Small Changes, Big Results

Originally Published July 16, 2016

I am up to my neck at work.   I have a full-plate of search assignments and a consulting gig.  I have a major presentation to deliver in September.  I am talking with a client about beginning a C-level search. That is the good news!   The bad news is that I am six months behind on some tasks, like completing my expense reports, and three months behind in balancing my accounts.  Am I worried?  No!  I learned a valuable lesson (not sure when) that eliminates the stress of dealing with past due work.  Now, don’t misunderstand, these tasks are not customer related.  They are merely administrative; important, but not urgent.   The secret I learned and came to embrace is that a little effort, over time, can support big results.  By investing just ten to twenty minutes a day, I will be back on schedule.

You may be wondering why I am completing expense reports given that I own my business.  Well, honestly it is a hold-over from my corporate career.  It is a useful discipline that I have maintained in my executive search business.  Quick Books allows me to print out weekly expense recaps which make it easier to compile my expense report.  Of course, those reports do not include cash expenses or mileage.  
I have learned that investing a few minutes a day on important but not urgent tasks improves my effectiveness.  It might not seem like much, but, I continue to become more productive.  It is far better than procrastinating until one is forced to make an investment in time to tackle the issue.  When I look back, I am reminded of a habit I developed early in my career.  I began each day by reading a chapter of a non-fiction business book, or the Wall Street Journal.  That practice helped me steadily advance my career.
Not long ago, I took some advice from Bill O’Reilly, the host of The Factor on the Fox News Network.   Mr. O’Reilly caught my attention when he suggested that a glass of water with a lemon wedge before every meal would help prevent overeating.  It was not the first time I had heard that, but I was receptive to the idea.  I had lost control of my weight and knew I must make some changes.  I tried it, and it worked.  Creating that habit was a small step.  It led to additional dietary changes.  Over time I shifted toward more fruit, vegetables, and protein.  These adjustments have allowed me to maintain my weight without spending time in the gym or on crash diets.  Significant changes begin with a single step.   
Last week I met a CMO, who noted that I had recently published my first book.  He asked me how long it took to write.   Somewhat tongue-in-cheek, I told him that it took five years of weekly blog posts.   The book did grow out of my Blog, so my response wasn’t entirely facetious.  My colleague Stan, and I have a running joke about ideas for his book.  I ask him why he doesn’t start by writing a blog.  He tells me that his working style is to sit down and bang it out all at once.  I just laugh.   We both know he is too busy to block out that amount of time, so I keep poking him.
In my view, productivity improvement is all about replacing less than optimal work habits with more productive behavior.  Technology is very helpful.   The voice to text service on my landline eliminates the need to check my voice mailbox. Using the “rules” option in Outlook helps me organize my email by topic, client, and assignment.  It is another valuable time saver.    My iPhone has been a major productivity enhancer.   I even found an app (MileIQ) to automate the capture and documentation of my automobile mileage.   It is a fabulous tool which eliminated that irritant.   Well, you get the idea, on to the elimination of the next irritant. 
Your feedback helps me continue to publish articles that you want to read.  Your input is very important to me so please leave a comment.

Jim Weber, President

Current Assignments
1. COO- Northeast-based Casual Dining Restaurant Company – New
2. Operating Partners – Legacy Pizza Chain – New
3. Corporate R&D Chef, Atlanta-based Home Meal Replacement Company – New
4. Area Supervisor, Legacy Pizza Chain Franchisee, S. Carolina – New
5. Senior Accounting Manager – Atlanta-based Manufacturer. Complete
6. Controller – Atlanta-based Consumer Products – Digital Company – Completed
7. Outplacement Assignment – Atlanta-based Manufacturer:  Complete
Author of: Fighting Alligators: Job Search Strategy For The New Normal

Role Models, Sponsors, and Mentors

Originally published March 27, 2016

As you should know by now, my blog posts are based on my personal experiences.   Often these experiences come in clusters, reinforcing the need to address a pertinent topic.  This weeks’ post follows that model.

Saturday evening my colleague, Stan, and I were conducting one of our periodic staff meetings over Bourbon and Cigars at our favorite watering hole.  Clearly, this is my preferred way to discuss business.  Our conversation focused on progress and challenges we are working through with our clients.  Most of those issues are related to leadership and accountability, no surprise there.  Eventually; the discussion came around to critical factors leading to a successful career.  Stan told me about his time at Dunn and Bradstreet where he benefited from a close relationship with his mentor.  Furthermore, he said that Sponsors were helpful to his career progression.

This line of discussion seemed to fall in line with the topics of the last few weeks, so I was beginning to formulate my ideas for this post.  Validation for this week’s topic arrived Wednesday when I received a call from a close friend of twenty years, who is also my Attorney.  She asked if I would mentor and coach her 23-year old son who is having difficulty finding his way in the world.  There are few greater compliments in life than to be called upon to help a friend guide their child’s development.  So, of course, I accepted, and we scheduled our first meeting.

