week may not have included these attributes. However, they need to be in there. If they are not, then the job analysis must be revised to include them as applicable.

OK, let’s proceed from the point of having a satisfactory job analysis as we consider job applicants to see if you have a viable candidate for each role you need to fill. We need to first look at some terms before looking at applicants. These facts may seem harsh, but they are a crucial part of your assessment work.


An antibody does the work to neutralize either a pathogenic bacteria or virus. The intent of the pathogenic is to help, but it instead causes harm. An organization antibody is a person who does not want to follow your leadership. They resist your leadership either passively or actively.

Nicholas Evans described how an antibody could suffer the pursuit of innovation. Evans cited an article by Mitra Best, who described antibodies in a corporate setting. Both Evans and Best provided recommendations about how to remediate each antibody form. What they did not do address in their writings is why an organization antibody has so much power over their boss.

Think about the folks in your organization who have been there a long time. They have not been promoted to a senior role because they have either a character deficiency, a skills deficiency, or both. They hold the belief they know it all and tell anyone who will listen to them they know it all. This person is an example of an organization antibody. Deep down, they believe they are running the organization. They believe they are doing what is best for the organization. They refuse to listen to reason. Therefore, they have no ability to have cognitive awareness to know they are causing harm. They are as cancer is to the body.



Cancer is a disease defined by abnormal cell growth. It is possible cancer could be misinterpreted as a nodule, a small bump. A small bump could occur due to one of several conditions. The indication of a cancer being present does not appear until cancer grows to be a problem. Untreated cancer spreads in a condition known as metastasis. Early testing for cancer helps to overcome cancer unawareness. The value of proper testing here is beyond measure.

I shared several weeks back, “I cannot say a person is evil, as I do not believe it is possible. I can say their actions are or are not evil.” I maintain this position. I shared a few weeks later about evil. The attributes of organization antibodies and cancer have considerable overlap with one another. They both have no ability to have cognitive awareness to know they are causing harm. They both consume a massive amount of resources as they spread. They both spread through the host, either the body or the organization, in a progressive manner. The rate of spreading is inconsistent, so not relative to objective analysis. They both have a high mortality rate, both literally and figuratively.

An organization member allowed to mature into an organization antibody is an event that does not occur overnight. It is without question the presence of an organization antibody is the result of a failure by leadership, human resources, and learning & development. Note I do not identify either a manager or a team leader as responsible here. I hold this position because their roles are not able to have an overarching view of the organization. The reasons for such failures are endless, but the leadership, human resources, and learning & development staff hold collective responsibility for the damages caused by an organization antibody.

I hold the position the only way to treat an organization’s antibody is to remove them from the organization and place their leader on a rapid performance improvement plan. If I do not see substantial adherence to the performance improvement plan by their no-longer leader in my eyes, then their no-longer leader is no longer a part of my organization. The corrective action to address the human resources poor performance is to replace the human resources business partner serving my organization immediately. The corrective action to address the learning & development staff performance is to replace their leader serving my organization and place all learning & development staff on a rapid performance improvement plan. All activities and I mean all activities, performed by the learning & development staff for my organization cease until there is credible evidence they are each qualified to perform learning & development work. The support necessary for the human resources and learning & development staff corrective actions may require support from your boss. You should be able to get it without difficulty since you have credible proof of the harm caused to the organization by their respective failures to deliver quality work.


The term credential is the combination of work experience, education, degrees, certifications, and licenses earned and held by an individual that each has relevance to each role you need to fill in your organization. These individual credentials then feed into forming organization credentials. All aspects of any credential must be validated during the job application process by your organization. You must hold, without a doubt, a clear understanding of the abilities each job applicant holds today. What credentials they held in the past may be nice to know, but that was then. You are evaluating now.

Gaining credentials from a source that is not accredited is possible, but the validation process becomes much more costly to accomplish. It may not be possible to validate a credential that is not from an accredited source. A non-validated credential is termed as hope but not a credential.

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We discussed last week the value of third-party testing. The cost of testing each applicant may not be worth the expense. The need is still present to know the personality of each applicant. If you do not have the ability to fund personality testing a job applicant you advance to candidate status to know if they are a viable candidate, then your ability to advance applicants through your evaluation process is reduced. How much of a risk can you afford to take at this point in the assessing-to-matching process?

You have rooted out those job applicants who do not hold the skills necessary to fill each role you need to be filled in your organization. You know you cannot afford to interject harm to your organization by bringing in an organization antibody. You are wondering if you can afford to measure a personality without an objective third-party test. The answer is you cannot. You will have to bear the risk of going forward without measuring personality should you chose not to use third-party personality testing. This risk will have to be managed as any other risk.


We discussed worldview a few weeks back. You are wondering how the applicant’s worldview matches both your worldview and the worldview held by those in your organization. You can get this information from the screening call. I addressed last week how to go about this action during the interview you conduct with them. Specifically, you are looking for their position on social and political matters. You must follow fair employment laws to be a credible leader. So, how do you get this information?

You get this information by asking three questions. One question focused on a social aspect. One question focused on a political aspect. Then, one question overlapping both a social and political aspect. Use three different aspects in these three questions. Write the questions to be as figurative as possible. Look for timeless topics common across all cultures, present in all points of history, having reasonable belief they will be present in the future. These answers will provide you enough information to know if you have an applicant that can advance to a candidate.


If you are matching applicants without a third-party personality evaluation, then you must accomplish this evaluation in the next step of your interviewing process. You cannot experience success in finding a suitable candidate without performing a clear personality evaluation. Prepare for the costs of third-party personality evaluations.

Record all screening calls. Have the calls transcribed. Read the entire transcript. Listen to the parts of the audio recording you find interesting by way of the transcript.

Match the notes of the person conducting the screening call to the call transcript. Identify any mismatch in what the caller observed in comparison to the response of the applicant. This mismatch will help you understand if there is a personality or worldview mismatch with your organization. It will also help you qualify the work of the person conducting the screening call. This collective understanding will arrive because you have a satisfactory job analysis, you wrote the questions for the screening call, and you placed boundaries on the screening call. This reasoning is found in the plan we discussed last week.

I recommend you take time this week to consider the impact of an organization antibody in your organization. Prepare your screening call questions based on the material we covered this week. Finally, look for providers of counseled results interpretation to assist you in selecting applicants to become candidates based on the plan we discussed last week.

So, I ask you: where do you want to go? I hope your answer is to develop the plans necessary to accomplish the strategy you know you need to achieve to arrive at your desired destination. If this is the case, then let’s get to work. If not, then I wish you the best of everything.

I hope we will see each other here next week. Email me if you need to talk before then.


Dr. Stephen H. Dawson, DSL

Executive Strategy Consultant

Stephen Dawson is an executive consultant of technology and business strategy, serving significant international organizations by providing leadership consulting, strategic planning, and executive communications. He has more than thirty years of service and consulting experience in delivering successful international business development and program management outcomes in the US and SE Asia. His weekly column, “Where Do You Want To Go?,” appears on Thursdays.

