November Atlanta BENG Meeting featuring Donna Gallaher


Join Us for the November Atlanta BENG Chapter Meeting featuring Donna Gallaher

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“Introduction to FAIR Quantitative Risk Analysis Methodology”

Donna Gallaher provides Information Security and Operational Risk Management Advisory Services giving Boards of Directors and Senior Executive Management Teams the tools and expertise they need to navigate the unfamiliar waters of evolving markets. We facilitate collaboration among your company’s business units to develop policies and operational risk mitigation strategies appropriate for your risk tolerance. Donna will present:

Date And Time

Tue, November 12, 2019

7:30 AM – 9:30 AM EST

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Donna Gallaher:

Donna Gallaher

Ms. Gallaher served as a C-Level Strategic Advisor in IT and Cyber Strategy for multiple global companies for over 15 years drawing from her previous successes in engineering, solution selling, IT operations and leadership. She provides value to clients by thoroughly understanding business and regulatory requirements, assessing obstacles and translating technical challenges into business risks allowing technology to function as a business enabler. Linkedin


Bella’s Gourmet Kitchen

350 Embassy Row Northeast

Sandy Springs, GA 30328

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The Atlanta chapter of the Business Executives Networking Group (BENG) is a multidiscipline, independent group of job seekers, those currently employed and business networkers, who are willing to help others. Current membership includes mid to senior-level executives with over ten (10) years of business experience. Past attendees have come from financial management, information technology, legal, manufacturing, engineering, transportation, logistics, distribution, and general management industries. We actively seek new members from all disciplines.


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Building Relationships to Land Consulting Engagements – You Are The Product!

Building Relationships

It’s been a while since I thought much about the process I employ to generate new business.   Even though I’ve been managing my business for over twenty years, I don’t think about the processes I use to generate more business. I have an effective system in place which I execute diligently.  Building relationships with prospective clients has become second nature, almost intuitive.  Recently, I have been thinking a lot about my business development systems and processes, however.  Since making a commitment to deliver a presentation on selling consulting services, I’ve been compelled to reconsider the matter. As you would expect, the subject has been on my mind quite a bit lately.

Friday, I discussed my progress on the presentation with my friend Faith.  During our discussion, I mentioned that I hadn’t chosen a topic for this week’s blog post.  I said that I would like to continue the theme of the last few weeks, building relationships.  She suggested that I write about building professional relationships that generate new business.  I liked her idea and I’m pleased to continue exploring this subject.

As I think about it, my work is all about building and strengthening relationships. People come to me seeking new jobs and career advice. I like to do what I can for them. Although I may not be able to help them immediately, I believe it’s important to understand their needs and aspirations.  At some point, I will learn of an opportunity to provide assistance.  By doing so, I am creating a foundation for a long-term relationship.

Mary’s situation is a good example. Mary is in the process of closing the family business and moving her residence to Atlanta.   She came to me looking for help transitioning from her position as COO for an industrial company to become an employee for another company.  Currently, she is not able to devote 100% of her time to job search, so starting the process has been prolonged.  I immediately connected her with two networking groups to begin her transition.

Two weeks ago, we scheduled a call to discuss her situation. I had promised to review her resume and owed her my feedback. After providing my thoughts, she asked if I would take her on as a coaching client. I agreed, of course, and we scheduled a follow-on, face-to-face meeting.  Reflecting on our interaction, we developed a relationship that resulted in new business for me.  She came to trust me because I demonstrated a sincere interest in her career aspirations.  I connected her with others who could be helpful and provided suggestions to improve her resume.  Stated another way, I showed a genuine interest in helping her and demonstrated my capabilities.  Interestingly, I never pitched her on the idea of becoming a client.

Selling consulting services is about selling an intangible product.  One cannot touch, hold, see, smell, or hear the product.  It is something that can only be imagined.  Those buying consulting services are taking a leap of faith.  In many ways, the process is the same as completing a successful series of job interviews.  The candidate’s primary objective is to establish rapport with the hiring manager.  After all, we want to work with people we like and who like us.  To achieve a successful outcome, one must establish a personal connection.  So, building rapport requires effective interpersonal skills.  Those skills include the following:

  • Empathy – needs assessment
  • A Positive Mental Attitude
  • Appreciation/Gratitude
  • Mutual Respect
  • Accountability
  • Offer something of value – a gift.
  • Professionalism
  • Honesty and forthrightness

As with any job interview, you are being evaluated on every step of the selection process including an offer of employment.  As you work to gain the prospect’s confidence, your working style and ethics are on display.  The prospect is becoming comfortable, or not, with the idea of working with you. A well-executed process is critical! I cannot overemphasize the importance of this phase of the sales cycle.