I can’t remember talking to anyone who discounted the importance of role models, mentors, or sponsors.  Everyone I know has told me about role models and mentors who have helped shape their lives and careers.  Intuitively, we all understand their importance, but I am not so sure we know the difference or how to find and work with these folks.  So, let’s find some clarity.

Role Models are people we choose to emulate for whatever reason.  They are examples to follow.  One may or may not know these influencers who may be living or dead.  A Role Model is chosen based on their style, or success in their chosen field.  Usually meant to be positive, a role model is chosen to match one’s values, self-image, bearings, and or goals.  A Role Model is an aspirational standard.

A mentor is someone develops a relationship with a less experienced or less knowledgeable person as a means to transfer knowledge.  The recipient of the mentor’s guidance may be called a protégé, apprentice, or mentee.  The mentor is usually an older person, but not necessarily.  A peer may be a mentor if passing on skills or experience needed by the other person.  The concept of a mentor has been in play for thousands of years.  The name “Mentor” actually came from a character in Homer’s “Odyssey.”  Other names for this role include guru, elder, or master.  Mentors provide their knowledge on an as-needed basis, as requested by the protégé, and don’t necessarily expect anything in return.  The relationship may be informal, developing naturally, or it may be formal and structured, built into the culture of the organization.

Sponsors have a vested interest in the success of the protégé.  They offer guidance and support because they believe the protégé’s has potential.  The relationship includes the expectation that the protégé will perform well, reflecting on the sponsor’s standing.  This relationship is more proactive, requiring mutual trust and respect.  The sponsor is someone who can open doors and provide opportunities for the protégé, including high-visibility assignments leading to career advancement.  The protégé is expected to deliver the results which will protect and enhance the sponsor’s reputation.  It is a win-win relationship.

Role models, mentors, and sponsors are vital for the career minded individual.  If you intend to be successful, it would be wise to find people who can fill these roles, and in the case of mentors and sponsors, are willing to help you.

Thank you for visiting my blog.

Your feedback helps me continue to publish articles that you want to read.  Your input is very important to me so please leave a comment.

Jim Weber, President

Current Assignments
1. COO- Northeast-based Casual Dining Restaurant Company – New
2. Operating Partners – Legacy Pizza Chain – New
3. Corporate R&D Chef, Atlanta-based Home Meal Replacement Company – New
4. Area Supervisor, Legacy Pizza Chain Franchisee, S. Carolina – New
5. Senior Accounting Manager – Atlanta-based Manufacturer. Complete
6. Controller – Atlanta-based Consumer Products – Digital Company – Completed
7. Outplacement Assignment – Atlanta-based Manufacturer:  Complete
Author of: Fighting Alligators: Job Search Strategy For The New Normal

Know Your Client’s Decision Process!

Yesterday, I had an interesting conversation.  A prospective candidate for our consulting group talked about his interest in providing M&A due-diligence services from an operations perspective.  This caught my attention as I believe it to be an opportunity worth exploring.  I know many who are dissatisfied with due-diligence outcomes.  They generally agree that M&A due-diligence needs significant improvement.  It seems to be a contributing factor to the poor results of acquisitions, at least for strategic buyers.  Of course, there are other reasons why acquisitions fail to meet expectations, including insurmountable cultural differences, flawed strategic assumptions, and poor management.  
My personal experience with due-diligence came after the fact.  One of my employers was significantly overvalued because critical operational issues were missed.  As a result, the buyer paid more than the business was worth, in a highly leveraged transaction.  Cash flow was diverted to cover greater debt service, impacting our revenue potential.   So yes, I believe that offering due-diligence services may be viable for our consulting group.   In fact, one of our consultants is currently engaged in a due-diligence project.
Considering this business opportunity led me to reflect on how decisions are made by our client companies.  I have long been fascinated by the decision-making process especially as it relates to our business development efforts.  I have been a part of companies that made good decisions and others that didn’t.   I have been a part of highly structured, buttoned-up companies and worked for entrepreneurs.  And, of course, I have been an entrepreneur with my own business.  The companies that made consistently good decisions were highly organized, and process oriented.  They pro-actively managed the culture and employed sound operating principles.  The worst, not so much.  One company, in particular, was often off the mark because their organizational structure and incentives were not aligned with their business strategy.   As a result, there was confusion within the organization.  
The best employers nurture a culture that includes fact-based decision-making and double-loop learning.  Their operations strategy is aligned with the needs of the customer which they validate continually.  Group-think is discouraged and challenged.  They aren’t necessarily perfect, but they create a system that generates continuous improvement.
Another area of interest within the larger context of management decision-making is related to developing new markets.   Selling a new product to a new customer is the most difficult marketing challenge.  Many companies have blundered into new markets without a clear understanding of the risk.  I have witnessed retail brands make that mistake when trying to penetrate the Atlanta market.  I even worked for one.  These brands were successful in other regions of the country but were unknown in the Southeast.  I must say, I have seen a few Southeastern brands make the same mistake. What is so surprising is that this common mistake continues to be repeated  Why?
These questions are relevant to me as I work to qualify new customers and begin new assignments.  I want to know what the prospective client is trying to accomplish and their needs to do so.  Knowing a bit about their history and the biographies of their executives if helpful.  It is important to know how they choose vendors and the process they employ.  Since most of our engagements are through referrals, I usually have a resource to help my research.  
I believe that my job is to make my client’s job easier.  I fulfill that promise by adapting to their management-style, helping offload their work wherever possible.  I don’t add value by forcing the client to adapt to my process.  When the prospect becomes a client, my success with the current assignment and future engagements is enhanced by developing a more complete understanding of their management style; their values, marketing strategy, and decision-making processes.  
Understanding a company’s process to qualify vendors is necessary to close more deals. Understanding the culture of the company and their management style is required to generate repeat business.    