Dr. Dawson has served in the technology, banking, and hospitality industries. He is a noted strategic planning visionary. His pursuit of music has been matched with his efforts to lead by service to followers. He holds the clear understanding a leader without followers is a person taking a long walk alone.

Stephen has lived his life in the eastern United States, visiting most of the United States and several countries. He is a graduate of the Regent University School of Business & Leadership. Contact him at

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Jim Weber – Managing Partner,  ITB Partners

Jim Weber – Managing Partner, ITB Partners

I hope you enjoyed our point of view and would like to receive regular posts directly to your email inbox.  Toward this end, put your contact information on my mailing list.

Your feedback helps me continue to publish articles that you want to read.  Your input is very important to me so; please leave a comment.



“Don’t be afraid to give up the good to go for the great.” John Rockefeller

Let’s talk today about you as a leader. You seem to be a good leader who is looking to become a great leader. You are not operating in fear. You are working to accomplish your strategic planning, but it is not going so well. We have discussed at length you have decided you need to swap out some of your people to have the work finished with excellence. Your power as a leader is about to be challenged in a way that you may not be prepared to handle. It will be challenged because you are implementing a construct to your leadership style that involves loving your followers. My friend, prepare to be soon hated by more people than you realize now.

Love, hate, power. These are big words that will take many conversations to cover appropriately. Today, let’s focus on the term power.

There are many types of power. You know this is true, or you would not be in a leadership role now. The essence of power is possessing some form of harnessed energy. We need to focus our conversation about power on the aspects of social combined with political and then economic. Let’s have a conversation today based on the power attributes of supply, demand, and outage.

You have plenty of room in this landscape to realize success even though others around you may not be operating in either humility or love. Share on X


You supply leadership to your followers through three components. First, whatever higher power you may have helping you do whatever it is you do to live this thing called life. Second, you possess concise, tangible, relevant skills transferable to many roles to do endless amounts of work. Finally, the enablement assigned to you by your boss is commensurate with your role in your organization. You then take these components and do your work as a leader. All components are not equal among all people, as not everyone has the benefit of the same higher power, obtained the same skills, and have the same enablement assigned to them. Therefore, all leaders are not able by this construct to be as effective. Some leaders may be more effective than others, while other leaders may be less effective.

Note I did not say you need an office, telephone, a budget, or any other tool necessary to accomplish your role as a leader. These items are conditional based on the state of your work environment. What you need is a suitable combination of skills and choices applied to your leadership role. The higher power and enablement parts are not from you, as they are delivered to you.

The doing part of your role is the manifestation of your leadership components. Doing your leading by way of humility encapsulates the power components in a manner greater than any combination I know of to accomplish leadership. There may be a more effective combination out there, but I have not found it.

How does humility fit into the power aspect of leadership? Compare the definition of humility with the definition of power. They are both nouns. A noun is accomplished through a verb. So, what verb to use to accomplish both humility and power? I recommend doing what we discussed in the verb of love. There is no prideful act of love, only a humble act of love. So, our conversation today will match power, humility, and love in accomplishing your role as a leader.

Preparing your humility to deliver love could be a larger effort than a single discussion will suffice to accomplish. You need to tell me about your humbleness for me to know how to best equip you for success. I leave it to you to tell me about your humbleness.

Power Supply


I shared a few weeks ago you are now in organization design mode as you move to replace some of the people in your organization. You will find out quickly who in your organization wants to do their work by way of the plan you have shared with them to use love to accomplish the strategic planning work, along with all of the other work performed in your organization. I make this statement based on the social and political power struggle present in many nations today. If you need me to cite some examples of this struggle, then I doubt you would be in the leadership role you fill now.

The demand for your leadership by followers could come as acceptance, rejection, or conditional acceptance. The acceptance-rejection-conditional combination is the same layout as the love-hate-ambivalence combination we discussed a few weeks back. You will find leading and loving people are an inseparable pair. Note I did not say leadership. A leader may be successful or unsuccessful in their leadership. A successful leader always leads. An unsuccessful leadership effort means the leader is not leading.

Your leadership power supply is being refused by two of these three options. Take the actions I shared with you recently to resolve any refusal by your followers. The rest of your folks want the leadership you are supplying, as they have accepted your Love Action Items list. Furthermore, they processed effectively your communications involved with you teaching your people the four definitions of love. This group is now your organization. The folks who have either rejected or accepted conditionally your new construct to your leadership style that involves loving your followers are on the way out of your organization. They are trying to usurp your leadership with their power, per their choice not to follow you any longer. This condition does not exist in a productive organization. It is at this point your hope of finding suitable applicants for the roles you wish to fill becomes larger than it was before you realized who else must leave your organization.

Sure, it is great to look for replacement people without telling anyone. This approach is both unrealistic and not advised. The power held today by text messaging, instant messaging, and social networking is greater than any individual ability to stay ahead of such communications. Do not try to overcome either of these powerful forms. I encourage you to execute the plan we covered last week.

Finally, be prepared to have healthy demands placed on your leadership that you did not expect to occur. The demands could come from either your people or people outside of your organization. Preparation for this likelihood is best accomplished by having a qualified executive leadership team ready to assist your leadership efforts. Remember, you may need to be more humble during this unexpected demand to help those needing your leadership to be sustained while you move to supply them the leadership you did not expect you would need to deliver.

Power Demand


The loss of your leadership supply by demand for anything more than you can supply in terms of either quantity or quality results in a leadership power outage. An outage can be either intermittent or sustained. Your people during a leadership power outage are unable to work because they have no leader supplying them the power they need to do their work, all while doing it humbly through love. The means to overcome this outage is to add more power to your Love Action Items list. This outage condition could occur for several reasons. It is not a skills problem, as you acquire the skills you need before you need them to serve as a qualified leader…don’t you?

I am not saying a leadership power outage means you are bankrupt as a leader. Neither am I am saying your leadership is unequivocally a toxic debt held by your followers, your organization, or your investors. I am saying that those in demand of your leadership power are having to wait to take delivery of your leadership power supply. They may be able to work for a while in the absence of your leadership power supply, but they will not be productive for long without your leadership power supply to them. If they could last without your leadership power supply, then you are no longer needed in your leadership role.

I discussed the topic of leadership power with my strategic partner David Daniels. Dave shared judicious insight on the topic. “I have been in situations where over half of my leadership team needed to go. Now, I didn’t feel that it was prudent to let them all go at the same time, so I had to prioritize my decisions and approach. I rarely found that demotions worked, so I tried avoiding this tactic at all costs. However, I did find some people a fit for other positions if they shared my values and goals.” Dave went on to say, “I would insert strong external leaders who share my vision and values. I would not place them in any position right away, as I would want them going through a thorough onboarding process over a couple of months that would allow them access to every aspect of the business. The input that you would receive from this group will prove to be invaluable when assessing your final executive leadership team make-up.” Dave and I agree the executive leadership team is a crucial resource for any leader of an organization.