Selling consulting services is a process governed by the fact that you are selling an intangible product, the prospect’s desired outcome.  As a consultant, your job is to make the product tangible and mitigate the prospect’s doubt.  You are the product!  The attributes of the product you’re selling are your attributes: competence, professionalism, empathy, and ethics among others.  You will demonstrate these attributes by developing a working relationship with the prospect.  By developing solid relationships, you will ensure the success of your business.

Thank you for visiting our blog.

I hope you enjoyed our point of view and would like to receive regular posts directly to your email inbox.  Toward this end, put your contact information on my mailing list.

Your feedback helps me continue to publish articles that you want to read.  Your input is very important to me so; please leave a comment.

Jim Weber – Managing Partner, ITB Partners

Jim Weber, Managing Partner


North Fulton Business RadioX Interview, September  26, 2019

Author of: Fighting Alligators, Job Search Strategy For The New Normal

Kevin Garrett Named Five Star Wealth Manager Market Commentary – October 28, 2019


Kevin Garrett – Integrated Financial Group

The October 2019 issue of Atlanta Magazine, in partnership with an independent research firm QMI Research, named Kevin Garrett as a 2019 FIVE Star Wealth Manager. This is the sixth consecutive year that he has received this award, and the seventh in eight years. Kevin is a partner of Integrated Financial Group, a consortium of professional advisors.


“I’m appreciative of the recognition of this award. While its great to be included in this group, we always strive to improve our client’s experiences, like our Return On Life program that we are rolling out this year which is designed to give our clients the best chance to live their ideal life,” Garrett commented.


The Five Star program is the largest and most widely published wealth manager award program in North America. As part of the updated research process for the Five Star Wealth Manager program, firms and peers nominate award candidates. Award candidates are evaluated against 10 objective criteria to determine the Five Star Wealth Managers in more than 40 major markets. The updated Five Star Wealth Manager award process includes:


Eligibility Criteria – Required:
1. Credentialed as an investment advisory representative or a registered investment advisor.  2. Actively employed as a credentialed professional in the financial services industry for a minimum of five years. 3. Favorable regulatory and compliant history review. 4. Fulfilled their firm review based on internal firm standards.  5. Accepting new clients.


Evaluation Criteria – Considered: 6. One-year client retention rate. 7. five-year client retention rate. 8. Non-institutional discretionary and/or non-discretionary client assets administered.  9. The number of client households served.  10. Educations and professional designations.


3,197 award candidates in the Atlanta area were considered for the Five Star Wealth Manager award.  285 (approximately 9% of the award candidates) were named 2019 Five Star Wealth managers.


You can see the listing in the October edition of ATLANTA Magazine

My firm specializes in working with people that experience what we call “Sudden Income.” Typically the income came from one of these events:

1) Accessing and Managing Retirement Assets
2) A Performance Contract (Typically a Sports or Entertainment Contract)
3) Divorce Settlement
4) An inheritance or Insurance Payout
5) Sale of a Business or Stock Options
6) A Personal Injury Settlement

I believe the unique nature of these events requires specialized professional experience, empathy, and communication to deal with both the financial changes and the life changes that inevitably come with them.

My clients value my ability to simplify complex strategies into an actionable plan. They also appreciate that I am open, non-judging and easy to talk to about their dreams and fears. Each client defines financial success differently and my goal is to guide them from where they are now to where they want to be. As my client’s advisor, my goal is to provide them with a lifetime income stream, improving returns, protecting their funds and managing taxes.


Firm Specialties:

  • Retirement Planning For Business Owners & Executives
  • Woman’s Unique Financial Planning Needs
  • Professional Athletes
  • Investment/Asset Allocation Advice
  • Estate Planning
  • Risk Management
  • Strategic Planning

Kevin was listed in 

The Wall Street Journal as “One of the Financial Advisors In The Southeast That You Need To Know” 


Kevin was listed in Forbes Magazine’s Annual Financial Edition as a Five Star Financial Advisor  

Kevin has been awarded the Five Star Professional Wealth Manager in Atlanta Magazine in 2012, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018.

Award based on 10 objective criteria associated with providing quality services to clients such as credentials, experience, and assets under management among other factors. Wealth managers do not pay a fee to be considered or placed on the final list of Five Star Wealth Managers.