Thank you for visiting my blog.

Your feedback helps me continue to publish articles that you want to read.  Your input is very important to me so please leave a comment.

Jim Weber, President

Current Assignments
1. COO- Northeast-based Casual Dining Restaurant Company – New
2. Operating Partners – Legacy Pizza Chain – New
3. Director of Biz Dev, Atlanta-based B2B Professional Services Company:    Completed
4. Payroll-Benefits Manager, Atlanta-based Retail Company:  Complete
5. Senior Accounting Manager – Atlanta-based Manufacturer. Complete
6. Controller – Atlanta-based Consumer Products – Digital Company – Completed
7. Outplacement Assignment – Atlanta-based Manufacturer:  Complete

Author of: Fighting Alligators: Job Search Strategy For The New Normal

Job Search In The New Normal: Three Perspectives; Originally Published February 13, 2016

My activity during the last two weeks has included three networking meetings with prospective candidates.  Two of the meetings were face-to-face at Starbucks, and the third was over the phone.  Their experience and individual situations ran the gamut.  The first candidate I met, Matt, is a referral from a solid networking connection which I have known for many years.  Matt had gone to school with my friend and had worked together earlier in his career. He was in town for a few days prior to leaving on a boys skiing weekend.  Matt is an established Financial Planning and Analysis (FP&A) professional employed in a good job with a major company.  He and his wife want to get back to the Atlanta area to be closer to their extended family.  His objective is to find a good job first and then move.   I found Matt to be very affable and professional.  Little surprise as his background included a private school education and Ivy League college degree.  Additionally, he had earned an MBA from a prestigious, top-tier University.  Matt is a very polished guy who knows how to communicate.  His intention was to establish a relationship with me and to explore some options.  Although a preliminary discussion, I enjoyed our visit and will work to help him achieve his goal.  Clearly, Matt is well grounded for a job search in the “new normal.”

My second meeting was not as positive.   John has had a difficult time finding a new job.    Also, a native of the Atlanta, he has been out of work for eighteen months. John has lived out of state for the past 16 years working in a small company.   He moved back to Atlanta to be close to family after the failure of a business venture. After earning an Ivy League Degree, he worked as a manager for established restaurant brands, later transitioning into the small company sector. In his most recent situation, he was in charge of administration for a small company which included the responsibilities of a CFO, a CIO, and Director of Construction. John was not comfortable during our meeting.  He was visibly nervous and a bit awkward.  We discussed options he has considered including consulting and project work. His references were very positive. However, his experience is not resonating with prospective employers.

Mark was my third networking encounter; this meeting was via telephone. Mark was referred to me by a CEO contact who had to terminate his employment as part of a company restructure.  Mark is a middle manager who has worked his way up the ladder to middle management without a college degree.  He has not had to look for a job for a very long time as he has been recruited from one job to the next by people who know him. Mark is well spoken, and his resume is solid.  Now unemployed, he really does not know how to look for a job in the new normal.  I suspect his network needs to be rebuilt as well.  We scheduled a phone call to trade information, but he made little effort to prepare for that call.  He did not review my background by visiting my website or checking out my LinkedIn profile.  As a result, we spent too much time on fundamental issues without learning how I could be helpful to him.  After our conversation, I made one referral on his behalf.  I need to follow up with Mark to more fully understand his needs and aspirations.