Sure, the best-case scenario is to have your leadership power supply in balance with the demand for follower leadership power consumption. We see this balance in just-in-time manufacturingteaching, and learning. The Wall Street Journal reported recently the automotive industry has abandoned this half-century methodology due to present economic climate turbulence. However, this balancing is rare in the practice of leadership. It is best to plan for leading an organization that needs help to stay balanced due to unforeseen obstacles introduced to your organization.

The realization of fame and fortune by leadership occurs after doing the work of leadership, as do all forms of payment for accomplished work. The social and political power struggle present in many nations today not only impairs your ability to lead by adding more voices to consider, but it also makes your work much easier to accomplish. It is easier to accomplish because love delivered through humility during the practice of leadership encapsulates the three identified power attributes of supply, demand, and outage in a manner greater than any combination I know of to accomplish leadership. You now have greater clarity of your leadership work than in recent years due to this social and political power struggle.

The world is forming to a great struggle of one side versus the other for the acquisition of power for almost all aspects of humanity. Humanity has seen this before, and it will most likely see it again. This time it is a different struggle, as there is the presence of significant information technologies assisting each side. This struggle is not going to be an easy experience for anyone. Use the energy concept we covered a few weeks back to leverage the social and political struggle to your advantage. You have plenty of room in this landscape to realize success even though others around you may not be operating in either humility or love. If you are sold this combination is the best means for you to succeed, then now is the time to use them as the form of power you need to wield to realize success as a leader. Finally, since there is no reason to stop being humble or to stop loving people, this combination comprises the bulk of your leadership strategy henceforth.

I encourage you to spend time this week completing your materials summary, your Love Action Items list and schedule the first meeting with your boss based on the plan we covered last week. Also, spend some time thinking about how those both in and those working with your organization want to gain power over you as a leader. Finally, think about how you can defeat such attempts to overcome you by responding with love. Remember, there are four definitions for the term love. Use all of them as appropriate to lead with excellence.

Balancing Power Supply and Demand

So, I ask you: where do you want to go? I hope your answer is to develop the plans necessary to accomplish the strategy you know you need to achieve to arrive at your desired destination. If this is the case, then let’s get to work. If not, then I wish you the best of everything.

I hope we will see each other here next week. Email me if you need to talk before then.


Dr. Stephen H. Dawson, DSL

Executive Strategy Consultant

Dr. Stephen H Dawson

Stephen Dawson is an executive consultant of technology and business strategy, serving significant international organizations by providing leadership consulting, strategic planning, and executive communications. He has more than thirty years of service and consulting experience in delivering successful international business development and program management outcomes in the US and SE Asia. His weekly column, “Where Do You Want To Go?,” appears on Thursdays.

Dr. Dawson has served in the technology, banking, and hospitality industries. He is a noted strategic planning visionary. His pursuit of music has been matched with his efforts to lead by service to followers. He holds the clear understanding a leader without followers is a person taking a long walk alone.

Stephen has lived his life in the eastern United States, visiting most of the United States and several countries. He is a graduate of the Regent University School of Business & Leadership. Contact him at

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Jim Weber – Managing Partner,  ITB Partners

Jim Weber – Managing Partner, ITB Partners

I hope you enjoyed our point of view and would like to receive regular posts directly to your email inbox.  Toward this end, put your contact information on my mailing list.

Your feedback helps me continue to publish articles that you want to read.  Your input is very important to me so; please leave a comment.


Market Outlook: 4500 or Higher? Market Commentary – July 19th, 2021

Many are convinced that a US stock market correction, or even a bear market, is inevitable.  So, when the S&P 500 was down 1.6% last Thursday, many thought it had arrived.  Then, the S&P 500 rebounded and hit a new all-time high on Friday.  Now, as I write this article the premarket numbers are down big yet again today. Tomorrow the market may rebound…

This does not mean the market always goes up.  It doesn’t mean that the government is not creating future problems.  But, I don’t try to time the market.  What I do is focus on fundamentals, like profits and interest rates.  And right now, I believe the S&P 500 is still undervalued.

Late last year, when the S&P 500 was at 3,638, I used those fundamentals to project a year-end 2021 target of 4,200, for an increase of 15.4%.  However, with profits returning toward normal even faster than I had anticipated, the S&P 500 hit 4,185 in mid-April and I upped my projection to 4,500, which would be a full-year gain of about 19%.

Now, with the S&P 500 just 3% from my target, I’m choosing to stand pat.  Why?  I do not want to leave the impression that we are traders, shifting our target over and over.  We are investors.  It’s the long-term that matters.  The US stock market has been undervalued relative to our Capitalized Profits Model since 2009.

My model takes the government’s measure of economy-wide profits from the GDP reports, discounted by the 10-year US Treasury note yield, to calculate fair value.  If we use a 10-year Treasury yield of 1.36% (Friday’s closing yield) to discount profits (from the first quarter, the most recent available), then my model suggests the S&P 500 is 45% undervalued.  And with profits likely to grow 20% or more this year, fair value will rise more as the year unfolds.

Right now, the Fed is artificially holding interest rates down across the yield curve.  So, when I calculate our estimate of fair value, I use a 2.0% 10-year yield. Using this 2.0% rate gives us a fair value of 5,240.  It would take a 10-year yield of about 2.4% for our model to show that the stock market is currently trading at fair value (with no increase in profits.)  If rates do rise, because the economy is stronger than the Fed expects, it would likely be accompanied by even faster profit growth.

I fully understand that current monetary policy is inflationary, and that past government spending, plus what some politicians are asking for right now has lifted US Federal debt above 100% of GDP.

These policies could shift economic growth, the level of interest rates, and my estimate of the fair value of stocks in the years ahead.  But for the foreseeable future, re-opening, easy money, and deficit spending are all pushing economic growth and profits up.  With the Fed holding rates down and profits booming, and with our model saying stocks are undervalued, I remain bullish.  And right now I think if our 4,500 target is wrong, it is likely too low.

Integrated Financial Group

Kevin Garrett – Integrated Financial Group

My firm specializes in working with people that experience what we call “Sudden Income.” Typically the income came from one of these events:
1) Accessing and Managing Retirement Assets
2) A Performance Contract (Typically a Sports or Entertainment Contract)
3) Divorce Settlement
4) Inheritance or Insurance Payout
5) Sale of a Business or Stock Options
6) A Personal Injury Settlement

I believe the unique nature of these events requires specialized professional experience, empathy, and communication to deal with both the financial changes and the life changes that inevitably come with them.

My clients value my ability to simplify complex strategies into actionable plans. They also appreciate that I am open, non-judging, and easy to talk to about their dreams and fears. Each client defines financial success differently and my goal is to guide them from where they are now to where they want to be. As my client’s advisor, my goal is to provide them with a lifetime income stream, improving returns, protecting their funds, and managing taxes.