Integrated Financial Group

200 Ashford Center North, Ste. 400 | Atlanta, GA 30338

Phone | 770.353.6311

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Website |

You Need To Step Up Your Game!

Effective Communications 

It isn’t often that I can observe my clients during their day-to-day interactions.  In my twenty years as an Executive Recruiter, I have observed only five interviews conducted by a client.  I found those situations interesting and most helpful.  As a coach and consultant, I usually rely on the client’s after-the-fact recollections of an encounter.  This is not ideal, as I only hear one side of the story.  Sometimes, I am fortunate enough to observe the encounter in real-time.  Those opportunities, however rare, result in a treasure trove of useful information.  I had one of those opportunities this past week.


I spent some time with a prospective client this week. It was an unusual situation as I was working with another client, who happens to be a vendor for the prospect.  This prospect has come to know me through my work with his vendor. Apparently, he likes my style and has talked with me about an engagement. So far, the discussion has been preliminary. I recognize a possible conflict of interest with my current client, which I intend to avoid.


My client and the prospect are typical entrepreneurs. They are hyperactive, creative types.  Maybe even a little ADD. Although affable and engaging, they share a common weakness, communication skills. When they aren’t understood, or work is not completed as they had envisioned, they become frustrated.  It’s as if they expect others to read their minds.  The resulting admonitions are unprofessional, unproductive, and borderline nasty.  They fail to provide clarity to their expectations and how to correct the issue if required.  I am amazed that neither recognizes the problem, but they aren’t happy with the symptoms.  My client has come to the realization that changes must be made if there is to be a productive working relationship with the prospect. Clearly, they lack self-awareness regarding this issue.


While with them this week, I experienced their interactions firsthand. I observed the prospective client’s interaction with others including his employees, vendors, and customers.  I observed his interaction with my client and a few of his subordinates. They were interesting and revealing. In one case he admonished an employee for his failure to complete an assignment. The prospect was agitated that the employee had not completed more work, challenging his work ethic. The prospect continued to repeat, “you’ve got to step up your game.” Regarding this encounter, I witnessed the instructions the employee received from my prospective client. The employee did exactly what he was told to do. The prospect failed to recognize the work completed by his employee and never explained what should have been completed.  My take on the situation is that the prospect was worried about something else and unloaded his frustration on the employee. Not exactly what I would call a positive management style.  The confrontation was a waste of time and detrimental to the employer-employee relationship.


I observed similar conversations between my client and the prospect. Those conversations included contradictory instructions and failure to establish clarity.  At one point, the prospect told my client “we must slow this project down,” then later, “you must speed up your work!” Totally contradictory.  When debriefing my client, I recommended that he make greater effort to achieve clarification. I suggested he ask questions and take cogent notes. Then confirm back with the prospect to ensure mutual understanding. Simple right?  Well, not necessarily. The other point is to make better use of technology. I recommended that my client use email, text messaging and meeting scheduling tools to ensure understanding.


This post is about working through a dysfunctional relationship, the need to improve one’s communication skills and the importance of hiring a coach or maybe even an Organization Psychologist.  I will continue my discussions with the prospect as I know I can be helpful.  At this point, the prospect needs a coach more than a consultant.


Thank you for visiting our blog.

I hope you enjoyed our point of view and would like to receive regular posts directly to your email inbox.  Toward this end, put your contact information on my mailing list.

Your feedback helps me continue to publish articles that you want to read.  Your input is very important to me so; please leave a comment.

Jim Weber – Managing Partner, ITB Partners

Jim Weber, Managing Partner


North Fulton Business RadioX Interview, September  26, 2019

Author of: Fighting Alligators, Job Search Strategy For The New Normal




Selling Consulting Services:  Are you asking the right questions?

As you would expect, I spend a lot of my time promoting ITB Partners to prospective clients who may need our consulting services. Additionally, I talk with many people who want to affiliate with our company to leverage their resources and create a sustainable independent consulting practice. This week was typical in that respect.


Of course, all my meetings are interesting.  I learn a lot from these conversations. One conversation stood apart this week. I received a phone call from a lady I have known for many years.  A millennial, she’s been developing a sideline business. She started by purchasing unclaimed freight and reselling that merchandise through Facebook.  As she learned about her customers and her skill set, her business became focused on selling women’s clothing. She has positioned herself as a fashion consultant.  Her unique selling proposition is helping women purchase clothing that best suits their body type and personal style.  As her business model requires consultative selling, I was very interested to learn how she connects with her clients and the process she uses to generate business.  She was very gracious as she answered all my questions.


