Job Search in the Latest “New Normal” – Recruiting and Selection Dynamics

Networking is still key!

It is normal for me to talk with a lot of job seekers and this week was no exception.  One conversation was remarkable, albeit in a disappointing way.  Steve was referred to me by a colleague as his job search has been ineffective.  Happy to help, I scheduled a phone call to exchange information and to learn about his career interests.  The gist of our conversation is that Steve is having difficulty generating interest from employers.  He is an experienced professional with an advanced degree, but he is uncomfortable networking.  He is reticent about making even a small effort in that direction.  The bulk of his search has been about submitting his resume to company portals and online job boards.  He has not done much research into other resources, tools, and techniques to leverage his efforts.   I explained that up to 85% of people find their jobs through networking, while online applications account for about 10%.  I encouraged him to spend his time accordingly.  It was a difficult conversation. My advice did not seem to resonate.  The best I could do was offer suggestions and encourage him to check in from time to time.

My last post was the first in a series of articles to explore Job Search in the Latest “New Normal.”  In that post, I discussed the importance of situational awareness to understand the dynamics of the job market.  One must have three hundred and sixty-degree understanding of playing field to ensure a successful outcome.  The impact of Covid-19 has accelerated many trends already evident in the market. In this post, I explore evolutionary aspects of recruiting and selection processes the job seeker may encounter.

Although the economy is improving and companies are rehiring, it is unclear as to the continued pace of the recovery.   Women are said to be hardest hit by the pandemic related layoffs.  They are concerned about the economic impact on their family’s well-being.  They wonder how much time will pass before they begin earning a regular paycheck again.  If they have school-age children at home, their careers may be put on hold as school systems opt for virtual education.  For many, their concentration is short-term survival, less so for the long term.  This is reasonable and probably good thinking.

If you believe the economic forecasts, employers are planning for a favorable fourth quarter.  Their recruiting activity must begin now if they expect to be staffed by Fall.  They are using virtual tools to facilitate more of their recruiting, selection, and onboarding processes. Most employers are soliciting applications through online portals.  Additionally, they are likely to use applicant tracking systems (ATS) to make the process more efficient. Video interviews have gained greater acceptance, especially for senior-level positions.  Now, I am hearing that these tools are becoming commonplace across a wider range of job categories.  This makes sense to me as video conferencing is an obvious solution for recruiters who may be working from home.   These tools are effective, affordable, and easy to use.  The job seeker must become adept with the virtual interview.

The pace of hiring is not uniform across all industry segments.  The media has reported several stories about iconic brands that have announced plans to hire a significant number of new employees.  On the other hand, many smaller businesses are struggling to survive or planning to close.  Many of the latter are service-sector operations, including restaurants.  Finding job opportunities in this segment is problematic.  One can reasonably expect six months to a year or more before the economy reaches the pre-pandemic staffing level for this segment.  You should consider redeploying your skillset for opportunities in growing industry segments.

Tips to Improve your search:

  • Networking is still the key
  • Embrace Social Media
  • Think creatively – consider your transferable skills
  • Become comfortable with video interviews
  • Consider freelance work as a bridge strategy

We cannot fully appreciate the potential economic downside or the possible upside as we adapt to Covid-19.  Assuming that surrender is not an option, we must adapt.  The recruiting and selection process has gone virtual, so we must become proficient with virtual tools and processes.  Networking is still the most viable way to find a new job, so embrace that activity.  Become a confident networker if not an expert.  Include virtual networking in your portfolio via LinkedIn, email outreach, and other social media platforms.  Consider the value of your skill-stack to support a career move to a high-performing industry segment.  Be open to freelance work as a bridge strategy to a full-time situation, or maybe a new career.  We cannot predict the jobs that may go away or those that will be created.  It is safe to say, however, that new career opportunities will be available to you if you do your research and seek them out.

Thank you for visiting our blog.

Jim Weber – Managing Partner, ITB Partners

I hope you enjoyed our point of view and would like to receive regular posts directly to your email inbox.  Toward this end, put your contact information on my mailing list.

Your feedback helps me continue to publish articles that you want to read.  Your input is very important to me so; please leave a comment.