There are some interesting similarities between these gentlemen.  They are all about the same age and have enjoyed success in their chosen fields.  Their circumstances are very different, however.  Matt is in the best position as he begins the process to understand his options.  John is in a difficult position as the time between situations is taking a toll on his psyche.  He must reboot his search.  Mark will be fine.  He will need to rebuild his network, but his skills and experience are highly marketable.  I suspect that he has a suitable severance package.  He can ramp up his job search quickly and will likely be reconnected by summer.

The one thing they have in common is that they are learning to adapt to job search in the new normal.  Their ultimate destinations will take them down different paths, but each will need to engage in the same activities.  Matt and Dave will have more options to consider than Mark whose background is exclusive to restaurant operations.  Nevertheless, each must assemble and nurture an effective network, their team, to identify appropriate opportunities.  They must craft a viable personal positioning strategy to evaluate opportunities presented.  They must be able to convince hiring managers and recruiters that their experience and skills match the job requirements and that they are a cultural fit for the enterprise.  And, when employed again, they must get off to an effective start by taking ownership of the onboarding process.

Of the three, which represents the situation you would aspire to?  Matt’s of course!  He is proactively directing his career, building from a position of strength.  He is working on a plan to make a career move before circumstances force the need.  More than ever before, one must be vigilant in the management of their career.  Nurturing an effective network is the starting point.

Thank you for visiting my blog.
I hope you enjoyed my point of view and would like to receive regular posts directly to your email inbox.  Toward this end, put your contact information on my mailing list.
Your feedback helps me continue to publish articles that you want to read.  Your input is very important to me so; please leave a comment.

Jim Weber, President

Current Assignments
1. COO- Northeast-based Casual Dining Restaurant Company – New
2. Operating Partners – Legacy Pizza Chain – New
3. Area Supervisor – Legacy Pizza Chain, Carolinas – New
4. Payroll-Benefits Manager, Atlanta-based Retail Company:  Complete
5. Senior Accounting Manager – Atlanta-based Manufacturer. Complete
6. Controller – Atlanta-based Consumer Products – Digital Company – Completed
7. Outplacement Assignment – Atlanta-based Manufacturer:  Complete
Author of: Fighting Alligators: Job Search Strategy For The New Normal

Plan Your Job Search: Work Your Plan

Let’s face it; the single most important stress factor to any job seeker is financial.  “Will I find a new job before I run out of cash?” Will I deplete my savings?  Will I lose my home? All are very real possibilities which can be overwhelming.  To be sure, the worst case will result if one becomes paralyzed by those thoughts and fails to engage in the process.  Realistically, this is uncommon for accomplished professionals who have overcome challenges throughout their careers. You have the personal attributes and skills to be successful in your job search. Your goal is to find the best possible situation in the least amount of time, resulting in minimal disruption to your lifestyle.

I am a planner by nature, and by training. When confronted with a new challenging situation, my fallback position is to execute the problem-solving/planning cycle. I get organized.  I analyze the situation; evaluate options, set goals; track activity; reassess; make adjustments; then set new goals. Developing a plan, committing that plan to paper, and working that plan gives me a measure of comfort that helps lower my stress level.  I also subscribe to the “ready, fire, aim concept.  Even when developing my plan.  It eliminates analysis paralysis.  So, while between jobs, I employed organization and planning routines that had never failed me. I refer to this process throughout my book.

The starting point for your plan is to assess your skills and experiences. Then, determine where your background matches opportunities requiring your profile. The obvious objective is to find another employer in the same sector, doing the same job.  But, that is just a place to start. In all likelihood, the best opportunities will be somewhat different from your last situation.  The odds are that a smaller, emerging company in a different segment will become your next employer.  As with any good plan, it is wise to allow flexibility to consider interesting opportunities as they occur.

Elements to factor into your plan:
• Establish a realistic time frame and the worst case scenario
• Define your compensation and geographical requirements
• Define your primary and secondary employer targets
• Ensure that your strategy is heavily focused on networking
• Establish an appropriate yet flexible weekly work routine
• Keep a diary
• Communicate, communicate, communicate

My search assignments take 90 days from start to finish, on average. Depending on the complexity of the assignment and the season of the year, a search can vary by 30 days, plus or minus. The adage of one month of search time for each $10K of salary is still appropriate. This statistic should help the job seeker develop a realistic duration of their search. For most people, especially those who have neglected their networks, it could take up to 90 days to reassemble and engage your network. Most people find new employment via networking activities so, prepare to spend 80% of your effort networking I will devote a lot of time to discuss the issue of networking.

An important element to the success of any plan is a system to track your effort and results. Job search is no different. Keep a record of who you have talked to, the nature of that discussion and follow up issues. Analyze your efforts. If your plan seems to be working, stay with it. If it needs some adjustment, do so and establish new goals. Write down your thoughts and feelings on successes and failures. Keep a diary as it will be helpful. Plan your work and work your plan. In my opinion, a systematic approach is the best way to find a new job and minimize your stress.