Firm Specialties:

    • Retirement Planning For Business Owners & Executives
    • Woman’s Unique Financial Planning Needs
    • Professional Athletes
    • Investment/Asset Allocation Advice
    • Estate Planning
    • Risk Management
    • Strategic Planning

Kevin was listed in The Wall Street Journal as “One of the Financial Advisors In The Southeast That You Need To Know”

Kevin was listed in Forbes Magazine’s Annual Financial Edition as a Five Star Financial Advisor

Kevin has been awarded the Five Star Professional Wealth Manager in Atlanta Magazine in 2012, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017,2018, and 2019.

Award based on 10 objective criteria associated with providing quality services to clients such as credentials, experience, and assets under management among other factors. Wealth managers do not pay a fee to be considered or placed on the final list of Five Star Wealth Managers.

Integrated Financial Group
200 Ashford Center North, Ste. 400 | Atlanta, GA 30338
Phone | 770.353.6311
Email |
Website |


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Jim Weber – Managing Partner,  ITB Partners

Jim Weber – Managing Partner, ITB Partners

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One Must Have Options

There is an old Chinese curse, “May you live in interesting times.“  2020 was a difficult year, surreal even.  We were challenged in ways we never imagined.  Without a doubt, we have been living in interesting times.

Suffering life challenges can be difficult, notwithstanding your financial situation. Issues of life and death are a primary example. The burden of many challenges, however, is relative to one’s financial situation. One’s ability to easily navigate adversity depends upon how you have structured your life and prepared for predictable challenges. Share on X  The more resources available, the better you can weather a surprise. You can mollify a crisis or avail yourself of opportunities.   Do you have enough physical and financial resources available if required?  It is good to have options.

This past week I was confronted with a non-life-threatening situation which is, nevertheless, a disruption.  I learned that my favorite ride, my Nissan 350 Z Roadster is kaput.    It is a sad situation as it is a well-maintained, clean machine.  The body is in excellent condition, with no dings or scratches, and new tires all around. I must admit, it was fun to drive, and it complemented my image.

The problem is the transmission. It requires repairs that cost more than the fair market value of the car. To be honest, this wasn’t a total surprise as it is a 2005 model, with 175,000 miles of drive time. Other components need to be replaced, as well, including a new AC compressor, and a motor for the retractable top.  I am happy that I deferred those repairs.   They would have been a total waste, throwing good money after bad.  Even so, I expected to enjoy the Z a few more years.  After all, as a two-car family, it was driven less than 11,000 miles per year.

If this had occurred earlier in my life it may have caused greater concern. Fortunately, I have flexibility and options.  Neither my wife nor I must commute to a job requiring each of us to have a car.  We are both entrepreneurs managing home-based businesses.  That fact alone moderates the temporary loss of one car.  Yes, we need transportation to meet with clients, vendors, and colleagues.  However, as we control our schedules, we can work around that issue.  We do not have children at home, especially teenagers who need transportation.  If so, I would be a bit more stressed.  Today, we have additional options such as Uber and Lyft.  I can even contract a short-term car rental.  Clearly, I have options to cope with the situation.

The loss of my Z is a minor inconvenience.  We have a lifestyle that reduces our dependence on automobiles, and the resources to recover.   It can be instructive, however, for businesses and families especially with the Covid-19 pandemic fresh in our minds.  We have heard about companies hammered by the lock-down because their business models could not adapt.  Conversely, other businesses were perfectly situated to thrive in the lock-down.  Still, others adapted with minor adjustments.  Understand, the pandemic and related mitigating factors were not a complete surprise.  Prominent people had predicted that a pandemic was an imminent threat.  Even so, I have not heard of a single company that took the warning seriously enough to develop contingency plans.

As you have deduced by now, this post is not about the loss of my Z.  It is about the way we organize our personal and professional lives to cope with risk.  Life’s challenges are unavoidable and come at you fast.  Fortunately, most are predictable.  Given recent experience, you may want to perform a risk assessment.  Maybe even segregate risks by time frame, i.e., one to three years, three to five years, and over five years.  Then, determine the actions required to minimize those risks and their associated costs.  With that information, you can determine the funds to set aside.  If the risk is insurable, you will know how much insurance to buy.  At the end of this process, you will have the framework of a disaster recovery plan.

It is good to have options!  I will miss my Z.  Life goes on.

Thank you for visiting our Blog!

Jim Weber – Managing Partner,  ITB Partners

Jim Weber – Managing Partner, ITB Partners

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Your feedback helps me continue to publish articles that you want to read.  Your input is very important to me so; please leave a comment.






Can I Afford NOT to Research? The Tale of Art and Bart

Art and Bart were college buddies at the University of Georgia (Go Dawgs!). They both graduated from the school of Landscape Architecture and went on to work at various companies to gain experience and knowledge. In 2014, they each embarked on opening their own Landscaping business, Art on the Northside of Atlanta and Bart on the Southside of Atlanta. Each started slowly, but by the end of 2018, through hard work and talent, they had each established very successful businesses with the following financials at the end of 2018:


Revenue 2018 $4,800,000 $4,800,000
Number of customers 2018 500 500
Revenue per customer /month $800 $800
net adds / churn per month* 0.5% 0.5%

At the beginning of 2019, a large landscaping company, Grass R Us, established 4 new franchises in the Atlanta area with a heavy advertising campaign and an initial price offering 10% lower than Art and Bart. This resulted in a change of net adds/churn to -2.75% per month. Through the end of June, Art and Bart had each lost about 75 customers and over $60,000.

Art felt confident that he knew his business and knew the market. He had anecdotal information from some of his crew that the lower prices offered by Grass R Us was the issue. So, as of July 1, Art lowered his prices across the board by 10%. This did have an immediate effect of decreasing net adds/churn to -1.5% per month. The overall result for Art’s business at the end of the year was a loss of about 114 customers and over $90,000. He wasn’t happy about the outcome, but by swiftly lowering his prices, Art believed he had averted a much larger hit on his business.

On the other side of town, Bart was faced with the same issue. But Bart remembered another old friend from UGA, Suzanne, who was in the Master of Marketing Research (MMR) Program. Suzanne was now working for a small research agency in Atlanta. Bart called Suzanne and asked her if she could help him with his problem. Suzanne designed a marketing research study for Bart to identify the core issues causing his customers to move to Grass R Us. Although the cost of the research was $30,000 and would take 6 weeks to complete, Bart felt that having good information would help him make a better decision.

The research was executed by Suzanne’s company, and the results indicated that the most important issue was NOT cost. Bart’s customers were satisfied with Bart’s service and pricing but were drawn to Grass R Us by fancy marketing and a highly promoted 100% guarantee. Bart decided, that, unlike his friend Art, he would not lower prices, but started to promote his own written 100% guarantee in September.  Not only did the loss of customers stop, but net adds soared to +4.0% per month! By the end of the year, Bart had lost only about 32 customers and just over $25,000. Including the cost of the marketing research, Bart lost about $15,000 less than his buddy Art!