Jim Weber – Managing Partner,  ITB Partners

Job Search in the Latest New Normal

ITB Partners Members Meeting

We have reached the halfway point for 2020, which may be the strangest year of my life.  Your’s too, most likely. Working through the challenges presented by Covid-19 is certainly remarkable.  Few if anyone I know, has ever experienced a pandemic of this nature or the measures required to moderate its spread.  And then, the follow-on weeks of civil unrest. Yes, this year has been surreal.

The sudden transition from a booming economy to a voluntary lockdown has been jarring.  Overnight, we have gone from historically low to depression-level unemployment.  The relief provided by the Federal Government is unprecedented. It has helped employers and employees survive the lockdown.  To some extent, however, it may have been counterproductive as minimum wage earners lack the incentive to return to work before their benefits expire.  Nevertheless, many furloughed at the beginning of ‘shelter in place,’ lost their jobs as employers face the realities of survival.  Some of these people have reached out to me for help.

The underlying structure of the economy is still intact.

Even though many jobs are gone, at least temporarily, the underlying structure of the economy is still intact. This has not been a traditional recession where a bubble in the economy collapses.  It is closer to a natural disaster save for the destruction of infrastructure. The manufacturing, supply chain, logistics network has suffered a minimal impact.  The financial services sector has fared well.  The Service Sector has been hardest hit as the need for social distancing directly impacts their business model.  By design, the Service Sector is based on close personal contact. Even so, the road back to prosperity has not been closed.  The level of employment is rapidly improving.  There is a reason for guarded optimism.

My neighbor is a good case study.  He was furloughed from a senior-level construction and development position for a major restaurant brand.  By the end of the lockdown, his position was eliminated as his employer decided to reduce their development plans for 2020.

The good news is that he is a licensed Architect.   He has other options.  In fact, he has landed freelance work with architectural firms.  Additionally, he has found that positions, like the one he lost, are available locally.

I have received a significant uptick in calls from job seekers requiring help.  A few have not had to look for a job for many years and want to understand the changes in the recruiting and selection process.  Others are looking to become more competitive by improving their job search skills, resume, and other collateral material.  Most find the process confusing.  They seek clarity and direction.

Questions for The Job Seeker:

    • How is Your Situational awareness?
    • Are you savvy about the labor market dynamics?
    • Do you have a full appreciation for your options?
    • Do you understand the needs of your audience, employer risk?
    • Do you think and behave like a brand?  Be the product/brand!
    • How are your communication skills?
    • Do you understand how to navigate interview traps and pitfalls?

Situational Awareness:

The first step in the job search process is to gain situational awareness.  Job seekers face a dynamic market, especially for senior management. Employers are working mightily to remain relevant.  They face intense pressure from traditional and disruptive competition. Even the strongest brands can become distracted by mergers, acquisitions, downsizing, right-sizing, productivity improvement initiatives, etc. The newest challenge is, of course, a heightened concern for employers’ ability to survive the devastating impact of the pandemic driven lock-down.  Brands must not only survive the lock-down, they must learn to thrive in an environment requiring a greater focus on sanitation and hygiene.  They are forced to adapt, in real-time, as humanity suffers the first wave of the Covid-19 pandemic. Employers have cause to substitute technology for human capital.  Many companies will never reopen. This is not all bad.  Successful companies will become stronger, increasing demand for employees.

Conclusions and Recommendations:

What is your evaluation of the situation?  Are you working in an industry sector more, or less impacted by the virus?  Are your skills still in demand?   Do you need new skills or a tune-up?   What opportunities have been revealed?  How should you adjust your strategy?  Relevancy is a fundamental issue for job seekers.  If you need help, seek out professionals who understand the situation.  Remember, you are the product.  Be the product!  You must adjust and adapt to the “Latest New Normal.”

I will explore the remainder of these challenges in the next few weeks.

Thank you for visiting our blog.

Jim Weber – Managing Partner, ITB Partners

I hope you enjoyed our point of view and would like to receive regular posts directly to your email inbox.  Toward this end, put your contact information on my mailing list.

Your feedback helps me continue to publish articles that you want to read.  Your input is very important to me so; please leave a comment.

Jim Weber – Managing Partner,  ITB Partners

A Compelling Story Is Your Launchpad!

Compelling Stories Matter

In mid-June, I received an email from my next-door neighbor asking for help with a project.  Bob had just completed the first draft of a book and was beginning to think about the publishing process.  He thought I could help sort out his options. Six months ago, Bob shared his idea for a book so I wasn’t surprised by his request.  He wanted to tell a story about the challenges of becoming a Plant Manager, based on personal experience.  His interest was to write a novel in the style of “The Goal,”  by Eliyahu M. Goldratt and Jeff Cox.  It appears that the Covid-19 voluntary lockdown provided him with the perfect opportunity to write his book.   We scheduled a Beer Summit for 4:00 p.m. Saturday.