Key Points to Consider:
1. Develop a written Job Search Plan.
2. Keep a diary.

Thank you for visiting my blog.  I hope you enjoyed my point of view and would like to receive regular posts directly to your email inbox. Toward this end, put your contact information on my mailing list.  

Your feedback helps me continue to publish articles that you want to read. Your input is important to me so; please leave a comment.

Jim Weber, President

Current Assignments
1. COO- Northeast-based Casual Dining Restaurant Company – New
2. Operating Partners – Legacy Pizza Chain – New
3. Area Supervisor – Legacy Pizza Chain, Carolinas – New
4. Payroll-Benefits Manager, Atlanta-based Retail Company:  Complete
5. Senior Accounting Manager – Atlanta-based Manufacturer. Complete
6. Controller – Atlanta-based Consumer Products – Digital Company – Completed
7. Outplacement Assignment – Atlanta-based Manufacturer:  Complete
Author of: Fighting Alligators: Job Search Strategy For The New Normal

Know Yourself

This week, Dana Maggi, Owner of Career Pain Relief, spoke to my chapter of Business Executives Networking Group (BENG).   Actually, she facilitated a lively discussion on job search.   My takeaway from Dana’s presentation is ‘know yourself’.  This advice is always on point.  It is very difficult to gain traction in your job search if you cannot clearly communicate your value proposition. You cannot present your value proposition; i.e. the reason you are best suited for the job unless you know your strengths, weakness, and accomplishments.  
The discussion eventually moved to tricky interview questions and how best to answer them.  One question caught my interest; the ubiquitous, “tell me about yourself.”  The group was confused about the best way to answer.  They were not clear as to the intent of the question, or how much detail to provide.  
Well, how should you answer the “tell me about yourself” question? Do you talk about your personal life; your family, hobbies, or other interests? Do you talk about your career goals?  Do you talk about your favorite boss or past employer?  Or, do you convey your particular accomplishments, skills, training, and development? How would you answer that question?
My contribution was to remind the group of the big picture.  Interview time is a limited commodity, so make it productive.  Focus on why you are there.  As a prospective senior executive, your communication skills are of great interest.  They may be the most important aspect of the job in question. Directing a team requires clear communications.  Convincing more senior executives to fund programs or projects requires effective salesmanship.  Defending a budget, or a capital appropriation request requires persuasion skills.  Presenting to the Board of Directors requires exceptional poise and finesse. As with each of these activities, interview success depends on your ability to present a clear message that resonates with the employer.   
Personally, I’m not fond of the “tell me about yourself” question. It is too ambiguous to yield a consistently useful answer.   I understand that it may be used as a conversation starter, but there is a better way.   I prefer to ask the candidate for a 60-second, thumbnail sketch of their current situation and what they want to do now.  This question is clear, requiring a focused response.   I expect to hear the common themes of their career, including their particular skills and strengths.  I want to gain an understanding of their plan for the next stage of their career.  It is my first glimpse into the candidate’s ability to communicate.   It is a more productive use of my time.  If the candidate can present her experience, strengths, and skills in an effective one-minute presentation, she has my attention.  I will move her forward in the process. It requires self-awareness.
From my point of view,  the “tell me about yourself,” is a poor way to begin an interview.  However, one must anticipate this question as it is so commonly used.  Fortunately, it presents the job seeker with an opportunity to influence the direction of the interview. I recommend an answer that is focused on what you’re trying to accomplish now while presenting the strengths and experience you bring to the party.  It should be a short answer, probably no more than one minute long.   It will require a well-rehearsed presentation.  The best response explains why you are the ideal candidate for the job.  In other words, your elevator pitch.  If done properly, your interviewer will ask follow-up questions that play to your strengths.  Unless you are asked about personal interests, stay focused on presenting your suitability for the job in question. 

During job search, you must communicate a clear and concise message to capture the employer’s interestTo craft this message requires self-awareness.  Know yourself!

Thank you for visiting my blog.

Your feedback helps me continue to publish articles that you want to read.  Your input is very important to me so please leave a comment.

Jim Weber, President

Current Assignments
1. COO- Northeast-based Casual Dining Restaurant Company – New
2. Operating Partners – Legacy Pizza Chain – New
3. Director of Biz Dev, Atlanta-based B2B Professional Services Company:    Completed
4. Payroll-Benefits Manager, Atlanta-based Retail Company:  Complete
5. Senior Accounting Manager – Atlanta-based Manufacturer. Complete
6. Controller – Atlanta-based Consumer Products – Digital Company – Completed
7. Outplacement Assignment – Atlanta-based Manufacturer:  Complete
Author of: Fighting Alligators: Job Search Strategy For The New Normal

New COO Search Assignment: New Century Dynamics Executive Search

December 1, 2017:  New COO Search Assignment:  New Century Dynamics Executive Search Announces a new Search Assignment: COO for a Northeastern-based Casual Dining Brand. Your interest and referrals are welcome.