Projecting out to the next year, if everything remains equal, Art will continue to lose customers at a rate of about 5 per month and will lose an additional $50,000+. Bart, on the other hand, will gain about 20 customers per month and increase revenues over the year by over $200,000!

Although this is a hypothetical example, we are left with two important lessons. First, the cost of doing marketing research is justified by the savings in cost or increases in revenue experienced through better, data-based decisions.  And second, whenever possible, hire a graduate of the UGA MMR program to lead your marketing research!

Carl Fusco

Carl Fusco is an accomplished Marketing Research Consultant who helps businesses more effectively solve problems by applying research techniques and data-based insights.  For more information, email him at or call him at 770-364-7160.



Thank you for visiting our Blog!

Jim Weber – Managing Partner,  ITB Partners

Jim Weber – Managing Partner, ITB Partners

I hope you enjoyed our point of view and would like to receive regular posts directly to your email inbox.  Toward this end, put your contact information on my mailing list.

Your feedback helps me continue to publish articles that you want to read.  Your input is very important to me so; please leave a comment.

Executive Chef – NE Ohio-Based Italian Restaurant Concept

POSITION: Executive Chef
REPORTS TO: General Manager (GM)
HOURS: OT exempt; Required weekly work for this position typically takes 55-60 hrs to complete
OUR VISION: “To be recognized in our market as the established casual fine dining experience of choice”
OUR MISSION: “We deliver big city dining with small-town charm and inspire lasting memories.”
OUR PURPOSE: “We enrich our community by creating connection, happiness & opportunity.”
OUR CORE VALUES: Hospitality, Leadership, Integrity, Respect & Communication.



With respect to the Company’s goals, vision, mission, purpose, and core values, the Culinary Manager is accountable for the overall smooth and profitable operation of the kitchen with a focus on quality control, fast ticket times, positive management, and solid teamwork.  The Executive Chef trains managers and hourly team members on proper BOH operation procedures, regulatory agency guidelines and provides ongoing training for updates and maintenance of training standards.



      1. Provides Leadership, Management, and Accountability for the back of the house (BOH).
      2. Maintains a positive work culture that will facilitate the overall success of the restaurant. Demonstrates the core values by “living” them.
      3. Routinely works all kitchen stations as needed to meet budget and quality goals.
      4. Accountable for focusing team efforts to ensure our mission as a memorable experience that guests will rave about, exceptional guest experiences, and the constant building of guest loyalty.
      5. Accountable for facility safety & security, maintenance, and cleanliness by monitoring the physical premises daily.
      6. Accountable for recruiting, hiring, performance management, compensation management, employee relations, ACA compliance, terminations of the BOH staff.
      7. Accountable for initial and ongoing training of BOH team members with the goal of developing associates to their full potential.


      1. Directs the work of kitchen staff.
      2. Oversees semi-annual evaluations for all team members and completing evaluations for direct reports.
      3. Conduct all necessary kitchen staff evaluations and meetings. Daily line up, monthly kitchen meetings, wrap meetings as needed.
      4. Communicates menu/operational changes to the rest of the team.
      5. Manages kitchen staff during pre-service, service & closing hours. Management includes:
        • Executing kitchen schedule, quickly increase or decrease staffing per shift as needed, coordinating with the management team.
        • Provides direction, instruction, and coaching to the team members (daily), executing prep list/cleaning.
        • Monitors team members’ performance. Comments/corrects. performance through proper use of performance documentation.
      1. Expedites all orders for dining room, carry out, catering & special events
      2. Participates in weekly meetings with the leadership.
      3. Work with the management team to prepare for kitchen and all-team meetings
      4. Interacts effectively and maintaining good rapport and professional presence with team, customers, purveyors, community, and owners.
      5. Maintains a healthy lifestyle, promoting a stress-free and vigorous management style.
      6. Knowledge of and the ability to use company resources to resolve issues
      7. Recommends updates to training material and SOPs
      8. Establishes and maintains contact with vendors and service providers
      9. Updates job knowledge by participating in educational opportunities, attending seminars, reading professional publications, etc.
      10. Maintains a professional appearance. Follows current Uniform policy.
      11. Ensures sufficient staffing levels to meet guest satisfaction, team engagement, and business requirements.  Assigns cook stations


      1. Complete line checklists: AM/PM
      2. Monitoring daily the kitchen and storage facilities, as well as related equipment.
      3. Ensures proper food handling procedures are followed at all times per regulatory agency guidelines and company standard operating procedures.
      4. Maintains a clean & sanitary work/storage area with regard to the health dept.
      5. Helps manage proper food handling on the serving line, per ServSafe requirements.
      6. Manages on a shift by shift basis all necessary cleaning (daily & weekly)
        • Checks out all BOH team members at end of shifts (station and cleaning).
        • Assigns cleaning tasks as needed to keep BOH areas sanitary and immaculate.



      1. Contributes to ongoing menu development. Menu production will include appropriate costing, training, recipe documentation.
      2. Demonstrate creativity in results of product offerings using culinary techniques, market trends, sales data, and originality.
      3. Monitoring and effectively planning for specials, seafood, weekly, monthly, and others.
      4. Menu development, including:
        • Monthly Specials (apps, entrees, dessert, etc.)
        • Weekend Features
      5. Assist with seasonal menu changes, draft “new stuff” monthly memo


      1. Testing, costing, and implementation of new menu items.
      2. Maintain food recipe database and printouts, including cooking methods.
      3. Monitoring and effectively planning for specials, features, special events.
      4. Mis en Place & Line checklist.
      5. Preparing and monitoring prep list at every shift.
      6. Maintains ticket times and food quality throughout all hours of operation.
      7. Inspires team members to perform at their highest level through ongoing recognition of behaviors that align with core values.


      1. Maintaining FIFO and inventory levels – managing waste.
      2. Ensures inventories are completed accurately and on time.
      3. Maintain proper food and disposable inventory needed for efficient and profitable restaurant operation. Maintain food cost ratios set forth by management.
      4. Communicate with purveyors regarding ordering and delivery schedule.
      5. Processes paperwork, invoices, and reports as needed.
      6. Maintains accurate and comprehensive record keeping.
      7. Broadline ordering – Sun/Tues/Thurs.
      8. Chemical ordering – Once a week.
      9. Protein ordering – Sun-Thur.
      10. Disposable ordering – Weekly.
      11. Inventory – weekly.
      12. Disposables Inventory – Monthly.


 Ability to stand and walk continually throughout service shifts

      1. Ability to frequently lift 30lbs from the stove and trays from the oven.
      2. Ability to occasionally lift 50lb for product delivery and restocking.
      3. Ability to communicate easily to guests and team members.


      1. 3+ years of management experience required.
      2. Bachelor’s degree and/or Culinary degree preferred.
      3. Prior training experience is a plus.
      4. Advanced knowledge of culinary, baking, and pastry techniques.
      5. Proficient knowledge of kitchen equipment, time management, and sanitation regulations.
      6. This position regularly requires long hours and frequent weekend work.
      7. Reliable transportation for the required trips for errands (bank, store, printing, etc).