Bob arrived at our side door, off the kitchen, with a six-pack of chilled Pilsner Urquell.  That was a pleasant surprise as I had just stocked our beverage center with a few of my favorite brands.  He explained that Pilsner Urquell is a brand he came to appreciate while stationed in Germany.  Always interested in trying a new brew, I thanked him and grabbed two glasses.  After a brief toast, we exited the kitchen door to the deck and found seats on the shaded corner around the fire pit.  The beer was a good choice.  We began to talk.
He reminded me of his plan to write a book to help launch a consulting career.  The opportunity presented itself, so he took it.  Bob said that he had been talking to friends about their publishing experience.  So far, the feedback he had received was about traditional publishing.  He said he wanted to hear about my self-publishing experience.  I told him how I had published my book on Amazon, and I volunteered to introduce him to colleagues who had significantly more self-publishing experience.  Also, I suggested that he distribute his manuscript to ten or twelve trusted friends to gain their perspectives.  Bob asked if I would like to read his draft. I happily agreed.
The following Saturday, we met again to discuss his manuscript.  As with our first meeting, Bob supplied the beer, this time a six-pack of Guinness, one of my favorites.  We found our spots on the corner of my deck and opened our beers.  Small talk followed as we eased into serious conversation.
Bob had emailed his manuscript in MSWord format.  I read it in ten-page printed chunks, making notes on those pages.  Before handing Bob his marked-up manuscript, I explained that my focus was on the quality of the story, not the grammar, sentence structure, or syntax.  I made notations of issues in those areas for his consideration, however.
As I handed Bob the manuscript I complimented him for creating a remarkable story and enjoyable read.  I went on to say that my only recommendation was that he consider changing his opening chapter.  Bob had used the first chapter to introduce Bud, the main character.   My suggestion was that Bob presents Bud’s biographical information in a series of flashbacks to provide perspective as to how his experience informed his problem-solving and decision-making process.  By doing so I believe it would generate stronger reader interest by captivating their imagination at a more dramatic part of the story.

Summary and Conclusion

Everyone likes a good story.  It is human nature, part of our DNA so to speak.  For millennia, humans have entertained themselves by telling stories around the proverbial campfire.  One can imagine the origin of the first Fish Story, “you should have seen the one that got away.”
Things have not changed that much in the 21st Century as a good story is still the preferred way to sell a product and to keep one another entertained.  In fact, I stress this point with my consultants and coaching clients.  If one wants to be considered a Subject Matter Expert, (SME) or become recognized as a leader in their field, they must be able to sell themselves.  In other words, we must be effective communicators.  Our skillset must include mastery of the written word as well as verbal communication skills.  A compelling story can be your launchpad for more effective networking, blogging, and speaking.

Thank you for visiting our blog.

Jim Weber – Managing Partner, ITB Partners

I hope you enjoyed our point of view and would like to receive regular posts directly to your email inbox.  Toward this end, put your contact information on my mailing list.

Your feedback helps me continue to publish articles that you want to read.  Your input is very important to me so; please leave a comment.

Jim Weber – Managing Partner,  ITB Partners

Job Search – What’s Your Story?

How To Stand Out?

Now we know what it is like to shelter in place for the better part of two months.  But try to imagine being in the middle of a job search, making good progress, just to have the Covid-19 shelter-in-place recommendation induce a dead stop? What a bummer!  Well, a lot of people found themselves in this situation.  I talked with several and have taken on a few as clients.

I worked with one client who is in a job search for the first time in 15 years.  This client lost her job before the shelter in place began and was just getting traction when everything stopped.  She came to me seeking help with her resume and networking efforts.  She needed a skills tune-up.

A lot has changed since her last job search.  The proliferation of online job boards and electronic resume submissions is a major change.  She wanted to ensure that her resume featured the best keywords to optimize her results with automated resume reading programs.

Then again, job search has not changed that much, especially for senior managers.  85% of jobs are still secured via old fashioned networking.  10% of jobs are found through job boards, with the balance through Executive Recruiters.  Naturally, my advice to job seekers is to allocate their time in the same proportions.  It is not easy at first for those who are not confident networking.  It is easier to sit in front of a computer screen, applying for jobs.  Of course, they become frustrated by the lack of response.