December 1, 2017:  New Search Assignment:  New Century Dynamics Executive Search Announces that it has been contracted to find Operating Partners for a Legacy Pizza Chain. Your interest and referrals are welcome.

Thank you for visiting my blog.

Your feedback helps me continue to publish articles that you want to read.  Your input is very important to me so please leave a comment.

Jim Weber, President

Current Assignments
1. COO- Northeast-based Casual Dining Restaurant Company – New
2. Operating Partners – Legacy Pizza Chain – New
3. Director of Biz Dev, Atlanta-based B2B Professional Services Company:    Completed
4. Payroll-Benefits Manager, Atlanta-based Retail Company:  Complete
5. Senior Accounting Manager – Atlanta-based Manufacturer. Complete
6. Controller – Atlanta-based Consumer Products – Digital Company – Completed
7. Outplacement Assignment – Atlanta-based Manufacturer:  Complete

Author of: Fighting Alligators: Job Search Strategy For The New Normal

Overcome Difficulties With A Positive Attitude

This was a big weekend for College Football as the NCAA Conference Champions were determined. Watching these games was great fun, and most exciting.  Additionally, I found it interesting that there was a noticeable difference in personalities and attitudes between the winning and losing teams. It may have been subtle but it was noticeable.

I was reminded of teams I have worked with.  The successful teams were always more enthusiastic and positive about success.  They exuded ‘esprit de corps’.  Stated another way, I cannot remember being part of a successful team composed of negative people.  Likewise, I cannot remember hiring anyone to be on one of my teams who weren’t enthusiastic about the project. 

Anyone can maintain a positive attitude when things are going well.  That’s easy.  The momentum of the situation can carry one forward.  The challenge is to maintain a positive attitude during stressful times.  When facing difficulties, a positive attitude can be the difference between a success and failure.  Have you ever met a goal while harboring negative thoughts about your ability to achieve that goal?  Probably not.  Your attitude makes a difference!  Job search is a stressful time, as we encounter a lot of rejection and fear for our financial future.  

Proponents of Neural Linguistic Programming (NLP) say that your words and thoughts program your mind to behave in a corresponding way.  In other words, negative thoughts result in negative outcomes and positive thoughts result in positive outcomes.   What’s more effective, asking somebody to remember something or saying don’t forget something?   Your mind hears ‘remember’ and ‘forget’ and responds accordingly.  So, align your thoughts, actions, and speech toward your desired outcome and suppress negative thoughts.  A related concept is “The Law of Attraction,” made famous by “The Secret.”  This concept states that our thoughts and feelings create our experiences and that we create a reality based on those thoughts.  Whatever you concentrate on, pay attention to, focus on, or dwell upon, is drawn to you for better or worse. It also means that you should be clear on your desired outcome.  If “you are what you eat” is appropriate for dieting, then “you are what you think,” is appropriate for achieving a positive outcome.  Concentrate on being positive.   Concentrate on success.

Concern and worry are two possible responses to difficulties.  Recognizing the risks of a difficult situation, i.e. concern, while taking responsibly for corrective actions is the positive approach.  The difficult situation is viewed as a challenge, a learning experience.  Worry, on the other hand, is unproductive.  It is focused on negative outcomes without taking responsibility or appropriate remedial action.  Worry creates more stress and potential health issues.  
Maintaining a positive attitude is a choice.  You should remember the situation is part of your life but does not define your life.
Principles to maintain a positive attitude:

  1. Chose to become a positive person
  2. Focus on Successful Outcomes
  3. Know that you create your reality
  4. Difficult situations are opportunities to learn and grow
  5. Use positive language your keep your thoughts positive
  6. Garbage In – Garbage Out
  7. Be grateful
Strategies to maintain a positive attitude:
  1. Begin your day with positive affirmations, meditation, reading
  2. Exercise, it’s natures happiness drug
  3. Use audio-video resources to reinforce positive messages
  4. Associate with positive people – avoid emotional drags
  5. Express your appreciation 
  6. Defeat negative thinking as those thoughts occur
  7. Take care of yourself (healthy eating, enough sleep, and exercise)
  8. Change your response or avoid stressful situations
  9. Change the paradigm
  10. Avoid Television News Programs
The benefits of a positive attitude:
  1. You attract positive people
  2. You become more relaxed and at peace with yourself.
  3. You develop and enhance your sense of empathy
  4. You achieve positive outcomes
Unless you develop a strategy to nullify the pain of rejection, job search success will be difficult. Remember it isn’t personal.  Consider rejection a gift that you do not wish to take. No one can hurt you unless you let them.