Please note this job description is not designed to cover or contain a comprehensive listing of activities, duties, or responsibilities that are required of the employee for this job. Duties, responsibilities, and activities may change at any time with or without notice.


Jim Weber – President
New Century Dynamics Executive Search

For more information, contact Jim Weber, President



“Truth is like the Sun. You can shut it out for a time, but it ain’t goin’ away.” Elvis Presley

Dr. Stephen H Dawson

Ah, the search for truth. I see the term truth as a singular term. There are parts of the truth we understand, but never all of the truth. If someone understood all truth, then they would be omniscient. We covered our understanding of truth last week when we considered the linear connection of worldview, ethics, morality, and virtue. Today, let’s talk about how to assess the folks who have applied to work in your organization to help accomplish the strategic planning work that you need to be accomplished by your organization.

I have encouraged during our time together that appropriate research be accomplished when considering all things. I shared research is part of how I have worked for years in a research-before-action mode. I provided examples of this belief. I cautioned against analysis paralysis. I described the differences between looking and reading. You now need to read through the applications submitted by the folks who want to come work for you. Let’s go through some of the facts you face, and see how you can best identify some qualified candidates.


The means to define a role in your organization begins with the job analysis. Work is performed to understand what each role needs to accomplish, how each role needs to accomplish the work, and the resources used by each role. The job analysis work is then finished and termed as the job analysis asset. A subset of the job analysis asset then forms the job definition asset. A subset of the job definition asset then forms the job announcement asset. A person is then sought to fill each role in your organization to do the job required by each role.


An applicant selected for consideration to fill a role you have in your organization is then called a candidate. The applicant tracking system is valuable for keeping track of applicant information. It alone is not valuable to evaluate applicants for their match to any role. A resume or CV can be padded with loads of terms, matched with a fake cover letter, only to waste much time. I have found no resume parsing technology worth using. The screening call must occur by telephone to know with any degree of certainty if a candidate is a potential match to a role. The screening could occur in person, but it has been my experience this screening step best occurs by telephone conversation. Meaningful applicant screening cannot occur until after the screening call when a qualified subject matter expert can speak with the candidate and find out how much truth resides in their application package.


The need to be fair to applicants is found in the linear connection of worldview, ethics, morality, and virtue by those who desire to also be treated fairly. Most developed nations have many laws governing the fair treatment of job applicants to protect against employment discrimination. The United States Wages and the Fair Labor Standards Act, and the Prohibited Employment Policies and Practices help make many things quite clear to employers. Their Conducting and Documenting Interviews guidelines seem reasonable enough to me.

Now, all of these laws, requirements, and guidelines can be averted with ease. Person A has a job to fill. Person B applies for the job to work for Person A. Person A tells Person C to read through the many social networking options available to accomplish research on Person B. Person C then tells Person A verbally what they found out about Person B.

This plan has been around for millenniums. It provides plausible deniability to Person A that they have not violated an employment discrimination law. This plan also introduces the possibility of improper research occurring along with the possibility of incorrect interpretation of either the proper or improper research. It also furthers the possibility Person B did not maintain the necessary confidentiality of Person A. The hassles here are not worth the risks. I do not endorse this plan. My linear connection of worldview, ethics, morality, and virtue would not consider this plan, but the plan is possible for anyone to perform.


The Myers–Briggs Type Indicator and the Strong Interest Inventory are workable options to help meet your needs to understand the personality held by each candidate. The ProfileXT assessment includes an assessment of candidate’s cognitive ability. A suitable personality assessment helps to understand a candidate, but personality testing alone is insufficient to understand the potential match between each role you need to be filled and each candidate’s ability to fill each role. This testing could be used in combination with other applicant evaluation methods. I am leery of using a third-party test alone to evaluate anyone or anything. I hold this concern because there are still too many gaps in the picture to get to the truth of an applicant’s ability to join my organization and do the work I need to be accomplished.

I look at the pile of job applications and wonder if it is possible to find a candidate suitable to meet my needs. I get tired from reading the applications. I get overwhelmed by the work I need to be accomplished by my people getting further behind. Sound familiar? I experienced this pain for years. I finally said enough to this way of working and decided to gain the help of someone who is qualified to meet my needs by paying them to fill a short-term role in my organization.

Multiple job applicants.


podiatrist is someone who I do not need all of the time in my life. However, should I need work performed on my foot, then I want to talk to someone who knows how to help solve my foot problem. I also want someone qualified to work on my foot. Do you remember our discussion about heavy equipment operation? The same principles from that discussion hold true to your need for help to find suitable applicants to consider.

A qualified counselor can help you find your preferred destination.


I am not a fan of shills. They wreak of impropriety. What I am a fan of is an endorsement based on credible research. Share on X

I do not see a straight line to finding a suitable applicant for any role in today’s world. There are too many changes occurring in global commerce, social, and political landscapes to plan for an organization to have any worker remain their entire work career with any organization. I cannot afford to endorse any candidate for a role unless I have credible research supporting my endorsement.

I do see the need for strategic foresight. I am both a scholar and practitioner of strategic foresight. Anyone can do some meaningful form of strategic foresight. Just ask a single mother who raised her kids to graduate from school, stay off alcohol and drugs, and stay out of jail. She is living proof strategic foresight can exist at all levels of society.

I do see the need for succession planning. I am both a scholar and practitioner of succession planning. Ask anyone who lived through the changes that occurred during 2020 to tell you their version of succession planning. This planning has a lot to do with contingency planning. Sometimes these planning efforts also benefit from the help of strategic foresight, should strategic foresight be accomplished before it was needed.

What you are trying to avoid is more problems coming to you. You cannot escape the truth your linear connection of worldview, ethics, morality, and virtue combination must have a suitable overlap with the linear connection of worldview, ethics, morality, and virtue combination held by everyone you bring into your organization. Furthermore, that overlap must also be suitable for those in your organization now to have the inclusion effect occur productively across the linear connection of worldview, ethics, morality, and virtue found in your organization’s culture. Remember, your organization includes any matrix-supplied folks involved in doing work with your people, your customers, your strategic partners, and your supply chain network.

What you are hoping for is the reality of truth helping you both find and select a suitable job applicant for each role you need to be filled in your organization. You are hoping one candidate will stand out among the rest, or at least find you have no appropriate candidates. Light helps with eliminating darkness, yes?

My recommendation to help you find some qualified candidates from the job applicants you have now is to evaluate their personality and worldview. This consideration will help to diversify your organization by walking out the linear connection of worldview, ethics, morality, and virtue held by everyone involved in working with each role you need to be filled by your selected job applicant. You are going to face their personality and worldview eventually. It is best to understand both of them during the assessment process.

You do not need a counselor to help you interpret the skills held by an applicant. The skills form a clear set of credentials. If applicant skills are not clear, then they are not qualified to become a candidate.