I begin coaching a new client by seeking to understand their career.  This helps me determine how to present the client in a compelling way.  More importantly, I want the client to articulate their story effectively and concisely.  It is not easy at first for most, but eventually, they get it.  This is one of my towering strengths.

The resume is the best place to start.  A well-crafted resume will tell a story about patterns of success and career growth. These patterns reveal the candidate’s orientation toward measurable results, or not.  It also tells something about the type of work and environment where they are most effective.  Are their skills best suited to taking on new projects or assignments?  Are they better suited to turnarounds or troubleshooting?  Do they thrive in ambiguous situations that require rationalization, or making incremental improvements to established lines of business? Whatever the case, I help them identify their career patterns. They become the theme of the candidate’s story.   Make the theme of your career story stand out.

The first time a recruiter or hiring manager touches a resume it is likely to receive little more than 20 seconds of their time.  Obviously, the reader is scanning, not reading. They are absorbing impressions.  Their focus is on the first third of the first page. They are looking for a headline, keywords, phrases, and job titles.  If they are not captivated by what they see, that will be the end of one’s opportunity.  I make those key points jump off the page.

To tell an effective story you must know your audience.  Are you sending your resume to an internal or an external recruiter? Maybe it is going to the hiring manager.  Are you responding to an online Job Posting? Are you scheduled to attend a networking meeting or maybe a one-on-one?  Is your LinkedIn Profile current?   Each point of contact represents a different audience, requiring a different vehicle.  Your job search tools include your resume, Bio, Cover Letter, LinkedIn page, Key Results Summary, and business cards.  They are to be used in a coordinated manner, each for a specific purpose.  A detailed resume is your foundation document.

Make your resume an interesting read.  Make it read like a story.  Each sentence must draw the reader into your journey.  Make them want to read the next sentence, then the next.  When you review your resume, look to see if it tells a story.  Is it clear and compelling?  Is there a common theme woven throughout?    Does it make you look interesting?  Does it entice the reader to schedule a meeting?  If the answer to those questions is not in the affirmative, you have work to do.

Thank you for visiting our blog.

Jim Weber – Managing Partner, ITB Partners

I hope you enjoyed our point of view and would like to receive regular posts directly to your email inbox.  Toward this end, put your contact information on my mailing list.

Your feedback helps me continue to publish articles that you want to read.  Your input is very important to me so; please leave a comment.

Jim Weber – Managing Partner, ITB Partners



UNITE: “WEE WILL…” EXPERIDIGM Enable “E”cosystems; by Mark Grace


We humans and “E”cosystems (Es) must unite as WeE to preserve and foster the ability to joyfully experience a natural and healthy life. “Es” sustain We with natural air, water, soil, and healthy food, but “Es” are dying from human poisons/pollution and intentional “T”yrant taking. WeE must unite and build meaningful WeE experidigm group rights to ensure WeE ability to survive and pursue healthy experiences. Learn how to create lasting WeE experidigm group rights. Unite and joyfully WeE experidigm together. Live healthy and experience Amness joy. Use Part 4 as a Field Guide to help WeE and “E” successfully survive and experidigm together.


The future of humanity depends on the human ability to better live together and do activities together – I call this experidigming. Our future does not depend on how well we work together in business. We are pretty good at that now. We are poor at living together with and supporting all living entities in ecosystems (“Es”). Over 7.8 billion people are consuming “Es” at an unprecedented rate. Left unmanaged and unchecked, people may consume all “E.” Our future depends on how well We humans respect, steward, and support all living entities in “E.” This book describes how to have We humans and “E” living entities experidigm together as WeE, building a sustaining and thriving relationship for all within the WeE experidigms. One fact is certain – humans cannot survive without the life giving power of “E” to deliver clean air, water, alive soil, and trillions of living entities that share healthy food with humans. WeE experidigm groups can protect, sustain, and foster “E” while defending WeE using experidigm group rights. We and “E” must unite as WeE to sustain life and create the necessary balance of life to sustain daily living. Join a local WeE experidigm group to do activities and receive joy. This book describes how to UNITE and participate in the joyful experience of We and “E” combined WeE.