Maintaining a positive attitude during difficult times isn’t easy.  It takes effort and needs constant reinforcement.  However, it is a choice that will serve you well.  Following the principles and strategies presented in this post will result in optimal outcomes.  Think success, be successful.  

Thank you for visiting my blog.

Your feedback helps me continue to publish articles that you want to read.  Your input is very important to me so please leave a comment.

Jim Weber, Managing Partner

Author of: Fighting Alligators: Job Search Strategy For The New Normal
Current Assignments
1. COO- Northeast-based Casual Dining Restaurant Company – New
2. Operating Partners – Legacy Pizza Chain – New
3. Director of Biz Dev, Atlanta-based B2B Professional Services Company:    Completed
4. Payroll-Benefits Manager, Atlanta-based Retail Company:  Complete
5. Senior Accounting Manager – Atlanta-based Manufacturer. Complete
6. Controller – Atlanta-based Consumer Products – Digital Company – Completed
7. Outplacement Assignment – Atlanta-based Manufacturer:  Complete

Effective Communications: Myths And Realities.

Lately, I have been thinking a lot about the Chevrolet Nova.  Not because it was a classic automobile, but the myth of its poor sales record in Latin America.  You may have heard the story.  Allegedly, the Nova did not sell well in Latin America because translated into Spanish, the word Nova means “no go.”  The story is false, of course, but it serves as a useful metaphor for the perils of poor communications, especially the concept of speaking past one another.  This is a classic situation, where one’s message is totally misconstrued by the other.  I suppose I am thinking more about this issue as it is prevalent in the culture.  It is also an issue when communicating with clients, colleagues, friends, and family.  

Closer to home, I had a discussion with one of my colleagues, whereby I interpreted his comments to be completely opposite of his intended message. Furthermore, he was taken aback, shocked even, by my negative reaction.   To be fair, he could have been more concise and framed his message better. And, I could have asked a few more questions for clarification.  The situation could have escalated beyond control, but our client arrived for our meeting.  This gave us time to focus on other matters and decompress.  Subsequently, we worked through the issue and addressed our failure to communicate.

In a recent discussion with another consultant, I was asked what I thought was the biggest challenge facing businesses today.   Almost by reflex, I told him it was about messaging:  is my brand message resonating with my clients?  Do I fully understand the problem my client is looking to solve?  Am I tuned into the big message the market is sending?

The NFL player protests is a perfect example of this phenomena.   In this case, it appears that the biggest loser is the NFL Brand.  Brands are fragile: consider the plight of Arthur Andersen which was ensnared in the Enron scandal during the recession of 2001-2002. The common wisdom at the time was that Arthur Andersen could not be trusted and as a result, their clients went elsewhere. When the dust settled, Arthur Andersen was exonerated, but the damage was done.  Arthur Andersen is out of business.   Andersen Consulting lives on, however, re-branded as Accenture.

A Ted Talk regarding skills required for employment in the future caught my attention.  The speaker proposed that soft skills would become more critical for employment, particularly communications. This makes sense to me.  As more and more processes become automated the value of interpersonal skills will become more important.  Communications skills are the heart of interpersonal skills.  

Stephen Covey speaks to the importance of understanding the other’s point of view.   In his book The Seven Habits of Highly Successful People, Covey agrees that communication is the most important skill set and that listening is the key to effective communications.  He notes that “most people listen with the intent to reply, not to understand.”

Covey says that “because you so often listen autobiographically, you tend to respond in one of four ways:”
You judge and then either agree or disagree.
You ask questions from your own frame of reference.
You give counsel, advice, and solutions to problems.
You analyze others’ motives and behaviors based on your own experiences.

With kudos to Napoleon Hill, when coaching my consultants I espouse the value of asking why, at least three times, more if necessary.  By asking for clarification and the basis of one’s beliefs, eventually, you will arrive at the root of the issue to begin formulating a viable course of action. Focus on understanding the message you are receiving before offering your opinion.

What about marketing communications?  Does your brand message resonate with the customer? Whether you are a job seeker looking for a full-time situation; an independent consultant looking for your next gig; or a business trying to attract new customers; your message must be clear and concise. Often referred to as a value proposition, or positioning statement, an effective brand message will lead the prospect into a discussion about your ability to solve her problem.   No matter how brilliant you think your message to be, you must continue to validate its effectiveness.  Ignore this message at your peril.

Thank you for visiting my blog.
Your feedback helps me continue to publish articles that you want to read.  Your input is very important to me so please leave a comment.