Consulting services are categorized as intangible sales.  The product we sell is an improved future ‘state of being’ compared to the current situation.  The desired ‘state of being’ cannot be experienced physically.   One cannot see the outcome with their eyes; they cannot touch or taste the product as it currently doesn’t exist.  The product may be a significant increase in revenue, lower operating costs, greater profitability, or reduced risk.  These states can be measured only after they have occurred.  Those of us selling consulting services must conduct ourselves like a physician.  We want to make our clients feel better.


Last week I wrote about the value of listening which I believe to be an essential skill.  I am convinced that it is the most important tool required to be a good consultant.  I have been faithfully working to improve this skill. Toward that end, I remind myself to concentrate on what the other person is saying and to squelch thoughts about my response.  As with most sales processes, my meetings are about gathering information to qualify prospective clients, not to debate.  I endeavor to listen carefully and ask questions that yield useful information.  Asking the right questions is required to keep the conversation flowing.


I am fond of using the physician as an analogy for the consultant.  Before the physician can convince the patient on a  course of action (to resolve a problem) she must gain the patient’s trust and confidence.  The patient must be assured that the physician is prescribing a treatment that is in their best interest and that the physician is competent.  It is the same process for an independent consultant.  The first step is to gain the trust of the prospect and then to establish confidence.  To begin the process of creating trust, the consultant must establish rapport.  We do that by asking questions and listening thoughtfully to the prospect’s response.  Questions that reveal the prospect’s situation, concerns, and fears help the consultant understand the nature of the problem to be solved.  It also demonstrates empathy which establishes rapport.  Like a physician, we want to know ‘where it hurts,’ and to understand the prospect’s ideal situation.  Asking follow-up questions shows the prospect that you have a sincere interest to help them resolve their problems.  Sincerity on your part will establish trust.


When you’ve established trust, you can work to gain confidence.  Establishing confidence is based on quantifiable results.  In other words, how many times have you completed the prescribed work and what is your success rate?  If you are a surgeon prescribing a heart transplant, the patient will want to know how many heart transplants you’ve completed and if you lost any patients. This is a good time to have references available to ‘sing your praises.’


To be successful selling an intangible product like consulting services requires that you create a bond with the prospect.  Creating a bond, or establishing rapport is accomplished by listening carefully to understand the prospect’s pain.  Asking follow-up questions to completely understand the extent of the prospect’s situation helps ensure that you will close the deal.  So, take time to ask good questions, listen carefully, and close more deals.


Thank you for visiting our blog.

I hope you enjoyed our point of view and would like to receive regular posts directly to your email inbox.  Toward this end, put your contact information on my mailing list.

Your feedback helps me continue to publish articles that you want to read.  Your input is very important to me so; please leave a comment.

Jim Weber – Managing Partner, ITB Partners

Jim Weber, Managing Partner


North Fulton Business RadioX Interview, September  26, 2019

Author of: Fighting Alligators, Job Search Strategy For The New Normal




Jim Weber, Managing Partner – ITB Partners North Fulton Business RadioX interviews

John Ray of North Fulton Business RadioX interviews Jim Weber, Managing Partner – ITB Partners  September 26, 2019

“North Fulton Business Radio,” Episode 167:  Jim Weber, ITB Partners

On this edition of “North Fulton Business Radio,” Jim Weber, Managing Partner of ITB Partners joins host John Ray to talk about his consortium of independent management consultants which serves start-ups to midcap companies and beyond. “North Fulton Business Radio” is broadcast from inside Renasant Bank in Alpharetta.

Jim Weber, ITB Partners

Jim Weber

Jim Weber is Managing Partner of ITB Partners, a consortium of independent management consultants providing high value-added solutions to your problems. ITB Partners helps business managers solve their problems by connecting them with high-quality independent management consultants. ITB’s consultants are experienced leaders, discipline experts, and project managers. Clients are publicly and privately owned mid-caps; private equity groups and their portfolio companies, start-ups, acquisitions, and turnarounds. The firm’s industry expertise ranges from consumer packaged goods and manufacturing to supply/chain, logistics, and the service sector. Additionally, they have depth in consumer services franchising, specifically restaurant, hospitality, and retail. The core of the firm’s business is the belief that client success is paramount. This belief ensures that the focus is fixed on delivering a high-quality product. This client-focused approach is simple: Listen to understand the client’s needs analysis to provide insight; foster trust to forge a true business partnership; plan, implement and follow-through; and be accountable for results. ITB has a solid track record of success and long-term relationships with high repeat business. The firm’s referenced client list shows high client satisfaction. In addition, the consortium’s depth and breadth of skills, abilities, and experience include more than 25 years in multi-industry environments, leadership positions in large multi-national organizations, as well as experience in building and leading successful businesses.