About The Author

Mark Grace

Described as a rainmaker and innovation leader, Mark Grace lives by the adage, “Aim higher, achieve more!” For Grace, “There will be setbacks, but the good side just points upward and you go upward to better. You might not see better right away, but better is there if you keep looking and seeking. You can avoid, deflect, and ignore the bad people who try and stop your growth.” As an inventor, Grace has received over 18 patents, many trademarks and has been honored with international technology awards. He is the author of a series of personal and corporate “how to grow” opportunity books: 1) Elements of Visual Talking, 2) Soaring to Awesome-Turd Throwers Beware, 3) Choosing Up, 4) Avoid Takers, 5) NEXT: “I Am…” Experidigmer 6) MORE: “We Am…” Experidigmers, 7) GO: “We Will…” Experidigm, and 8) UNITE: “WeE Will…” Experidigm. Grace earned his MBA from Washington University and Chemistry degree from St. Louis University. He is the founder of the growth advisory firm, Beyondvia Technologies. offers practical better ways to liberate individuals and organizations to grow and evolve their visions and value. Grace regularly advises global organizations and contributes to leading journals across a myriad of industries. is the signup gateway to participating in Applied Experidigm Zones (AEZ) and building personal experidigms.


Needed: Agents to Market Cash-Back Benefits Program

Passive Income Opportunity

Phil Davis, of Retail Benefits, is looking for Agents to Market the Retail Benefits Cash-Back Program.

Retail Benefits (RBI) is the leading provider of organization sponsored B2B “cashback shopping” programs.  RBI engages over 4500 on-line retailers in providing an average of 4% to 5% cashback on everyday purchases.  The types of organizations that sponsor RBI include Banks and Credit Unions, Church and Charities, Not-for-profits, Retailers, and other organizations.

Just like newspapers and other media advertising, Cashback programs are designed by retailers to attract shoppers to their online portals.

You may have heard of Rakuten/Ebates, the biggest cashback provider in the direct to consumer space. Retail Benefits, Inc. (RBI), is the biggest provider in the business to business space.

Organizations that sponsor RBI include:

  • Banks and Credit Unions
  • Church and Charities
  • Delivery Services
  • Franchisors
  • Grocery Stores
  • Insurance Companies
  • Multiple Level Marketers
  • Political Parties
  • Power and Gas Companies
  • Resellers
  • Retailers
  • Social Media Providers
  • Unions

People say, “It’s not what you know, but WHO you know that matters.”  Clearly it takes both, but the value of what you know is often realized through who you know.

As we all know, not all relationships are created equally.  The referrals I seek share the following characteristics:

  1. With an organization that regularly communicates to 10,000 or more consumers who may shop on-line.
  2. The Partner’s relationship is with one or more senior executives in the organization. The closer to the C-Suite, the better.
  3. And, it is a relationship of trust between you and your contact.

There are twelve distinct verticals that fit the Retail Benefits, cashback model. We will explore those sectors in the coming months.  Because it’s an election year, let’s focus on “Political Parties.”

A political party that adopts the Retail Benefits cashback fundraising app and makes it their own (The Democrat Cash Back Shopping App) will realize the following advantages:

  • Year-Round Fund RaisingCashback is automatic and on-going. Once the donor signs up and downloads the shopping app, everything happens automatically.
  • No out-of-pocket expense for donors – Cashback donations to the Party are from the money that has always been spent shopping. Therefore, no new donor expenditures are required
  • Drive engagement in the Party – A portion of cashback can be directed to the donor as “donor bucks” to purchase special offers and merchandise (such as hats, shirts, pins, etc.)
  • Designated the donations to multiple purposes –  The donations can be subdivided to support designated candidates and/or party levels (national, state, and county).

For more information about Retail Benefits, please contact Phil Davis at:  or  678-977-5578.

In our next article, I will be talking about the special advantages of Associations.  Associations is a broad category that includes professional organizations, fraternities and sororities, and college and university fundraising.


I the meantime, if you need more information or if you think you might have a referral, contact me so we can explore the possibilities together.


Phillip Davis

Philip Davis

Philip Davis

Referral Partner

Retail Benefits, Inc.


Complimentary Offer For Coaching, Consulting, and Mentoring During Pandemic

Jim Weber – Managing Partner, ITB Partners

This is a difficult, even unprecedented time.  There is great uncertainty, and many are fearful.  Some are suffering through this alone. Thankfully, this pandemic comes at a time when our technology makes forced isolation bearable.