A match by personality to a role is realized by also matching skills and worldview. An espoused worldview is the most straightforward means I have found to understand more about a person. Their personality and skills may help me understand their worldview, but it is not a guarantee. Personality may be situational. Worldview is often continual. Skills are often temporal.

I urge keeping the screening call bound to a list of predefined questions prepared by you. This approach will help assure the person conducting the screening call does not attempt to interject an interview approach you do not approve of.  It will also help assure all applicants are evaluated fairly.

If I were you, then I would select someone who can prove to me they can help me accomplish the candidate assessments and interpret the results of each assessment by their provable work history along with the education and certifications they hold. I would check their references. I would ask for examples of their already accomplished relevant work. I would also take their assessment of the first person they assess and run it by some other qualified professionals. I know the second person will want to do their own assessment, but it is worth an objective review by an objective person. If the second person refuses to interpret the first person’s work results, then I would not ask for any further help from the second person. I know my family doctor and podiatrist share their research and findings. So, other qualified professionals can do the same sharing of materials they are qualified to interpret.

I recommend you take time this week and consider how you desire to gain a deeper understanding of the personality and worldview of each applicant you are considering for each role you need to fill. The best means I have found to understand a person’s worldview is to ask them the following question: what is your worldview? I also recommend you select some third-party personality testing sources to use with your applicant after they pass their first interview with their potential boss.

So, I ask you: where do you want to go? I hope your answer is to develop the plans necessary to accomplish the strategy you know you need to achieve to arrive at your desired destination. If this is the case, then let’s get to work. If not, then I wish you the best of everything.

I hope we will see each other here next week. Email me if you need to talk before then.


Dr. Stephen H. Dawson, DSL

Executive Strategy Consultant

Stephen H Dawson, DSL

Stephen Dawson is an executive consultant of technology and business strategy, serving significant international organizations by providing leadership consulting, strategic planning, and executive communications. He has more than thirty years of service and consulting experience in delivering successful international business development and program management outcomes in the US and SE Asia. His weekly column, “Where Do You Want To Go?,” appears on Thursdays.

Dr. Dawson has served in the technology, banking, and hospitality industries. He is a noted strategic planning visionary. His pursuit of music has been matched with his efforts to lead by service to followers. He holds the clear understanding a leader without followers is a person taking a long walk alone.

Stephen has lived his life in the eastern United States, visiting most of the United States and several countries. He is a graduate of the Regent University School of Business & Leadership. Contact him at

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Jim Weber – Managing Partner,  ITB Partners

Jim Weber – Managing Partner, ITB Partners

I hope you enjoyed our point of view and would like to receive regular posts directly to your email inbox.  Toward this end, put your contact information on my mailing list.

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How I Became a Marketing Researcher (and Loved It)

If you asked a group of Kindergarteners what they wanted to be when they grow up, you’ll get a lot of answers like Doctor or Firefighter or Teacher or Athlete, but I would wager that no little boy or girl would say, “I want to be a marketing researcher”.  Even if you asked a group of High School students, I don’t think a single one would state that their ambition was to become a marketing research professional.  So, how do people wind up as researchers?  Well, for most, it’s a combination of fate and opportunity, and the path is rarely straight.

When I was a little boy, obsessed with dinosaurs, I wanted to be an Archeologist.  By the time I got to High School, growing up with the space program and watching men land on the moon, I thought I wanted to be an Aerospace Engineer.  Taking Physics in High School made me realize that I didn’t really want to be an Aerospace Engineer.  So, instead of going to an Engineering School, I enrolled at Oneonta (NY) State and selected Statistics as my major. So, how did I wind up as a marketing research professional?   Basically, I can attribute the beginnings to two Professors at Oneonta (NY) State College.

Dr. Esmat Nouri, the Head of the Statistics Department at Oneonta and my academic advisor was the first major influence on my chosen profession.  Dr. Nouri was a brilliant statistician and excellent teacher (though because of his thick Egyptian accent he had difficulty pronouncing the word “statistics”). He was laid-back, easy to talk to, and he really cared about his students. At the beginning of my Junior year, it was about time that I started to think about what kind of career I could expect when I graduated with a BS in Statistics, and I set up a meeting with Dr. Nouri. During the meeting, Dr. Nouri told me that most Statistics graduates entered the field of actuarial sciences. He explained in detail the type of work that Actuaries did, the series of exams that they needed to pass, the good earnings potential, and the stability of the career path.

Let me state emphatically that I have a tremendous amount of respect for the men and women who work in the actuarial profession, and I understand that it is an excellent, important, and lucrative career. But, at the time, my 20-year-old brain could not fathom a more boring thing to do for the rest of my professional life. I left the meeting depressed and anxious. Did I need to change majors? Would it delay my graduation?  Is my life ruined? (Yes, I could be very dramatic back then.)

Enter, the second person to influence my career at this early stage.  I had picked up an Intro to Marketing course as an elective in my Junior year taught by George H. Webster. Mr. Webster was energetic, enthusiastic, and smart.  His teaching style made Marketing fun and interesting. During one lecture, soon after my depressing meeting with Dr. Nouri, the topic of marketing research was discussed. Wow! A light bulb lit up. There was the answer. Combining the rigor and logic of statistics with the excitement and creativity of marketing was the answer to my problem. I now had a goal. Share on X

Well, I graduated with my degree in Statistics and took enough business courses to earn a minor in Business Economics.

I took a year to figure things out. Then, I returned to academia and pursued an MBA in Marketing at SUNY Albany.  Upon graduation from Albany, while most of my classmates were getting jobs in New York City, I decided to move to Atlanta. Although Atlanta was then a growing city, it was not a hotbed for marketing research and my degrees from Albany and Oneonta did not impress any potential employers in the South.

Through a stroke in fate, my father saw a job posting in the Wall Street Journal for Lecturer positions at my alma mater, Oneonta State. He encouraged me to apply, even though I had no interest in teaching nor felt that I had the experience or academic qualifications for the job. But, to please my father, I went ahead and applied, not believing that I had a shot.

To my surprise, I got the job and joined the faculty at Oneonta State. I enjoyed three years teaching Accounting, Intro to Business, and Marketing and, finally, in Year 3, I got to teach a course in Marketing Research. But in the back of my mind, I still had that goal of becoming a professional marketing researcher.

While teaching at Oneonta, I got a flyer in the mail from the University of Georgia promoting a new academic program leading to a Masters in Marketing Research (MMR). As a member of the business faculty, I was supposed to talk to my students about the program and encourage applications. Not only did I share the information with my students, but I decided to apply for the program myself, was accepted and enrolled.

After completing my MMR, I finally had the marketing research credentials to combine with my Statistics degree and Marketing MBA to reach my goal and I landed my first professional marketing research job in Atlanta.

So, my path wasn’t direct, but I eventually found my way. My career has had its up and downs and twists and turns, but I have worked in the marketing research profession now for more than 35 years!