For more information visit, or email Jim directly.

Thank you for visiting our blog.

Jim Weber – Managing Partner, ITB Partners

I hope you enjoyed our point of view and would like to receive regular posts directly to your email inbox.  Toward this end, put your contact information on my mailing list.

Your feedback helps me continue to publish articles that you want to read.  Your input is very important to me so; please leave a comment.




Jim Weber, Managing Partner


Author of: Fighting Alligators, Job Search Strategy For The New Normal

Webinar – Three Pillars For Success – October 10 at 2:00 p.m. Eastern

“Three Pillars For Success” Webinar


Join Us, October 10 at 2:00 p.m. Eastern  To Hear Jim Weber Present

The Three Pillars To Success


Get Serious about creating an effective business development plan!
Jim Weber – Managing Partner, ITB Partners

Jim Weber is President of New Century Dynamics Executive Search, and Managing Partner of ITB Partners, Management Consultants. He will be presenting “The Three Pillars for Success.”

This webinar is designed to help you if you are trying to attract new clients/customers, looking for a new full-time job, or considering a career as a Freelancer.
ITB Partners is a Consortium of independent management consultants providing high value-added solutions to your problems. For more information, please visit our website at
For more information about ITB Partners, please visit our website;
Thank You!
| Jim Weber | Managing Partner | ITB Partners |
| 770-649-7051 | |

Self Awareness and Career Alignment

I landed a new client this week, referred to me by another of our coaches. The client, John, had recently purchased a franchise for an online business.  He reached out to us because he’s having trouble generating revenue. John’s an occupational therapist.  This is his first experience as an entrepreneur; however, he has the presence of mind to know that he needs help.  As we were getting to know one another over the phone I asked about the training he had received from the franchisor.   He provided a brief overview but admitted that he wasn’t comfortable with some aspects of the Brand’s training, especially regarding customer acquisition.  That revelation gave me a clear direction for our first meeting.  There is obviously a disconnect between John’s desire to have a business and his willingness to follow the franchiser’s model for success.  To be helpful, I must understand his rationale for acquiring the franchise compared to his personal strengths and interests.


After reflecting on our conversation, I thought of another friend and former colleague, Susan.  I recall that Susan and I left a previous employer at the same time.  She immediately signed up for a seminar to help her chart her next career move.  One important topic of the seminar was achieving self-awareness.  After the seminar, she told me that her biggest revelation was that she was not meant to be in sales, that she should look to further her career in a staff function.  That made sense to me.  Later, she told me that she had taken a position with a major financial services company as a Financial Advisor, a euphemistic term for sales.  Of course, she wasn’t happy in that role and soon moved on.


You’ve probably noticed that people employed in the same occupation have similar personalities and interests.  The differences become more evident when one considers vastly different occupations, like engineers and people engaged in the performing arts.  Consider the personalities of salespeople as compared to librarians or academics.  Or, more to the point of my work, employees compared to entrepreneurs.  The most significant attributes of entrepreneurs include creativity, passion, persistence, optimism, and decisiveness. They are also independent, confident, and disciplined.  These attributes make sense to me given the risks assumed by entrepreneurs.  Any given line of work will have the greatest appeal to a specific type of individual.  To the extent that you “know yourself,” you will be in a better position to choose an appropriate career path.


It is said that knowing who you are, self-awareness, is of critical importance for a successful life.  So, what does one need to know about oneself to achieve self-awareness?  In business, companies begin their strategic planning cycle by conducting a SWOT Analysis.  SWOT is an acronym for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats underlying the planning process.  These four areas of interest are evaluated against the competition.  They may continue their internal assessment by evaluating their capabilities, i.e. market penetration, distribution network, financial resources, adaptability, intellectual capital, R&D, etc.  The evaluation of these attributes and issues will result in strategic options to consider and ultimately a three to five-year plan.