In difficult times the American Spirit shines brightest because we face our challenges together.  Given the strength of our relationships, the value we place on one another, I am confident that we will overcome this scourge.  We may be bruised, but we will emerge stronger.


From a personal perspective, I believe my life’s mission is to help however I can.  My goal is to focus on what I can control and avoid dwelling on issues beyond my control.

I know that my core strength is helping people navigate the new normal for employment and career management. In many respects, this was the genesis of ITB PARTNERS.

I want you to know that I am here to help you. In fact, I am happy to offer my services free of charge to help you through this difficult time.

There are many things we can discuss, but I may be most helpful in the following areas:

  1. Navigating the quarantine.
  2. Developing a Personal Recovery Plan.
  3. Maintaining relationships with your customers, clients, and network.
  4. Viable Job Search Strategies.
  5. Key considerations to anticipate from the recovery.
  6. Significant trends to consider in your planning.
  7. Evaluating options and setting priorities.
  8. How to start a business.

Ultimately, I’m available to talk with you even if to bounce around some ideas or offer introductions from my vast network.

So, here’s my offer:

If you would like a free 30-minute consultation, email  with this subject: “I Want  to Schedule a Free Consultation.”   I will respond back with my calendar tool to schedule a telephone or video call.

I hope you find this useful and will schedule a call.  If nothing else, I would enjoy an update from you to know how you are coping.

Best wishes for your continued health and safety.

Thank you for visiting our blog.

Jim Weber – Managing Partner, ITB Partners

I hope you enjoyed our point of view and would like to receive regular posts directly to your email inbox.  Toward this end, put your contact information on my mailing list.

Your feedback helps me continue to publish articles that you want to read.  Your input is very important to me so; please leave a comment.

Jim Weber – Managing Partner, ITB Partners


April 14 ZOOM Meeting of The BENG Atlanta Chapter

The BENG Atlanta Chapter April 14 Meeting Will Be Held Via ZOOM!  To join the meeting, follow this link:

Register for The BENG April 14 ZOOM Meeting!

Email To:  Jim.Weber@itbpartners   Subject: Yes, Reserve My Place for The BENG Atlanta Chapter April Meeting viaZOOM

Remove What’s NOT Working from Your Networking


According to a LinkedIn survey in 2017, almost 80 percent of professionals consider networking to be important to their career success. Not only that, but 70 percent of respondents said they were hired at a company where they had a connection.

Whether you are networking to find new clients, a better job, or the love of your life, your results will definitely improve if you remove what’s not working and replace it with more effective actions.

Invest one hour of your time in this session and leave with:

  • A clearly defined goal for your networking
  • Identification of your ineffective networking activities that are holding you back
  • Options for less common activities that have been proven more effective
  • A revised networking “game plan” you can start using today

Our speaker:

Richard Kirby

Richard Kirby is “The K Factor”. His formula for client success is Inspirational+Analytical=Inevitable.

For the past 18 years, Richard has coached corporate executives desiring career improvements inside or outside their current employers. He is also the author of Fast Track Your Job Search (and Career!), an eBook available on and A critical component of his individual coaching programs and his book is business networking. More information can be found about Richard at or

Register for The BENG April 14 ZOOM Meeting!

Email To:   Subject: Yes, Reserve My Place for The BENG Atlanta Chapter April Meeting viaZOOM

Impact of Cashback Shopping on Shoppers, Retailers, and Sponsors

Particularly in the era of “social distancing”, on-line shopping is growing at a rapid pace and with it, the opportunity presented by “Cash Back Shopping.”  Cashback shopping taps into the normal marketing budgets of on-line retailers.  Just like newspaper and other media advertising, Cash Back programs are designed by retailers to attract shoppers to their on-line shopping sites and to make purchases based on their standard pricing, discounts, reward, and customer service policies and the new dimension of cashback shopping.  You’ve probably heard of the biggest cashback provider in the direct to consumer space which is Rakuten/Ebates. On the other hand, the biggest provider in the business to business space is Retail Benefits, Inc. (RBI).