I’ve got Dr. Nouri to thank for being forthright and honest with me about what careers to expect with an undergraduate degree in statistics, highlighting what I didn’t want to do. Unfortunately, Dr. Nouri passed away in 2003 and I never got the chance to thank him for his influence. I am appreciative of George H. Webster for sparking my interest in Marketing with his enthusiasm and expertise for the subject, helping me to discover what I did want to do.  I don’t know what has happened to Mr. Webster, but if he’s out there and reading this… Thanks!

How about you? What was your professional path? Was it full of twists and turns? Who were the people who helped put you on the right road? What’s your story?  I’d love to hear about it.

Carl Fusco

Carl Fusco is an accomplished Marketing Research Consultant who helps businesses more effectively solve problems by applying research techniques and data-based insights.  For more information, email him at or call him at 770-364-7160 .



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Jim Weber – Managing Partner,  ITB Partners

Jim Weber – Managing Partner, ITB Partners

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The Stuff

“We cannot become what we need to be by remaining what we are.” Max De Pree

Stephen H Dawson, DSL

There is only one person who matters when defining what must be done in any situation. That person is our self. The reality of our impact both now and tomorrow is the challenge of living what we believe by doing what we believe. This impact is the linear connection of worldview, ethics, morality, and virtue.

We are working to resolve your delay in accomplishing your strategic planning work by swapping out some folks in your organization. You have decided to become what you need to be by not remaining what you are now. You are completing your materials summary, your Love Action Items list, and scheduling the first meeting with your boss based on the plan we covered recently. Today, let’s cover what I, in both a dignified and proper manner, call…the stuff. The stuff is the linear combination of worldview, ethics, morality, and virtue. Think of them as indispensable blocks to build your life, your organization, your society, your country, and our world.

I held off discussing the stuff with you earlier, as I did not want to overwhelm you with too much to process at one time. You are growing as a healthy leader by going through the process we are working out together. We are not late discussing the stuff, as you are now working on completing your materials summary and your Love Action Items list. Now is the time to discuss the stuff, to help round out your writing and prepare it for your first stop: your boss reviewing your written forthcoming leadership plan.

I will not bore you with the background of the Greek philosophers who became famous from their perspectives on worldview, ethics, morality, and virtue. They did not invent the terms, they do not own the terms, but they did much to help people understand the terms. I appreciate their help in my learning these terms. Yet, we do not answer to them. We answer to reasoning that can withstand scrutiny.

Here is how I see the stuff: No one cares about what I care about in life unless they are willing to pay me for what I care about in life. Their payment to me can come through countless options. I urge you to adopt a similar perspective. I will now teach you all there is to learn about the stuff in less than five minutes, holding our shared understanding that it takes a lifetime for everyone to do the stuff to prove to our self’s we know our stuff.


What a person believes. It is a singular term. It is the list of items a person believes. The listed items do not need to be defined clearly to the person believing them. There is no mandate to one’s self to prove what that person does by self-debate. Worldview defines the subset of truth to the person but does not define truth entirely. Share on XOne does only need to believe something for it to be a part of their worldview. Worldview is nothing more than what a person believes.

Worldview is what we believe.


What a person does. It is a plural term. It is the list of items a person does. The listed items do need to be defined clearly to the person doing them. Each ethic is performed both consciously and purposely. There is a mandate to one’s self to prove what that person does by self-debate. Ethics are nothing more than what a person does.

Ethics are what we do.


What a person must do based only on their worldview. Morality defines right and good. It is a plural term. It is the list of items a person must do as the subset of what they could do to fulfill their worldview. The listed items do need to be defined clearly to the person doing them. Each moral is performed both consciously and purposely. There is a mandate to one’s self to prove what that person does by self-debate. Morals are nothing more than what a person believes they must do.

Morals are what we believe we should do.


The items at the top of a person’s morality list. It is a plural term. It is the list of items a person must do as the prioritized subset of what they could do to fulfill their worldview. The listed items do need to be defined clearly to the person doing them. Each virtue is performed both consciously and purposely. There is a mandate to one’s self to prove what that person does by self-debate. Virtues are nothing more than what a person believes they must do before doing anything else.

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Congratulations. You just mastered understanding the terms worldviewethicmorality, and virtue. I hold the worldview more folks in this world should master what you just learned.

Please understand it is not my intent to trivialize these terms. It is my intent to keep them from causing you harm. You have been doing the stuff since the moment you took your first breath. You will continue to do the stuff until the moment you take your last breath. It is best, as with all doing, one knows what they are doing after a suitable period of learning occurs. We talked about this consideration when I asked if you wanted me to use heavy equipment before I learned how to operate the heavy equipment.

A common phrase in social and political circles today is moral responsibility. I struggle to find a meaningful definition of this phrase as a term, so I do not identify this phrase as a term. A moral can only be held between two people when they perform similar ethics based on their similar worldviews. What the verbal assailant is doing with this phrase is attacking your virtues, not your morality. It is a form of intellectual cowardice, as they refuse to learn the terminology they use in their statements.

I encourage you to remember the linear relationship between worldview, ethics, morality, and virtue the next time someone tries to push you around with their demand that you supply them your morality as they see fit. Think back to our discussion on power when you hear them place such a demand on you.


I know we covered some heavy topics this week. Fear not, for indisputable facts help strengthen your leadership ability. Take the stuff for what it is: your stuff. Remember, there is only one person who matters when defining what must be done in any situation. That person is our self.

I encourage you to spend time this week completing your materials summary, your Love Action Items list and schedule the first meeting with your boss based on the plan we covered recently. Also, consider how your followers speak and act in light of what you have now learned about the stuff. Finally, consider how much of an overlap there is between each follower’s worldview and your worldview by considering what they do…their ethics. We will look at their morality and their virtues during future discussions.

So, I ask you: where do you want to go? I hope your answer is to develop the plans necessary to accomplish the strategy you know you need to achieve to arrive at your desired destination. If this is the case, then let’s get to work. If not, then I wish you the best of everything.

I hope we will see each other here next week. Email me if you need to talk before then.


Dr. Stephen H. Dawson, DSL

Executive Strategy Consultant

Stephen Dawson is an executive consultant of technology and business strategy, serving significant international organizations by providing leadership consulting, strategic planning, and executive communications. He has more than thirty years of service and consulting experience in delivering successful international business development and program management outcomes in the US and SE Asia. His weekly column, “Where Do You Want To Go?,” appears on Thursdays.

Dr. Dawson has served in the technology, banking, and hospitality industries. He is a noted strategic planning visionary. His pursuit of music has been matched with his efforts to lead by service to followers. He holds the clear understanding a leader without followers is a person taking a long walk alone.

Stephen has lived his life in the eastern United States, visiting most of the United States and several countries. He is a graduate of the Regent University School of Business & Leadership. Contact him at

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Jim Weber – Managing Partner,  ITB Partners

Jim Weber – Managing Partner, ITB Partners

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