Achieving self-awareness for an individual involves a similar process.  Taking stock of one’s skills, strengths, and weaknesses is easily understood.  What are you good at doing?   Additionally, one should be familiar with their belief system, including values, interests, and the general direction you want to take in life.  What is important to you?  What motivates you to get out of bed in the morning?  Understanding the personality types that give you energy as opposed to those that zap your energy may be important.  What situations do you find stressful and try to avoid, compared to those you find exhilarating and attractive?   Fortunately, there are diagnostics to help you understand yourself, such as the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), Predictive Index Behavioral Assessment, Birkman, and Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI).  One of the benefits of these diagnostics is that they provide general guidelines as to occupations that align with your personality and interests.  To the extent that you are aligned with your work’s occupational requirements and skill set, you will have a greater likelihood of success and happiness.  If you haven’t had an opportunity to take one of these diagnostics, or if significant time has passed since you did, I recommend that you do so.  In doing research for this post I found several articles that present thoughtful questions to help you better understand yourself.  Links to some useful articles are included hereinbelow.

In “The Art of War,” Sun Tzu restated the already established axiom, “Know yourself, know your enemy, and you shall win a hundred battles without loss.” Socrates said that the unexamined life was not worth living. When asked if he could be more specific, he replied: ‘Know yourself.’


Articles of interest:

Thank you for visiting our blog.

Jim Weber – Managing Partner, ITB Partners

I hope you enjoyed our point of view and would like to receive regular posts directly to your email inbox.  Toward this end, put your contact information on my mailing list.

Your feedback helps me continue to publish articles that you want to read.  Your input is very important to me so; please leave a comment.

Jim Weber, Managing Partner


Author of: Fighting Alligators, Job Search Strategy For The New Normal



The Three Pillars of Success

Jim Weber Presents “The Three Pillars of Success “to the August Atlanta BENG Chapter Meeting 

Jim Weber – Managing Partner, ITB Partners

Jim Weber, Managing Partner ITB Partners, founder of New Century Dynamics Executive Search and the author of “Fighting Alligators: Job Search Strategy For The New Normal”  presented “The Three Pillars For Success”  to The BENG Atlanta Chapter in August.

This discussion is meant for career-minded professionals who are gainfully employed, or between situations, and independent business owners looking to become more successful.

To view this presentation, Click Here!

Thank you for interest in ITB Partners.

I hope you enjoyed our point of view and would like to receive regular posts directly to your email inbox.  Toward this end, put your contact information on my mailing list.

Your feedback helps me continue to publish articles that you want to read.  Your input is very important to me so; please leave a comment.

Jim Weber, Managing Partner


Author of: Fighting Alligators, Job Search Strategy For The New Normal



Drew Garner to Lead ITB Partners Accounting and Finance Practice Group

Drew Garner

Drew Garner is a C-Level financial executive with over 30 years of progressive leadership roles with market-leading Fortune 100, privately held and private equity-owned companies in the consumer products, retail, construction services, manufacturing and foodservice sectors in both B2B and B2C environments. He has consistently demonstrated strong leadership through collaboration with executive teams to develop and implement strategy, gain organizational buy-in, develop execution methodologies, deliver profitable results and manage positive change in growth companies as well as turnaround scenarios. Drew is a Certified Public Accountant and has an MBA degree from the University of Georgia.

Drew Garner has been a member of ITB Partners since May of 2017.  For the past year, and currently, Drew has been engaged as a Fractional CFO for Creative Community Solutions, a Norcross-based not-for-profit.

Please join me in welcoming Drew to his new role as leader/facilitator of the Accounting and Finance Practice Group.

Our Business Is Your Success


ITB Partners

ITB Partners is a Consortium of independent
management consultants providing high value-added solutions to your problems.

We help Managers solve their problems by connecting them with high-quality
Independent Management Consultants.
Our consultants are experienced leaders, discipline experts, and project managers. Our clients are publicly and privately owned mid-caps; private equity groups and their portfolio companies, start-ups, acquisitions, and turnarounds.

Our industry expertise ranges from consumer packaged goods and
manufacturing to supply/chain, logistics, and the service sector.
Additionally, we have depth in consumer services franchising, specifically
restaurant, hospitality, retail.

Call us now to determine how we can help your business succeed.

Thank you for visiting ITB Partners.

Jim Weber – Managing Partner, ITB Partners

I hope you enjoyed our point of view and would like to receive regular posts directly to your email inbox.  Toward this end, put your contact information on my mailing list.

Your feedback helps me continue to publish articles that you want to read.  Your input is very important to me so; please leave a comment.

Jim Weber, Managing Partner


Author of: Fighting Alligators, Job Search Strategy For The New Normal