Jim Weber, Managing Partner

Author of: Fighting Alligators: Job Search Strategy For The New Normal
Current Assignments
1. COO- Atlanta-based Casual Dining Restaurant Company – New
2. Controller – Atlanta-based Consumer Products – Digital Company – Completed
3. Director of Biz Dev, Atlanta-based B2B Professional Services Company:    Completed
4. Payroll-Benefits Manager, Atlanta-based Retail Company:  Complete
5. Senior Accounting Manager – Atlanta-based Manufacturer. Complete
6. Controller – Atlanta-based Restaurant Company: New
7. Outplacement Assignment – Atlanta-based Manufacturer:  Complete

Making Job Search/Recruiting & Selection More Efficient

Monica is an accomplished professional coach I met through a mutual friend.  Our paths crossed again this week at a presentation on artificial intelligence for job search. We had a few minutes to talk before the meeting, so she updated me on her current project.  Sponsored by one of the more prestigious local universities, her assignment is to make job-search/recruiting and selection more productive. When I first talked with her about this project, earlier in the year, she was beginning to frame the analysis. Now, she has an appreciation for the magnitude of her challenge. Monica suggested that we meet again later in the week for a follow-on conversation. We scheduled a meeting Thursday afternoon.

As we were settling into our conversation she told me about a rather odd luncheon meeting she just finished. She witnessed some unprofessional behavior by the attendees which indicated either cultural issues with the employer, or behavioral problems with this team. It was an interesting way to start the conversation as her encounter may have identified a part of the problem she’s working to resolve.
After that introduction, we got down to business. Monica and her colleague, Gina, began with an open-ended question to initiate my thoughts. I reminded them that my perspective is that of an executive recruiter with 20 years of experience placing senior level executives.  I began by saying that my average search takes 90 days from start to finish. For senior-level searches, it could be as much as 120 days. I explained that most of this time is managing logistics, as I typically have the ideal candidate in front of my client within 2 to 3 weeks.  The rest of the time is related to the client’s internal process.
Scheduling meetings, whether by phone or in person is a monumental task. The time involved grows exponentially as more people are included in the process.  Monica’s colleague asked about using electronic scheduling tools.  I told her about a current situation where a prospective search client was trying to schedule a four-person conference call. It took two weeks to agree to a time, even though we were using a scheduling tool.
My take on the issue is that competitive pressure has shrunk the workforce so dramatically that people involved in the hiring process are stressed for time and resources.   This inhibits efforts to reduce the recruiting and selection cycle. Reducing administrative overhead, in my opinion, has led to other negative attributes like poor communications among the employer recruiters, third-party executive recruiters, and the candidates.
I believe there’s a competency component in play as well. It’s been my experience that most hiring managers and support staff have never had formal training to conduct an interview or to make effective hiring decisions. Again, the problem is amplified as more people become involved in the process.
Even more fundamental, employers often don’t know which skills and experience are needed. Although job descriptions are prepared for prospective employees, they often don’t capture the primary objective of the position.  Job Descriptions are usually created by a committee who may not understand the job function. If they do understand the job function,  they are unable to effectively communicate the position requirements.  “When I meet the right candidate, I will know it,” is closer to the norm.  This lack of clarity adds to inefficiency.
It seems to me that employers who manage their cultures pro-actively do a better job of recruiting and selection, however, their timeframe may be longer.  They know that the cost of a bad hire is greater than the benefit of a shorter time-to-hire.  I joked with Monica that with few exceptions when my candidates inquire about a client’s culture the best I can say is that it is in a state of flux. The marketplace is volatile, which makes it difficult to create a healthy, supportive culture.
I applaud Monica and Gina for taking on this project.  It is important and necessary.  In my experience, the recruiting and selection cycle time have not changed much. My view is that the time involved to recruit a new hire is symptomatic of the challenges faced by the modern company.  It was interesting that we did not discuss metrics like cost per hire, cost of turnover, or retention rates. My final thought for Monica was to think in terms of a matrix as the characteristics of the hiring decision is different for each function and level in the organization.

Thank you for visiting my blog.
Your feedback helps me continue to publish articles that you want to read.  Your input is very important to me so please leave a comment.

Jim Weber, Managing Partner

Author of: Fighting Alligators: Job Search Strategy For The New Normal
Current Assignments
1. COO- Atlanta-based Casual Dining Restaurant Company – New
2. Controller – Atlanta-based Consumer Products – Digital Company – Completed
3. Director of Biz Dev, Atlanta-based B2B Professional Services Company:    Completed
4. Payroll-Benefits Manager, Atlanta-based Retail Company:  Complete
5. Senior Accounting Manager – Atlanta-based Manufacturer. Complete
6. Controller – Atlanta-based Restaurant Company: New
7. Outplacement Assignment – Atlanta-based Manufacturer:  Complete