Retail Benefits markets only through 3rd parties such as banks and credit unions, businesses (with large direct to consumer marketing reach), churches and charities, and political parties.  Retail Benefits is an invisible partner to its sponsor organizations as RBI provides the downloadable app that connects the sponsor organization with its potential shoppers and over 4,500 on-line retailers who participate in the program.  The RBI app is always customized and branded to each sponsor using the sponsor’s own marketing message and its standard “look and feel”.  Using Retail Benefits is a one time download of the app onto the shopper’s desktop computer and/or mobile device.  Once the installed the shopper shops as always and receives cash back on every purchase.

The cash flows from the retailer to RBI to the sponsor.  Each sponsor then uses the cashback to advance its mission.  Examples include charities that keep all or most of the cashback as a tax-deductible donation; banks and credit unions that add the cashback to enhance their existing cashback programs on the credit cards they are already offering, and business that keeps a portion of the cashback to enhance net income and convert the balance into “business bucks” to pay for the services they normally sale.

To learn more about how cashback shopping can create a strategic advantage for you and/or your contacts, contact Phil Davis, Retail Benefits Partner.

Phillip Davis

Philip Davis

Referral Partner

Retail Benefits, Inc.




Things Will Change – New Habits Will Be Created

Early in my career, I learned that it is unwise to rebuild a retail outlet on site when there is an option to build on another site better positioned to serve the trade area.  Taking an outlet off-line for reconstruction, forced our customers to seek alternatives.  They began shopping with other brands, creating new habits.  And, the rebuilt outlet seldom regained their full sales volume.  It was a bad investment.  Building a new outlet in a better location avoided the lost revenue while creating excitement for the new store.  It was usually a better investment.

Once a new shopping pattern is established (read – a new habit), it is difficult to revert.  This experience gives me confidence that the effect of the Covid-19 outbreak will create new habits and accelerate other trends.

Trends to Watch

  • Improved/Greater Focus on Personal Hygiene
  • Remote Working
  • Internet Shopping/Home Delivery
  • Tele-Medicine
  • Virtual Meetings

The first change I expect is an increased vigilance toward sanitation.  It is obvious that people are likely to become accustomed to washing their hands more often, hopefully using anti-bacterial soap.  It’s reasonable to expect retailers and other employers to adopt measures to better protect their customers and employees.  Who knows, this might lead to a reduction in overall flu cases, reducing absenteeism.  Even now, I have a client in the Janitorial Services Sector who is generating significant add-on sales from an innovative sanitizer product.

My friend Faith says that this pandemic will be the catalyst to make telemedicine a more widely accepted modality of care. “Telemedicine has been operational for 40 years.  It has had a tremendous resurgence since 2016 and continues to increase in utilization.  Telemedicine, including telehealth, is viewed as a viable option to access needed care.  Copays and other fees are being waived both for commercial and Medicare patients.   The virtual platform that is steering patients will become more widely accepted and utilized. There was already a push for digital applications to handle chronic conditions, urgent care, follow up visits, and medical consultations.  It will be difficult to resume pre-pandemic modes of care.”

As I begin my third day of voluntary quarantine, I have changed the plans for our monthly meeting in favor of a ZOOM meeting.   Based on government guidance, I decided to conduct a virtual meeting instead.  It isn’t as useful from a networking perspective, but the content of the meeting will be presented well, and I will record the meeting for future reference.  I am hearing that many of my colleagues have been engaged in virtual meetings this week.   I imagine that many will become more accustomed to virtual meetings during this quarantine.

As people work from home for the next two weeks, many managers who are uncomfortable with remote working will have an opportunity to change their thinking.  Imagine the overall benefit of working from home. Less commuting time via automobile will benefit employee mental health and productivity while lowering the cost of owning an automobile.  The benefit to the environment and maintenance of infrastructure will be enormous.   Mass commuting to and from work by automobile is no longer practical or sustainable.

Yesterday, I heard that is hiring another 100,000 workers.  It’s safe to say that the home shopping trend, including restaurant delivery, will experience a surge of growth.  One can imagine how restaurants will change their business models to accommodate more home delivery.  I expect the creation of outlets providing delivery and carry-out only, without any accommodations for dine-in customers.  This is a huge opportunity for grocery stores as well.

For the next two or more weeks we will be living outside our normal patterns.  Disruption of our typical routine will certainly result in the creation of new habits.  Working from home, making greater use of technology and new applications will reveal better ways to accomplish our work.  I expect that our quarantine will be a catalyst for accelerating change.

Thank you for visiting our blog.

Jim Weber – Managing Partner, ITB Partners

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Jim Weber – Managing Partner, ITB Partners